Part 30 (1/2)

Swell Foop Piers Anthony 41550K 2022-07-22

But Jaylin was already rubbing the Ring. ”Trojan, appear.”

To Che's amazement, the Dark Horse appeared, huge and scintillating. ”Justin Tree is correct,” he said, and faded.

”That is some Ring,” Cynthia said weakly. ”I hope he doesn't punish us with terrible dreams.”

”He doesn't need to,” Sim squawked. ”He has just deleted our excuse for not entering the Void.”

The others nodded. Their worst fear now had to be braved.

”Well, let's go,” Breanna said. She shot a dark glance at Justin. ”But if we get caught forever in the Void, we're still getting married. You can't escape.”

”I wouldn't think of it,” Justin replied, pleased.

They marched across the line. Che saw that the region beyond the line was no black void, but a pleasant slope with flowers and trees. It seemed to be completely unthreatening.

Then Che saw two winged centaurs running by, a male and a female. ”Look!” he cried. ”Our kind!”

”Whose kind?” Breanna demanded. ”Those are black human beings.”

”Two iridescent birds!” Sim squawked.

Putre's speech balloon appeared. ”Two zombie horses.”

Che reconsidered. ”My grandam Chem was in the Void with Smash Ogre and Tandy Nymph. They escaped by paying half their souls to the night mares to carry them out. She reported that each person saw his or her own kind, regardless what was really there.”

”Ludicrous!” Breanna snapped. Then she gasped. ”Che-you're full human!”

Che's eyes had been fixed on the two figures ahead. Now he looked in the direction of Breanna's voice. There was Cynthia, with another winged centaur on her back. He looked at Jaylin and Putre: two more winged centaurs.

”All of you are bright birds,” the last winged centaur squawked.

”It seems your grandam was correct,” Justin said. ”We see only our own kind. That means we must inquire what kind are the two ahead.”

Those two, having spied the new party, had stopped chasing and come toward them. ”I am Branch Faun, and this is Lady Slipper Nymph,” he said. ”We were happily chasing, on our way to a celebration, when we slipped, collided, and fell into the Void. Have you come to rescue us?”

There was a brief pause as each person considered. ”You know, if that Ring of Void really works,” the Breanna centaur said, ”we should be able to conduct them out of here. Why don't we try it?”

Che was as curious as she was about this particular aspect, because he was as doubtful as she as to its reality ”By all means. Jaylin?”

The Jaylin centaur got off the back of the Putre centaur. ”Please come this way,” she said.

The two others followed her up the slope. Then all three disappeared. In a moment only the Jaylin centaur returned. ”They're out,” she reported.

”What did they do?” the Breanna centaur asked.

”They chased each other. Then they-I don't think I was supposed to see that.” Jaylin blushed.

”Faun and nymph!” Che exclaimed. ”Of course! They celebrated. That's what they do.”

”They sure did,” Jaylin said. ”Then they got up and chased some more. They ran out of sight, so I came back here.”

The Breanna centaur went over to her. ”Fauns and nymphs don't have much ambition or memory,” she explained. ”They live for the moment.”

”Some moment!”

”It's their nature. At least they weren't bored while they were caught here in the Void. This answers a couple of questions: It doesn't hurt or change folk to be here awhile, and the Ring can get folk out. I'm glad we verified that, because it has excellent implications for the rest of us.”

”I don't want to chase around and-and celebrate!” Jaylin said.

”Of course not. You're not a nymph. But you do want to get out of here in good order.”

”True,” Jaylin agreed. Then, after a pause: ”Actually, being from Mundania, I do know what-what they do. I've seen pictures. I just never-never saw it that-”

”That enthusiastically,” Breanna said. ”We understand. Now let's forget about that and go fetch the Foop.”

”Yes,” Jaylin agreed, evidently relieved.

They resumed their trek downslope. They saw other winged centaurs, but left them alone. They already knew what they needed to, and it was rea.s.suring.

They came to a bucket. It seemed to be quite ordinary, and empty. On its side were printed the words KICK ME.

”If that's what it wants,” Sim squawked. He advanced on the pail. He drew back one foot.

”Don't do it!” Jaylin cried, leaping to intercept him. They fell together in an apparent tangle of eight legs, four arms, and four wings.

”Squawk?” Sim asked as they untangled.

”It's another pun! An ugly one. To kick the bucket-”

Che caught on. ”Is to die!”

”That's right,” Breanna agreed. ”You don't want to kick the bucket before your time. Especially not here.”

Justin nodded. ”We have ascertained that the Void is not necessarily death. But the bucket may be a shortcut to that state, for those who become tired of stasis. An ugly pun, indeed.”

”Squawk,” Sim agreed.

Che felt weak-kneed again. Sim had almost committed suicide while the others watched. ”Thank you, Jaylin,” he said. ”You have no idea how much mischief you spared us.” They had become accustomed to all living things being friendly to the Simurgh's precious chick, but the bucket did not share that oath.

”Well, it was just that there have been so many puns, I sort of expected one,” Jaylin said.

”So n.o.body kicks that bucket,” Breanna said firmly. ”Let's move on.”

The pleasant slope led down to a deeper funnel-shaped region, its sides steepening. They were reaching the awful center of the Void.

Jaylin stopped walking. ”I don't want to make trouble, but could we-maybe try walking back some, just to be sure we can?”

”This makes eminent sense,” Justin agreed, and she flashed him a smile. She was still a winged centaur, but her face was unchanged.

They turned back, and had no difficulty walking back up the slope. The Ring of Void was still working.