Part 12 (2/2)
”Oh yeah. Oh yeah. G.o.d yeah.”
”Stand up, baby.” I rolled off her and helped her to stand. Then I slowly skimmed her top over her head and kissed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. When she sagged against me, I wrapped both arms around her waist and worked on her t.i.ts until she was whimpering again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jojo stretch out on a towel, turning her head to keep kissing the woman in the tub while the blond butch knelt between her thighs. A half-naked girl with long dark hair I hadn't seen before wandered in and mumbled something about lube. The butch tipped her chin toward a couple of tubes on the floor. I opened Lila's pants, and she helped me push them down.
”You going to be okay with this?” I asked, fisting the big d.i.c.k that was sticking out of my jeans.
”More than okay.” Lila kicked off her high heeled boots and left her jeans in a tangle on the floor. Before I knew what was happening, she'd dropped to her knees between my legs and I looked down just in time to see my d.i.c.k disappear into her mouth.
”Oh f.u.c.k,” I whispered. She wrapped her fingers around my d.i.c.k and pumped it while she sucked. Lightly, I cupped the back of her head because feeling her move up and down on me was a turn on. Then I heard someone say, ”Bend your knees up for me, baby,” and I looked over Lila's head to the trio by the tub. Jojo was on her back with her legs pulled up tight to her belly while the little blond butch drizzled lube all over her hand and forearm. The one in the tub was staring at Jojo's c.u.n.t, and from the look on her face and the way her shoulder was shaking, I could tell she was masturbating like crazy. The butch slid all four fingers inside Jojo, and then all I could see was her thumb rubbing a bright pink c.l.i.t. I figured in another minute or two, she'd have her fist in Jojo's c.u.n.t.
Jojo lay with her eyes scrunched closed, mauling her own t.i.ts and groaning, ”Do me honey f.u.c.k me deep. Do me honey f.u.c.k me deep. Do me honey...”
”Lila,” I groaned, feeling myself getting close again, ”you're missing the show. Get up here, baby.”
Lila gave me a couple more good tugs and my a.s.s clenched, and I thought for sure I was going to lose it, but she eased up just in time. My belly felt like a board someone had been pounding with a hammer. ”Here,” I said, digging a safe out of the front pocket of my jeans. ”Put this on, and for Christ's sake, climb up on my d.i.c.k.”
Jojo had the blonde's whole fist in her c.u.n.t and was whining and pulling on her nipples, the butch was grunting, and someone in the other room screamed she was coming. Lila ripped the foil open with her teeth, snugged the condom on my d.i.c.k, and rolled it down with two fingers like a pro. She started to sit down facing me, but I shook my head and guided her around the other way. ”Let's watch your girlfriend get f.u.c.ked.”
I steadied my d.i.c.k in one hand and Lila braced herself on my thighs and eased down onto it. It was big, and she was small, but she swallowed it in one long, slow glide, moaning as the head seated deep inside her. I reached both hands around her and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She dropped her head against my shoulder and I rested my chin in the curve of her neck so I could see the floor show.
”Ride me, baby,” I murmured, holding still so she could move the way she needed to. I fingered her nipples and tilted my hips up so die d.i.c.k had die right angle to hit her c.l.i.t. ”Is your c.l.i.t hard, honey?”
”Uh huh,” she gasped, nodding vigorously. She made a little mewling noise, and I knew she was playing with it.
”Your girlfriend's gonna spill it any second,” I said, pumping my hips just a little. The stud's fist moved inside Jojo's belly, an undulating wave that made her toss her head and cry. As the butch slowly rotated her arm, Jojo shoved both hands down to her p.u.s.s.y and rubbed at her c.l.i.t. Jojo bucked and strained, and sweat dripped from the butch's face onto her belly.
”There goes the babe in the tub,” I said as the one masturbating screwed up her face and let loose with a long, wavering cry. The sound must have flipped Lila's switch because she lost her rhythm and her hips started jumping around.
”Oh I want to come, I want to come,” Lila said anxiously, as if I wasn't going to let her.
