Part 14 (2/2)

”Gone home-sort of-with someone you just met?”

”Well, that too. No, I mean... this.” She indicated the two of them. ”I'm a virgin.”

Candace froze.

”I mean, I'm not a virgin, Tammi was conceived the usual way, and I dated some before I got married. But with a woman, I mean ... I've never ...”

A tender smile eased the stiffness of Candace's face. ”You're right, I got a different impression.”

”I've read about-oh dear heaven.”

Candace's mouth closed around her nipple and at the same time one hand was between her legs. ”We're not going to need the lube, at least not at first.”

”Candace,” Alice said softly, reeling from the intimate brush of fingers near and around places that seemed to throb in time with their heartbeats.

”I'm not going to hurt you,” Candace whispered.

”I know, I know. I'm worried I'm going to hurt you somehow.”

”I'm tough, darling.” Candace straddled one thigh and ground down slightly.

Alice felt the lush c.u.n.t she had been making love to with her mouth wet and hot on her skin. She wanted to go back to doing that again. She couldn't do anything about the urge because Candace was leaning down to kiss her, and the heat of their bodies, once again pressed close and soft, made thought almost impossible.

Candace said very softly, ”I want to feel the inside of you, before I taste you.”

”G.o.d,” Alice said explosively. ”Yes.” Don't cry, she told herself, don't cry.

But she did cry. Everything felt too good and too real and too intense not to cry. Just a few of the tears were for the years she hadn't let herself experience this kind of love, and all the rest were the wonder of a woman's sure and sensitive fingers touching places that had been there all along, in theory, but now she knew were definitely real. Like being a lesbian, she thought irrelevantly. I've been one all along, but now I know it. Now I feel real.

”Don't worry,” Candace said. ”Just let it happen. My first time I didn't understand, but it'll happen and it's really, really fun.”

The touches were insistent, but gentle. If Candace added lube, Alice wasn't aware of it. Steady strokes all along the wall, just inside her, were melting years of ice and clearing away cobwebs-she had clarity about s.e.x for the first time.

She liked it. She enjoyed it. d.a.m.n and dear heaven, she really loved s.e.x with a woman.

When Candace's tongue teased and licked its way through every fold between her legs, when tongue and fingers worked together to open Alice for a kind of exploration she'd never felt before, Alice understood what Candace had been saying. Just let it happen-you don't have to understand. Just feel it.

She felt it, long minutes of red lightning behind her eyes and roaring thunder in her ears. She felt it until the dancing fire eased and tears turned into laughter.

Candace was holding her close and tight, kissing her smiling mouth. ”You are a very responsive woman.”

”I didn't know that. Thank you-that was... You were right. I didn't know. It's not like I had bad s.e.x before, but I didn't know.”

Candace pulled the covers up until they were swathed and curled into each other's arms. ”Stay the night?”

Alice regarded the drooping eyes and wondered what it would take to wake Candace up in the morning. She slipped one hand over Candace's hip and felt a reflexive response.

”Of course I'll stay the night.” She walked her fingers down the length of Candace's hip. ”You may have trouble getting rid of me in the morning.”

Candace rolled on top of her with a lazy grin. ”You say that like it's a bad thing. I'm pretty sure if I went back down the hall to the neighbor's I could borrow some restraints and you wouldn't be able to leave.”

”It's okay,” Alice murmured. Candace's warm skin was reawakening all the nerves that ought to have been quite, quite satisfied. Candace's little gasp as Alice's fingers found their way between her thighs was very pleasing. ”I'm quite content with everything you have right here.”

Luxury Options Radclyffe ”I don't know, honey,” Erin Carmichael whispered, leaning close to her partner on one of the b.u.t.ter-soft leather sofas in the s.p.a.cious health club reception area as she studied the choices on the reservation form. ”Maybe we should just go for the basics.”

”Remember what we said when we planned this trip,” Valerie Tyler chided affectionately. ”If we can only splurge on a vacation like this once every ten years, then we're going to be adventurous.”

