Part 15 (1/2)

”Thanks, Ryan,” the attendant said. ”How about you two? Made a decision?”

”Yes,” Valerie said, ”I think so. We're just not sure about the luxury options part.”

”Definitely worth it,” Ryan said as she pa.s.sed the pen and voucher back to the attendant. ”I highly recommend it.”

The attendant chimed in. ”That part of the service is personalized for each customer. Our goal is to make the experience everything you want it to be.”

Valerie caught a glimpse of what looked like a very satisfied smile on the woman in the T-s.h.i.+rt before she turned to Erin. ”Okay?”

Erin squeezed her hand. ”Let's go for it.”

Valerie put a checkmark in the box next to Luxury Options.

Since the room was on the interior of the s.h.i.+p, it had no windows, but warm yellow light from multiple wall sconces created a sense of intimacy. The relaxed ambience was further enhanced by the pale blue textured fabric that covered the walls and the music drifting from hidden speakers. Two tables covered by crisp sheets stood side by side. The four feet of plush carpeted expanse between them left enough s.p.a.ce for two ma.s.seuses to work on two clients in tandem. Thick white terry cloth towels sporting the familiar cruise line logo were folded neatly in the center of each.

”Do you think we should undress?” Erin whispered.

”Let's wai-”

A knock sounded and then a second later the door opened to admit a pet.i.te young woman in loose black cotton pants and a white wraparound blouse that crisscrossed over her ample b.r.e.a.s.t.s and tied low on the left side of her waist. Her s.h.i.+mmering, shoulder length blond hair fell free around her face.

”Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'll be one of your ma.s.sage therapists this afternoon.”

”h.e.l.lo,” Valerie and Erin said simultaneously.

”I see you opted for the double luxury package.” Stephanie's expression softened, her eyes flickering from Erin to Valerie. ”That's great. We'll have fun.”

”I know we scheduled a double,” Valerie said quickly, ”but only Erin is getting a ma.s.sage. I... I'd really rather just watch.”

”Anything you want,” Stephanie said immediately as the door opened again after a soft knock and a similarly dressed African American woman entered. ”This is Anka. Since we're both scheduled to be with you, why don't we both work on Erin?”

”That sounds wonderful.” Erin glanced at her lover. ”Honey?”

”Yes,” Valerie replied. ”Wonderful.”

”It gets warm in here,” Anka said in a rich, melodious voice, ”so perhaps you should both remove your clothing.” She lifted the soft, white bath sheets from the tables and handed them to Erin and Valerie. ”Erin, stretch out on the table and cover up with one of these.” She smiled at Valerie. ”Perhaps you'd like to sit on the opposite table where you can see us.”

”That would be perfect,” Valerie said, her fingers digging into the luxurious cotton, her voice husky.

”We'll be back in a few minutes then,” Stephanie said.

The instant the door closed behind the two ma.s.seuses, Valerie dropped the towel on the table behind her and pulled Erin into her arms. She kissed her hard, her tongue delving deep into her mouth, one hand skimming between their bodies. She cupped Erin's breast, squeezing rhythmically as she breathed her in. Erin's fingers dug into her shoulders and Valerie backed her against the opposite table, never breaking the kiss as she wedged her pelvis between Erin's thighs. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so nearly out of her mind with l.u.s.t.

”Valerie, honey!” Erin jerked her head back, her lips swollen from kisses. ”Honey, stop! They'll be back in a second.”

Valerie groaned. ”Oh, my G.o.d, I'm so turned on. Maybe we should forget-”

Erin laughed shakily. ”Oh, no. We're going to have an adventure.” Gently, she pushed Valerie away. ”You stay over there now. Take your clothes off and just... watch.”

”They're both gorgeous,” Valerie muttered, glancing across the room as if the two women still stood there. ”It's going to make me crazy watching them touch you.”

”I know.” Erin unb.u.t.toned her blouse and slid it off her shoulders. She opened the clasp on her bra and brushed her hands over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her eyes on Valerie's face. ”And I'm going to be crazy knowing it's making you crazy.”

Her attention riveted to Erin's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Valerie unb.u.t.toned her pants and pulled them off along with her underwear. ”How far do you want them to go?”

