Part 3 (1/2)
I came long and hard on a growl before pulling out and lifting her with her legs around my waist so she could enjoy the remnants of my still hard c.o.c.k. I walked us to the shower so we could kill two birds with one stone. She kissed the h.e.l.l out of me as I held us both under the warm spray of water while pulling her up and down on my c.o.c.k that refused to deflate.
”You got work?” I held her head back as we kept f.u.c.king each other like it was a compet.i.tion to see who could bring who off next. I wasn't looking for anything more this go around, this was just for her greedy a.s.s to get all she could out of her man. ”Uh-uh.”
”Fine, we'll go see about your ring later after I get back.”
When she had rubbed her p.u.s.s.y raw being greedy I cleaned her up while she tried to get some life out of my d.i.c.k. ”He's done for now babe, give him a couple hours I need sleep.” I was tired as f.u.c.k after the long night and there was no way she was getting anything more out of me right now. She pouted but behaved herself long enough to soap up my c.o.c.k and clean me up like I'd done her.
Chapter 11.
She left me in the bed and went to clean the house or some s.h.i.+t. She hadn't asked what Deanna had been after, she wouldn't, she knew better. As much as I hate Deanna's a.s.s, Lily knows that my only dealings with her are about my kid and she knows there're no questions when it comes to that s.h.i.+t. I don't give her any reason to be jealous of my ex or any other woman for that matter, we've had that conversation in the beginning too.
I give as good as I get. She's not allowed to have dealings with other men unless it's work related and I hold to the same bargain. I wasn't about to feel that burn again for no one and I could give a f.u.c.k what anyone thinks about my stand. I don't want my woman getting close to anything with a d.i.c.k. My boys knew to keep a respectful distance unless they wanted to lose a f.u.c.king limb, and they were the only ones allowed around her in any kind of social setting.
One of the swinging d.i.c.ks at the hospital where she did her rounds have already felt my wrath when he got too close, and I guess the word had spread after I jacked his a.s.s up. Now I don't have to worry about that s.h.i.+t. Lily got her a.s.s spanked for making the wrong call in that situation; the wrong call being to give the dude her number to get him off her back. The fact that she explained that s.h.i.+t to me after the fact and before anything could come of it was neither here nor there. There was a way to do everything and that wasn't it. Now she knows and I don't expect any repeats in the future.
I slept for five solid and then rolled out of bed around one. It was a little late to be getting started but it was the best I could do. Lily was nowhere to be found, there was a note on the fridge saying that she'd gone on some errands. I got dressed and headed for my first place aThe Golden Goose to take care of some paperwork.
The place was doing okay for the lunch hour. Even with the economy in the toilet I hadn't really felt the pinch because cops always needed to eat, and since they seemed to see my place as a second home or some s.h.i.+t that meant business stayed flowing.
”Hey Ryan what's been going on today?” I caught up with my day manager on the line in the kitchen helping the guys get the food out in time. That's the kinda s.h.i.+t I like to see, I've had to get rid of a few a.s.sholes who thought management meant hanging out at the front of the house on their phone or hitting on my wait staff.
”It's been steady all afternoon boss, there's some kind of convention or something in town because there's a lot of out of town business types in house.” The noise back here was a far cry from the quiet of the dining room that I'd just walked through.
When I first opened this place, I was thinking more along the lines of a small bar and grill, but Lily had had other ideas when she came along. She claimed that we could do more with the location, so we'd built on an extension and expanded the place.
My girl for all that she was a kick a.s.s doctor had a great head for business. She did a lot of the hiring for my places, maybe that's why most of my staff was either single mothers, or down on their luck housewives trying to make ends meet in this f.u.c.ked up world. It was fun watching some buxom blonde trying to land a spot in one of my joints.
Lily was ever professional, but I knew that no matter how qualified that person might be there was no way she was getting in. Not that she hired unattractive women, far from it. But she wasn't taking any chances and I didn't blame her. Best to avoid bulls.h.i.+t from the get, though I did give her a hard time about it in jest.
Now I was glad I'd gone with her suggestions not only with this place but the others as well. My last place was more family-oriented though The Goose would do in a pinch. But my last place was bought with Holly in mind. The second one most respectable citizens steered clear of. Only a few adventurous souls dared cross those doors, them or the bunny hoppers that were drawn to men of a certain ilk. That's where my boys hung out, as well as some of the MCs from the surrounding areas.
All in all the three places kept in the black and my bank was set for a while at least, but who knows how that s.h.i.+t would go. One of Deanna's issues was that when we were together she had to live on a cop's salary, and though that hadn't been so bad, it was nothing compared to what I made now.
It burned her the f.u.c.k up that there was no way for her to get her hands on my money. That everything I had was in Holly and Lily's names. That's one of the first things I'd done when we split, took her name off of every insurance policy I had. Where she was getting health insurance from these days I didn't know and didn't really care. But I wasn't about to leave her a.s.s as the beneficiary on my life insurance. I don't trust her a.s.s as far as I can see her.
