Part 12 (1/2)

”Oh that's making me come,” she blurted.

”Keep going. Do it harder.”

”It's starting... big, so big... oh! Oh! G.o.d! Oh I'm ...”

A high, faint whine rose into a screaming wail that went on forever. Then... nothing but rasping breaths and plaintive little cries. I sagged back, listening to her moan, and pictured her curled up on her side, stroking her swollen c.u.n.t with trembling fingers. She'd keep at it, plucking and rubbing her c.l.i.t until she came again, but I couldn't wait for her encore. I yanked open my pants and grabbed my c.l.i.t, strumming the stiff shaft between my fingers while her sharp, sweet pleasure notes s.h.i.+mmered through my c.u.n.t, an electric riff that fattened my c.l.i.t and set me up to burn. My heels beat out a jittery rhythm on the carpet while I shot off in tense, heart-stopping silence.

Finally I expelled a long breath and groaned with relief.

”I came when you did that time,” she sighed. ”G.o.d that was nice.”


She laughed. ”Are you falling asleep?”

”Yeah, maybe.” Eyes still closed, my c.l.i.t still in my hand, I kicked off my boots and rolled up on the couch. ”I love f.u.c.king you.”

”Are you playing tomorrow night?”

”Uh huh.” My c.l.i.t twitched and started to get hard again. Music and s.e.x and her-each part of the other, forever linked.

”Then I'll see you after the last set, lover.”

”I'll be rockin' for you, baby.”

Gonna be another cruise to remember.

Invitation Only Radclyffe I know a lot of chicks get off on guitar players, but me, I like the drummers. Especially when they look like this one did- slinky and s.e.xy in some kind of clingy white top that showed every pucker in her neat little nipples, and hip huggers that were so low they barely covered her p.u.s.s.y. The stretch of bare, tight belly in between was nice too. But mostly, it was her hands. Watching the way she fingered the wood and beat the rhythm out on the hot skins cradled between her thighs gave me some wood of my own, in addition to what I was already packing.

I'd skipped the talent show to catch this band, because I'd rather sit in a dark club like Medusa shooting tequila and watching girls wail and sweat and hump on stage than do most anything else. Except f.u.c.k one of them. Which was what I was hoping to do very soon.

”Hey,” I said, squeezing my way through the maze of little, round tables that ringed the stage to where she was breaking down her gear. ”Nice show.”

”Thanks,” she said brightly without looking at me.

I could tell she was used to fans trying to get a little piece of her attention, and probably other things, too. So I stepped up onto the stage and crowded her just a little. ”What are you drinking?”

She looked at my face for the first time, and she didn't hurry as she took stock of the rest of me either. I knew I'd pa.s.s inspection in a tight white tee and black jeans. Nothing fancy, but then, I wasn't offering fancy. We were about the same height, except I was heavier and darker, which made me feel bigger than I was. She had spiky blond hair and a tiny lithe waist and those round, half-sh.e.l.l t.i.ts that made my mouth water. I hooked my thumbs over the waistband of my jeans and let the fingers of my left hand rest on the d.i.c.k in my pants. It was eight inches long and two inches thick, and it made a big bulge. I don't usually load up quite so heavy for a night out, since after an hour or two with something that big crammed in my jeans my c.l.i.t feels like someone's been kicking it with steel-toed boots. But every now and then, like tonight, I like to be reminded just how righteously sweet it feels to finally get off under that big tool. When her gaze wandered down to my crotch and she smiled, my c.l.i.t hammered against the backside of the d.i.c.k like it was trying to bang its way out of my pants.

”Vodka rocks,” she said, still checking out my package. ”And my name's Lila.”

”AJ. Let me get you that drink.”

”Sorry.” Lila shook her head. ”Really sorry. Maybe next time. I've got someplace to be.”

I pulled her against me so my d.i.c.k settled in the dip of her p.u.s.s.y. ”How much time could it take to get wherever? We're on a s.h.i.+p.”

”Maybe I'm in a big hurry.” She rolled her hips a lithe and rubbed herself on the rod in my jeans, giving my c.l.i.t a healthy workout at the same time. Her smile got a little loose and her eyes the tiniest bit hazy as she tilted her head back and shot me an ”I'm soo h.o.r.n.y” look. ”Maybe I've got a hot date.”

I snaked an arm around her waist and gripped her tight little a.s.s. ”You do. Right here.”

”I'm going to a party,” Lila whispered, riding me a little faster while she rubbed her t.i.ts back and forth against my chest. ”It's invitation only.”

”So invite me.” I caught her earlobe between my teeth and sucked on it, wrapping my other arm around her and backing her against the wall. She whimpered a little, like I had hurt her, but I knew that wasn't it. She was just hot as h.e.l.l, and I knew exactly what she wanted.

”Take me to the party so I can f.u.c.k you like you want to be f.u.c.ked.”

”My girlfriend will be there. We like to share.” She was panting.

”I don't mind playmates.” I licked her neck and s.h.i.+fted one hand to her breast. I thumbed her nipple and she dropped her head against the wall and moaned. ”But the first time you come, it's going to be on my d.i.c.k. Okay?”