”I know, baby, I know,” I said, sliding my hands under her b.u.t.t. I lifted her to give myself a little room and started to f.u.c.k her for real. Her arm was vibrating the way it did when she was beating her drums, and I knew she was working herself off. She got her beat back and circled her hips in my lap, grinding the d.i.c.k into my c.l.i.t. It hurt so f.u.c.king good I almost cried.
”Oooo, G.o.d!” Jojo yelled, jerking her shoulders off the floor and staring wide-eyed at the fist buried in her belly. ”Oh my G.o.d I'm coming so hard.” She screamed and bucked and thrashed, and Lila started shaking and making gasping sounds I heaved her all die way to the end of my d.i.c.k, then wrapped my arms around her middle and pulled her back down while I jammed myself in to the hilt. She gushed like a fire hydrant with me buried high inside of her, jerking on the d.i.c.k so hard I was afraid she'd throw herself off.
”Jojo,” she screamed. ”Baby, it's so racking good!”
Then she collapsed like a rag doll in my arms. I needed to come so bad I couldn't breathe, but I couldn't get a hand between us to get at my c.l.i.t and I couldn't move enough to jerk myself off on the c.o.c.k. Tears leaked out of my eyes.
”Lila, baby. Lila,” I gasped. ”Baby, I gotta jerk off. I'm dying, baby. Can you slide up-”
And just like that she came to life, raised her a.s.s, and my d.i.c.k slipped out. Then she was on the floor between my legs, popping my fly and dragging my jeans and harness down my thighs.
”In my mouth,” she said urgently, and licked my c.l.i.t. ”Let it go in my mouth.”
I pushed my c.l.i.t up at her and she latched on to it, sucking like it was a Tootsie Pop. And that's what it did. Pop. Ten seconds of her lips sliding up and down while she sucked, and I went from rock to rocket in a heartbeat. My c.l.i.t blew into a million pieces and I levitated off the sofa like I'd been electrocuted. When I came back down, my insides still twisting, she kept right on licking.
”Oh man, Lila,” I gasped. ”I'm done, baby. I'm done.”
She made some kind of noise like Mmm mmm good and circled a fingertip around the rim of my a.s.s and my c.l.i.t shot up hard as concrete again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jojo half-crawl toward us, her eyes so big she looked like she was stoned, but I knew it was just the s.e.x. She crouched behind Lila.
”Did she get you ready for me, sweetheart?” Jojo murmured, licking the side of Lila's neck where I'd left the love bite.
Lila nodded her head vigorously with my c.l.i.t still clamped between her lips.
”f.u.c.k,” I yelled and grabbed her head to hold her still. ”Jesus Christ, take it easy-”
Jojo shoved her hand between Lila's legs from behind and Lila pushed one finger deep into my a.s.s and I cannoned right up to the edge again. My legs jerked out straight and Lila started whimpering and sucking harder. I locked eyes with Jojo. Hers were glazed and triumphant.
”Doesn't she give the best head?” Jojo purred.
I opened my mouth, but all that came out were groans and broken bits of words because I was coming in Lila's mouth, coming from my toes to die top of my head, coming so hard I felt like my skin was going to turn inside out. Jojo pumped away in Lila's p.u.s.s.y the whole time I was creaming all over her girlfriend's face, and then, as if she knew exactly when my o.r.g.a.s.m quit, she pulled Lila off me. Lila fell back into Jojo's arms and they locked lips instantly. Jojo reached around Lila's middle, stuck her hand between her legs and jerked her off while they kissed. Lila shuddered and cried in Jojo's arms.
The girl from the tub and the butch were reverse spooning on the same towel where the butch had fisted Jojo, noisily licking each other off. I lightly fondled my c.l.i.t, my d.i.c.k drooping between my legs, while Lila came a couple more times. By then, my c.l.i.t was showing wood again. With any luck, die invitation was still open, and I could get die drummer and her girl to play me another set or two.
Next-Door Neighbors Karin Kallmaker ”Have fun, Mom.” Tammi waved cheerfully as they parted near the Piazza Casanova, her beach bag slung casually over one shoulder.
Alice resisted issuing warnings about sunburn even though she knew the skimpy bikini top wouldn't be on for long either. Tammi was the free spirit her mother never had been. As always, Alice consoled herself with the knowledge that had she figured out earlier in life what she knew now, there would likely be no Tammi to worry over skin cancer.
