Part 29 (1/2)

Swell Foop Piers Anthony 58430K 2022-07-22

”h.e.l.lo,” Justin said. ”Are you in good health?”

”I'm Inebriated,” one said.

”And I'm Intoxicated,” the other said. ”We're twins.”

They staggered on past. ”You had better not like that type,” Breanna told him dangerously as his gaze followed the girls.

”Naturally not.” Justin quickly resumed looking through the Rings tube. ”I do observe light, in precisely that direction.” He pointed.

”Half again,” Jaylin said, smiling.

He gave her the tube, and she looked. ”I see a nymph lode-I mean a lymph node.” But her correction was too late. A piece of metal rose from the ground and flew away. ”Oops, I guess I did it again.”

”I believe that is metal that is attracted to nymphs,” Che said. ”It is traveling in the direction of the Faun and Nymph retreat.”

Jaylin looked again. In a moment she had narrowed it down similarly. Then she held the tube for Sim as he looked. ”There,” he squawked.

They now had a definite line, bearing close to north. ”If we saw no need for cooperation before, we have it now,” Che said. ”But I think we had better continue to verify, in case the direction is not constant.”

”Now some of us can fly,” Justin said. ”Some of us can walk. I think we will make swifter progress if all of us fly.”

”And how am I going to fly?” Breanna demanded archly.

”Summon the demoness.”

”Oh! I forget my Ring.” She looked around. ”But then we'll have to take it out of the Foop tube.”

”That is a problem,” he agreed.

”I will carry you,” Cynthia said.

”And I will carry you,” Che said to Justin.

That left Jaylin. She looked perplexed, then Putre nudged her. The other zombies were gone, but he had remained. ”And I'll ride you!” she exclaimed. ”Maybe you can't fly, out here in real Xanth, but you can certainly keep up.”

They set off. Che kept an eye on the zombie colt, but he did indeed keep up, running as fast as a dream.

They moved a reasonable distance, then stopped to verify. The direction remained north.

The third pause was at the southern brink of the Gap Chasm. The direction remained north.

”Can you cross that?” Che asked Putre.

A speech balloon appeared. ”I can run down one side, across, and up the other.”

”But I'll fall off!” Jaylin protested.

”No, you can't fall off a dream horse when you have the Ring of Dreams,” Che said. ”And Putre wouldn't let it happen anyway.”

The girl still looked doubtful. Breanna interceded. ”It's magic,” she said. ”You can't be blamed for not really believing in magic, despite seeing it all around; sometimes I wonder about it myself. If you come to mischief, it won't be because of the horse.”

”We'll hover near, until you are sure,” Cynthia said.

Jaylin did not look completely rea.s.sured, but she nodded. Cynthia took off, carrying Breanna over the brink of the chasm, and hovered there.

Putre trotted to the brink, turned the corner, and trotted straight down the cliff. The girl remained on his back, her eyes squeezed shut. After a moment she opened them, realized that they were not falling, and relaxed. It was just as if they were traveling horizontally, thanks to the magic.

After that, Che also took off, carrying Justin, and Sim did too. They circled over the Gap Chasm, watching the horse gallop on downward.

Then Che saw a stir in the depths of the chasm. ”Is that what I think it is?” he asked Sim.

”The Gap Dragon,” Sim squawked. ”He couldn't catch a dream horse anyway, but I will go explain.” He flew down toward the dragon.

”Perhaps that is just as well,” Justin remarked. ”The girl is nervous enough already; she would not care to encounter the Gap Dragon.”

Che nodded. He was of course friends with Stanley Steamer, because they were both winged monsters, but it was the dragon's job to patrol the base of the chasm and steam and eat any intruders. Legitimate travelers usually crossed one of the bridges across the Gap, but their own party was in a hurry.

In due course the horse galloped across the chasm, and up the far cliff.

It was evident that Jaylin was now entirely relaxed; experiencing was believing. ”And we saw the Gap Dragon!” she exclaimed as they crested the brink and returned to regular ground. ”He puffed steam at us!”

Perhaps their concern about her reaction had been exaggerated.

They moved on north. Soon they reached the boundary marking the Region of Air. They were across it before they realized, but it could not be mistaken. Wind storms battered them, forcing the flyers to take to the ground, joining Putre and Jaylin. ”This is where c.u.mulo Fracto Nimbus, the demon cloud, brought Hurricane Happy Bottom, saving the Land of Xanth from getting blown away,” Che informed Jaylin as he landed beside her.

”We don't have to put up with this wind,” Sim squawked as he landed beside them, his lovely feathers scuffled.

”But don't we have to get through this Region to reach the Void?” Jaylin asked as her hair blew across her face. Then she did a doubletake. ”Say-I understood you!”

”You must be getting to know me,” he squawked. ”Yes, we do have to pa.s.s though the several Regions, but we don't have to endure their rigors. We have the Rings.”

”The Rings?” Then she caught on. ”The Rings control their Regions!”

Che could have beat himself over the head with a wing. Why hadn't he thought of that? He was supposed to be Sim's tutor, but Sim was already beginning to out-think him.

”But we are unable to use the Rings individually while we orient on the Foop,” Justin reminded them.

That neatly took Che off the hook. ”Perhaps we should return the Rings to their individual users, and rea.s.semble the tube at each boundary,” he suggested.

The others nodded. It might be clumsy, but they needed to use the Rings in more than one way. They dismantled the tube and pa.s.sed out the Rings. Breanna experimentally tried to put on Justin's Ring of Idea, but it wouldn't go on her finger; the Rings now accepted only their designated bearers.

Sim lifted his foot and squawked at his Ring of Air. Suddenly the storm wind died, and the air was still.

”Now that's more like it, Birdbrain,” Breanna said affectionately. ”Hiyo, Cynthia, away!”

The centaur filly took off, darting a wry expression at the others. ”Even that girl's annoyances become endearing,” Justin murmured. Che had to agree as he took off.

They saw that Putre and Jaylin had no trouble keeping up, running below. Soon the party came to the boundary of the next Region. They paused before crossing it, wary of the sudden change they knew could occur.

”The Region of Earth is highly volcanic,” Che said. ”It can be difficult to find a safe place to stand, let alone walk, but the air is not much safer because of the ejecta.”