She closed her eyes and rocked her head from side to side. She was into it, too into it, and I was afraid she might get herself off. I tweaked her nipple hard. ”Okay?”

”f.u.c.k,” she said through clenched teeth, jerking upright. ”Okay. Let's just go.”

I stepped back, grabbed her hand and crushed it against my crotch. ”I'm ready.”

”Aren't you tough.” Quicker than a grace note, Lila fisted my wood with her strong drummer's hand and beat me off so fast her wrist was a blur. I thought my legs were going to drop out from under me it felt so good. I've never had a girl jerk me to the finish line in my jeans, but she was ten seconds away from doing it. My c.l.i.t was on the edge of blast off and flames ate away at my insides.

Determined to keep my cool, I twisted out of her grip. ”And the first time /come, it's gonna be inside you. Now take me to the party.”

”Keep up.” She let go of my d.i.c.k, clamped onto my wrist and dragged me off the stage and out into a service corridor. An elevator stood open and Lila jumped in, keyed a floor with her room card and climbed back onto me. She dug her fingers into my shoulders and wrapped one slender thigh around my hips so she could rub the length of her p.u.s.s.y over my d.i.c.k. Then she buried her tongue in my mouth, and she felt so good everywhere, I almost let her steal the scene. But I knew if I let her, we'd both go off like Roman candles, and that wasn't what I had in mind. I grabbed her a.s.s and swung her around so her back was to the wall and held her there with the weight of my hips and d.i.c.k jammed between her thighs. Then I forced her head back with one hand under her chin, bit down on the side of her neck and palmed her breast at die same time. Lila shoved her fingers into my hair.

”Suck my neck,” she gasped, bucking underneath me, both legs scissored around my thighs. ”f.u.c.k, I wish we could f.u.c.k right here.”

”Slow down,” I murmured, raising a small love bite just below her ear. ”I promise I'll make you come so hard you'll cry.” I licked her lips with my tongue and softly sucked on her lower lip. ”But first I want to make out. So just forget about getting off for a while.”

”G.o.d.” Lila groaned and sucked on my tongue. ”I'm so h.o.r.n.y, I don't think I can wait very long.”

I laughed. ”You don't have anything to say about it.”

The elevator slid smoothly to a stop and deposited us on the highest pa.s.senger deck where the big expensive suites were located. It figures that the band would have one. We were both a little wobbly-legged from being so turned on, and we half staggered through a door into the main part of a huge cabin. Through an open doorway just off to the right I could see two naked girls sprawled on a bed, but I only got a glimpse of a very nice pair of b.r.e.a.s.t.s before Lila dragged me into another room as big as my whole stateroom. A naked redhead with a lush, full body who I recognized as the ba.s.s player in the band perched on the edge of a sunken tub, deep-throating a blond butch I remembered from the audience. The butch was a shorthaired muscular stud with tattoos on both forearms. The redhead's legs were spread so a third chick, half submerged in the tub, could lick her p.u.s.s.y. I caught a glimpse of a flat pink tongue snaking over the redhead's c.u.n.t and mine clenched with envy.

”Hey, Jojo,” Lila called, leading me by the hand to a sofa in one corner where we'd have a nice view of the threesome. ”Having fun, babe?”

The redhead looked our way. ”Hi, sweetheart. I was wondering where you were.” She glanced down at the face moving between her thighs and half smiled, half grimaced the way you do when something feels so good it almost hurts. ”I invited some friends.”

”That's okay, baby.” Lila dropped her hand to my crotch and stroked my d.i.c.k. ”Me too.”

The blond gave me a quick look, then lifted one of Jojo's heavy, ripe b.r.e.a.s.t.s and dragged the nipple into her mouth. Jojo jerked and her lips formed a surprised circle as she said, ”Ooo, Lila, I wish you could feel her mouth. So f.u.c.king hot.”

”Lila's busy,” I said and pulled Lila down next to me on the sofa.

”A little toppy, isn't she?” Jojo said, but she was smiling. Then the one between her legs did something to catch her attention and Jojo moaned, grabbed the woman's head and pushed her p.u.s.s.y up and down like she was air-humping her Strat. ”Oh yeah. Suck me.”

I leaned over Lila and stuck my tongue in her mouth, plundering her hot cavern while she clawed at my back. I could feel her twisting to watch what was going on by the tub, but I didn't care. She bit my tongue and I grabbed her breast, squeezing until she whimpered. I felt her hand in my crotch, pulling and jerking, and the next thing I knew, she had my d.i.c.k out in her fist.

”Oh yeah, Lila,” her girlfriend crowed. ”Pump that big d.i.c.k. Make her shoot that load.”

Lila worked me like a jackhammer and I shoved her top up over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s so I could get at them. I grabbed one nipple with my fingers and sucked the other into my mouth. Lila tightened like a bowstring and I got the message. She'd come if I tortured her nipples much more. I eased off and put my mouth against her ear. ”Remember where I said you were going to come. You want to sit on my d.i.c.k now?”