”I know, but don't you think a couples' ma.s.sage is daring enough for two thirty-something, happily-married-with-children We don't even know what 'luxury options' means.”

”So we'll find out when we get in there.” Valerie's gray-blue eyes took on a smoky tint as she brushed Erin's unruly curls away from her face. She traced the curve of Erin's ear with a fingertip and smiled with satisfaction as Erin's lips parted with a small gasp. ”By the way, we're signing up for a double, but I'm really just going to watch.”

”But I thought-” Erin glanced sideways toward the desk where one of the attendants entered information into a computer. Like all the women who worked at the spa, or anywhere on the s.h.i.+p for that matter, her buff body was displayed discreetly but enticingly in a white polo s.h.i.+rt with the cruise s.h.i.+p's logo over her nicely-shaped left breast. Black Lycra workout shorts came to the middle of her toned thighs. She wasn't looking in their direction, and neither was the dark-haired woman in the tight white T-s.h.i.+rt and faded jeans who leaned against the counter with her back to them. All Erin could see of her were broad shoulders, tapered waist and a tight, hard-looking a.s.s. A bit of smooth, tanned skin peeked through a rip in the denim just below the curve of her b.u.t.t. Even though she knew no one was listening, Erin dropped her voice so low it was barely audible. ”Does this have something to do with your secret fantasy?”

”Sweetheart,” Valerie murmured, her eyes drifting down over Erin's curvy, pet.i.te body and then back to her face. ”It's the first time in years it's just been the two of us-no work, no worries, no after-school soccer or ballet. Everything about this trip is a fantasy.”

Erin pretended to glare. ”I'm talking about the one where you get to play director, and I'm the star of your private film.”

”What if I said yes?”

Erin searched Valerie's face and saw the plea in her eyes beneath the unmistakable flush of desire. She drew a shaky breath, feeling heat suffuse her face and neck, and curled her hand beneath the lower edge of Valerie's shorts. As she fingered the hard muscles on the inside of Valerie's thigh in slow, firm strokes, she pressed close until her b.r.e.a.s.t.s brushed against Valerie's arm. Her nipples hardened, and she felt a tingle between her legs as if Valerie had lightly brushed her fingertips over her s.e.x. ”Just remember. I told you that ma.s.sages always turn me on a little.”

Valerie stiffened, imagining Erin's pale smooth skin gleaming with oil, the delicate scent of spice and s.e.x saturating the air. A stranger's hand gliding over her lover's body. Erin's fingers moved higher, and Valerie had to struggle not to lift her hips and push out for more contact. She was wet, throbbing and hard. ”I hope you like it more than a little.”

”You're sure?” Erin glanced quickly across the room again, saw that everyone was still occupied elsewhere, and pressed her fingertips quickly and unerringly down on the exact spot where Valerie's c.l.i.toris pulsed beneath the thin cotton of her shorts.

”Unh,” Valerie gasped, jerking back on the sofa to escape. If the mental pictures and a little bit of finger pressure almost made her come, she was going to be in deep trouble very soon. ”I'm... sure. Stop, sweetheart.” She s.h.i.+vered, a knot of pleasure tightening her p.u.s.s.y. ”Don't get too adventurous out here. G.o.d.”

Erin laughed softly and moved her hand back to the top of Valerie's leg. ”You've forgotten I was the one who made the first move, all those years ago.”

”I remember you teasing me for weeks before you'd let me do more than feel you up.” Valerie s.h.i.+vered. ”I was so h.o.r.n.y all the time. I never spent so much time masturbating in my life.”

”Mmm,” Erin said. ”Now that's something I wouldn't mind watching while I'm getting my ma.s.sage.”



Valerie covered Erin's hand where it lay on her thigh, twining her fingers through Erin's smaller ones. ”You'll be okay? With someone else touching y-”

”As long as you're there.” Erin wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. ”I have fantasies, too, you know.”

Valerie stared, her heart racing.

”Ladies! Ready?” the spa attendant called to them.

Valerie took Erin's hand and they hurried to the counter, just as the woman in the white T-s.h.i.+rt was signing a voucher.
