187 The Resolve (1/2)
What was she supposed to do?
Eunha had no idea.
Since Yoona was in Minhyun's office, she couldn't text her friend for advice. She didn't want to the c.o.c.kblock for the couple, but at the same time, she couldn't handle the heavy atmosphere.
Eunha had fought with Lucas many times but this was the first where she knew that she had handled the situation the wrong way. Now, he wasn't bothering to talk to her. The blonde boy was fuming.
She should apologize. That was the right thing to do. Better late than never. Yet, when she looked at him, she couldn't get herself to stand up and walk over.
It was weird. She almost felt scared.
Besides, even if she did apologize, she was ninety-nine percent sure that Lucas wouldn't take it well either. They had never been too close and always fought every time they spoke. It wasn't like an apology would change anything.
Yeah. There was no point in apologizing actually… Right?
The thorn in her heart continued to stay wedged as the minutes past.
Her eyes eventually trailed towards him.
f.u.c.k. She wasn't able to let this pa.s.s through. Her heart wouldn't let her. Plus, she wanted to have this handled before Yoona came down.
Yoona was used to their fights, but this time, there was something different. For some reason, both of their feelings seemed more hurt than usual. She could just sense it in the air.
Lucas was usually always angry, but this time, there was something different in his eyes. It brought her guilt.
She looked around her desk, trying to find ideas or props to help her apologize.
Then her eyes fell onto a flier.
It was for a trendy korean restaurant near their building. Originally, she got the flier because she wanted to visit there with Yoona however, since she was trying to apologize to Lucas, it didn't seem bad to bring him instead.
It will be awkward yes. But she couldn't think of any other ideas. He wasn't going to forgive her so easily - he didn't even like her that much anyways.
Besides, since Yoona was still in Minhyun's office, it was likely that those two would have lunch with each other. It was most likely that she wouldn't be able to visit the restaurant with her best friend anyways. But, just in case, Eunha made sure to text Yoona just in case to tell her that she was going out to eat with Lucas separately for personal issues.
She would tell Yoona later what happened in details anyways.
Now it was time to confront him.
She slowly stood up from her seat, her eyes not leaving Lucas's side. He wasn't paying attention and continuously typing.
With a nervous sigh, she tapped his shoulder lightly. This was it. Hopefully, he doesn't kill her.
Immediately, he turned around with an annoyed expression on his face. His eyes bore into hers. ”What do you want?”
His cold tone only made her heart sink.
”I-I,” she began nervously before shaking her head. Although she had her words planned in her head, at this moment, everything disappeared. ”Can we talk a little bit? I wanted to apologize.”
He paused for a moment, not typing on the computer, before turning his chair around. He crossed his arms. ”Alright.”
Eunha bit her lip. ”Okay, first off, I'm really sorry.”
Lucas tapped his foot against the ground. ”Sorry for what?”