Part 32 (2/2)

”And the Cleveland sleeper wasn't touched, neither. Hear her. They say she didn't even leave the tracks. He used to say she had a rattle like a dice-box. Just the same, it was the smooth-runnin' Was.h.i.+ngton sleeper lit on the engine. Listen, Cottie, oh, listen! Just like nothin' had happened.”

”Don't tremble so, darlin'. That's life every time--it just rides over its dead.”

”He hated the flyer, oh--oh--”

”Don't take on so, Della darlin'. He died on his job.”

”He hated the flyer; he--”

”He could have jumped like Jim Dirkey did, and lived to face the shame of it, but he died on his job. You can always say your man died on his job, Della darlin'.”

Della raised her crouching head and brushed the hair back from her eyes.

Helen's face that launched a thousand s.h.i.+ps was no more fair.

”That he did--didn't he, Cottie? He died on his job.”

”Sure he did, darlin'--sure he did.”

”You remember--you remember, Cottie, the first night they put him on the flyer?”

”Try to forget it, Della, and don't go gettin' all excited--there--there.”

”I was over home that night with you and maw, and--and he came in for supper with the news and--and he was like a funeral about bein'


”Yes, I remember.”

”Even with the extra pay he was for stickin' to the accommodation, because he loved her insides.”

”And because it was a chance to spite you.”

”But I--I was all for the flyer. I told him he was afraid of her speed, and he hauled off and nearly hit me for callin' him a coward before you and maw, and you up and--”

”He was rough with you, Della, but he wouldn't 'a' dared do it with me there. I had him bluffed, all righty; he wouldn't 'a' done it with me and maw there.”

”Lots maw would 'a' cared. Poor maw! She never knew nothing else but abuse, herself.”

”Paw wasn't so bad, Della--he always brought home the envelope.”

”John--he made me eat the words when we got home that night; but, just the samey, he--he wouldn't 'a' took the Imperial, Cottie, if I hadn't nagged him to it--he wouldn't have!”

”Well, what if he wouldn't? You wouldn't 'a' married him, neither, if he hadn't nagged you to it when paw died, and he knew you had a stepmother that was devilin' and abusin' the life out of us--you.”

”He used to say, when he came home with a face as black as a crazy devil's, that coaling the flyer was just like stoking h.e.l.l. She ate and ate and bellowed for more. He hated the flyer, he did. He stoked her with more hate than coal, and I drove him to it, Cottie. I put the hole in his head.”