Erin skimmed her fingers down her stomach, then unzipped her slacks and stepped out of them. Her pale blue silk panties were dark between her thighs, soaked through already. She touched her fingertip to the slight swell of her c.l.i.toris beneath the silk and drew a sharp breath. ”As far as you want.”

”I want to see you come.”

”It's going to be hard for me not to,” Erin gasped, adding another finger and circling her c.l.i.toris beneath her panties, dragging the slick fabric back and forth, spreading her wetness where she needed it. ”You got me so ready with that kiss. G.o.d, that feels so good.”

”Stop touching yourself before you come,” Valerie said, removing the last of her clothes. She wrapped the large towel around her torso and secured it under her arm. ”Lie down on your belly, and I'll cover you up.”

Erin tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Her fingers moved faster. ”Just a little more-”

Laughing, Valerie caught Erin's hand and lifted it to her mouth. She kissed Erin's fingertips. ”You won't last with much more of that. Be good, sweetheart.”

With a faint sigh, Erin stretched out on the table on her stomach, rocking her pelvis in short, quick motions against the soft surface. Valerie slapped her playfully on the b.u.t.t.

”I said stop. I want you to enjoy this for as long as you can.” Valerie covered her with a towel from mid-thigh to shoulders and leaned down to brush a kiss over her ear. ”Try not to come, no matter what. Not until I say.”

”That's going to be so hard, honey,” Erin protested. ”You know when I'm this far along I just need a little touch to make me-”

A knock sounded and Stephanie reentered, followed by Anka.

”All set?” Stephanie said.

”Yes,” Valerie replied, easing away from Erin and climbing up on the edge of the adjacent table. She sat with her legs over the side, her hands curled lightly around the edge. The towel parted in a long narrow vee that ended just below her crotch. If she spread her legs even a little, Erin would be able to see all the way up. She did.

”We're going to start on your legs and back,” Anka said, reaching out for the bottle of ma.s.sage oil that Stephanie extracted from a warmer on a nearby counter. ”If there's anything you want us to do, or don't want us to do, just tell us.” She glanced from Erin, who lay with her head pillowed on her folded arms facing Valerie, to Valerie. ”Either of you.”

”She likes it hard, as deep and hard as you can get,” Valerie murmured, her eyes on Erin's. ”Is there anything else you want, sweetheart?”

Erin smiled lazily. ”Why don't the three of you surprise me?”

”That sounds like a great plan.” Stephanie folded down the towel so that it covered the crest of Erin's a.s.s, leaving her shoulders, back and legs bare. She slipped to the head of the bed, and Anka moved to the far side away from Valerie. Each poured warm oil into their hands.

”Ready?” Anka murmured.

”Oh, yes,” Erin whispered.

Minutes pa.s.sed in silence, Valerie watching Erin's face as two sets of hands, one light, one dark, worked the oil over her body. Erin's lips parted into a soft curve and her eyelids opened and closed slowly. Valerie knew that look. She'd seen it hundreds of times as she'd stroked Erin's c.l.i.toris, teasing her until she was full and wet and trembling. Of course, that expression might just be because she was enjoying the long, firm glide of fingers and palms down the backs of her thighs, around her calves, and into the arches of her feet. It might just be due to the strong hands kneading the muscles in her shoulders and the base of her neck. But Valerie didn't think so.

Erin groaned and arched under Stephanie's palms. Her hips rocked ever so subtly beneath the white towel. The fine muscles on the inside of her thighs, high up in the soft delicate delta adjoining her p.u.s.s.y, trembled visibly. Valerie felt a sympathetic twinge shoot down the inside of her legs, and she unconsciously parted her thighs farther. The air in the room was thick with scent and promise. It wafted over her exposed c.l.i.toris like a lover's kiss. Wetness coated her thighs, and she fought not to slide her hand beneath the towel.

”Take off her towel,” Valerie said hoa.r.s.ely. ”Work on her a.s.s. She likes that.”

Erin caught her lip between her teeth and moaned softly as Stephanie poured oil into the cleft between her cheeks and Anka smeared it in firm circles over her clenched muscles. She spread her legs on the table and lifted her a.s.s, opening herself. A trickle of oil ran down between her p.u.s.s.y lips, warm and slick. Her c.l.i.toris twitched. She felt the pressure of Anoka's hands ma.s.saging her a.s.s all the way inside her p.u.s.s.y and she moaned.

”Is it good, baby?” Valerie asked.