She took a very deep breath, counted to ten, then a.s.sumed an air of confidence and experience before she walked through the open door to the Piazza.
As she followed the long curving marble path that led toward the cl.u.s.ters around the gleaming bra.s.s bar, she was first struck by how many women there were close to her own age. As a fifty-plus, shorts and tank top kind of woman, she would fit in okay.
There were younger, swimsuit-clad and thinner girls to be sure, but she spotted enough silver-haired, crow's-feet-and-laugh-line women in the room for her comfort level. Perhaps, like her, they were hoping to meet up with someone interested in the same excursions throughout the week. Yes, a friend for the ports of call, that was why she was here. And she'd just keep telling herself that in the hopes that her libido started believing it.
She'd gone back to the cabin for a light sweater, ostensibly because the s.h.i.+p kept the common s.p.a.ces frigid. The embarra.s.sing truth was that her nipples got hard every time she went to one of the public gatherings. It had to be chemicals floating in the air or something. Her nipples weren't the only things staying hard, either. Feeling like an adolescent was a new-and mostly unwelcome-sensation. Just here for companions.h.i.+p, she repeated. Just here to... She averted her gaze from a really attractive thirty-something with muscles like iron. Since when had she been attracted to muscles? Was it the muscles or the woman who happened to have muscles? Was it any woman?
Her head said of course not. Other parts of her said of course.
Fleeting eye contact with a grinning shorts- and polo-s.h.i.+rted gal about her age left her with high color. She consciously s.h.i.+fted her tank top a bit lower and held her head a bit higher. She wanted everyone to a.s.sume she was experienced at lesbian mingling.
After all, she was an expert in lesbian erotica. If it had been put into book form, she had read it. There wasn't a position, pose, power play, accessory or scene she hadn't read about. Even though most of the women in the lounge looked cuddly as teddy bears, they were all no doubt conversant in brands of lubricant, sizes of O-rings and uses of ordinary household items for bondage.
She'd also read just about anything there was to find on the Internet. The stories written by men to t.i.tillate themselves she could easily spot. She was far more interested in stories written by women, as they almost always told their tale from the inside out, from the inside of the woman's heart and mind to the outside of her body where the physical and the emotional unified.
All of which sounded quite intellectual, but there was nothing intellectual about the sensations between her legs. It was embarra.s.sing, and she was glad no one could tell.
Drifting slowly toward several cl.u.s.ters in the hope of picking up a phrase or making eye contact that would allow her to join the conversation-just like at PTA meetings, except these were all lesbians very likely looking for a different kind of play date- Alice found herself again glancing at the woman in the polo s.h.i.+rt. From her short gray hair to her sensible sandals, she was comfortably familiar, except now Alice was considering that the sense of recognition wasn't just the overall similar attire she shared with other women in the room.
She was familiar. Something about her eyes and the smile. Alice could picture her with much darker hair and a coffee mug in one hand, laughing about something. A noisy crash of gla.s.sware at the bar had everyone else turning their heads to investigate, but Alice's gaze stayed glued to the other woman's face. She'd seen her turn her head sharply like that, more than once...
Candace. It was her next-door neighbor Candace, from what, twenty-five years ago? Candace with the twins who were always knocking something over. With the laugh, and the walk, and it had been such a shame when her husband had been transferred and they'd moved away. For nearly two years they'd traded babysitting and shared a lot of morning cups of coffee at the park across the street.
Candace-it had to be-looked back in her direction, and Alice started to blush. It was a sign of her lesbian adolescence that she had the irrational but unavoidable thought: If Candace sees me here she'll know I'm gay.
Candace ground to a halt, mid-sentence, as she realized the redhead on the other side of the room was staring-and blus.h.i.+ng. She tried to pick up her train of thought on the evaluative merits of gear for hiking, snorkeling and other adventures, but the woman's total fixation on her was too distracting.
”Excuse me,” she said to the others in the little cl.u.s.ter. They were all newly met, and she'd been enjoying the conversation, but the woman looked like she might explode. Ginny would have been amused, and claimed that Candace had that effect on most women, but it wasn't true. That would have just been Ginny being Ginny, being kind.