”I'll be in the office if anyone needs me.” I headed down the stairs in the back, which led to my bas.e.m.e.nt office. I'd had the place fitted out with all the creature comforts, never mind it was in the midst of storage and freezers and s.h.i.+t. It was the only place that made sense for an office the size I preferred and as luck would have it there was a private entrance leading from the outside, where my boys could come and go if they didn't want to be seen, which was more often than not. They tend to be a secretive bunch.
The numbers from the night before looked good business was running on point, which was always a good thing. I guess Ryan was right about a business convention being in town, because the night manager had made a note of unusually high traffic for a weeknight the night before. I hadn't been aware of anything going down in the area but that was nothing strange. Since hanging up my cop clothes there was a lot I wasn't privy to these days though some of my old pals kept me pretty much in the loop. On the other hand I knew pretty much about every crime that was going down within a hundred mile radius before the bra.s.s did. It's a strange f.u.c.king world.
I did some ordering and restocking for the coming weeks, went through payroll and dealt with any issues that needed it. If something needed tending to whichever manager that had been there at the time would leave me a note, unless it was serious enough that they needed me on hand, then I'd get a call to come down.
I had eyes on all my places so that I could watch from my laptop wherever I went, which only a few people knew about, it made for some strange conversations. I liked the fact that my staff thought I was all seeing. It kept their on their toes. It only took once or twice of me rehas.h.i.+ng something that had gone down verbatim for them to get the idea that there was something else going on other than word of mouth. That coupled with my no nonsense hard as nails approach usually kept them on their best behavior. Once they learned the truth about whether my reputation was honestly earned or just hype, they usually behaved themselves out of fear of reprisal. Can't ask for more than that, that's why my drawers were never short and no one was sneaking my supplies out the backdoor.
After making the rounds at my other places it was time to focus on my woman. Pulling my phone I called the house and got her on the third ring.
”You ready short stuff?” She sounded excited as f.u.c.k on the other end and I wondered why the h.e.l.l I'd taken so long?
As a man, this sort of s.h.i.+t was really par for the course. You find a woman that fits you, you put a ring on her finger for convention sake; it wasn't supposed to be a big deal. The hearts and flowers s.h.i.+t was for the woman right? But her excitement was making me feel all giddy and s.h.i.+t, like I wanted it to be more than just a party. ”I've been waiting for you hurry up.”
”I'm almost to the door, you riding or you want to take the car?”
”I'm wearing a short skirt.”
”We'll take the truck.”
I hung up on her bark of laughter at my expense. The only time she was allowed on the back of my bike is when she's wearing jeans. No skirts no dresses, nothing that can fly up with the wind and show off what's mine. The other sisters might get away with that s.h.i.+t, but that was between them and their men.
She came through the door as soon as I revved the engine outside. I had a sweet dodge ram that was perfect for hauling s.h.i.+t. It would've been a man's truck if not for the fire engine red color that the women in my life had picked out.
Holly and Lily, they pretty much owned my a.s.s and they knew it. On their own they ran circles around me, together they were a force to be reckoned with. ”I was thinking we should get lil bit in on this.” I told her as I put the truck in gear and headed down the driveway.
”No question, she's going to be so excited. We've been picking out dresses and everything for a while.”
”Say what now?” this was news to me. How could they have been picking out s.h.i.+t when I'd only just asked her this morning? I reached across the console for her hand and lifted it for a kiss h.e.l.lo. ”Yeah, we've been planning the wedding for a few months now.” She hid a smirk as she turned her head out the window.
”I didn't ask months ago.” Was I missing something here?
”Hayden, if I waited around for you to ask we might never have got here. I'm surprised you even thought if it. Holly and I had the talk, I had to square it away with her first after all, and we decided that the best course of action was to do things ourselves and just tell you about it when the time was right. I'm glad you came to the same conclusion on your own though, it feels better this way.”
”Babe, if you wanted to get married why didn't you just say so?” She looked at me like I was the village dunce, touchy a.s.s woman. ”Hold that thought let me call Deanna and let her know we're coming.” Deanna can be a real pain where Lily is concerned.
This morning's theatrics wasn't the first time she'd spewed off at the mouth about Lily and Holly having contact, but we both know that the condition of our custody deal leaned more heavily in my favor than hers and that I was the one giving her a chance to be the mother she claimed she wanted to be.
Every once in a while she forgot that s.h.i.+t and spouted off like she'd lost her d.a.m.n mind. I'm sure she knew I'd never do anything to harm my kid and that's why she thought she could get away with s.h.i.+t, but I have the paperwork back home in a safe that could overturn her apple cart any day.
Chapter 12.
For the second time that day I found myself having to deal with my ex, a situation that was known to put me in a f.u.c.ked up mood.
”Deanna is Holly awake?”
”Yes, why?”
”Tell her I'm coming to get her...”
””Why what's going on? it's not your weekend.”
”Don't be stupid, just have her dressed and ready when I get there.”
”Why? tell me what's going on.”
There was really no point in hiding the s.h.i.+t, she'd find out sooner or later anyway. ”I'm taking her to help me pick out a ring for her stepmother.” The silence on the other end was answer enough. Even with all the s.h.i.+t she'd done I never wanted to hurt her, she was still the mother of my kid, but her hurt feelings weren't going to stop me from going on with my life.