Part 600 (1/2)

PAYMENT, _s._ Drubbing, S.


PAINCHES, _s. pl._ Tripe, S.

V. ~Penche~.

_To_ PAYNE, PANE, _v. n._ To be at pains.


Fr. _se pein-er_, to trouble one's self.

PAYNE, _adj._ Pagan.

Fr. _payen_.


PAYNt.i.t. L. _paytent_, patent.

_Bannatyne P._

PAIP, _s._ Thistledown?


Fr. _pappe_, id.; or q. _papingay_, q. v.

PAIP, _s._ A cherry-stone picked clean, and used in a game of children, S.

E. _pip_; Fr. _pepin_, the seed of fruit.

_To_ PAIR, _v. a._

V. ~Pare~.

PAIRTLES, _adj._ Free from.


PAIS, _s. pl._ Retribution.

_Bannatyne P._