Volume I Part 16 (1/2)
Another globe three arm's length in diameter has, since last year, been begun by Curtio Gonzaga, which he intends shall contain all of those things that Taisnero has included in his globe as well as many other things that the said gentleman intends to add, hoping to make one of the most beautiful and perfect spheres to be seen for many years to come.
This can easily be believed, for he will do everything himself, and as the greater diligence will thus be exercised we will have all of the advantages of his great knowledge of geography, to which subject as ever, he is giving all of his attention, and the advantage of his great skill in lettering and designing.”[305]
Ruscelli maintained that globes are preferable to ordinary maps in geographical studies, stating that ”although maps of three or four arm's length and width are to be found they are not numerous and are not of great value, and furthermore we have globes, which, in extent of s.p.a.ce exhibited, surpa.s.s them. Granting that some Princes and certain others do have maps very large, as for example, such as Pope Paul II had made for the palace of S. Marco in Rome, there are also Princes and private persons who have globes which in size much surpa.s.s the plane maps that I have ever seen or heard of.” ”Until a few years since no one knew how to print such globes, and all were made with pen and brush, ... later geniuses have found a way for printing globe maps very accurately, which, in a wonderful way they can place over the surface of a sphere; a way has also been found for making the spheres round and exact, and a method for computing measurements for the coverings to fit the sphere, and for the construction of such other things as belong thereto.”[306]
The Volpaja family of Florence achieved considerable distinction in the late fifteenth and in the sixteenth century, through those members who were interested in the construction of astronomical instruments and particularly in armillary spheres. Vasari tells us that ”in the chapel of Santa Trinita, in fresco, is a picture of the Magnificent Lorenzo de'
Medici, father of Pope Leo X.... In the same picture is Lorenzo della Volpaja, a most excellent master in the art of making watches, and a distinguished astrologer, by whom a most beautiful clock was made for Lorenzo de' Medici, which the most ill.u.s.trious Duke Cosimo now has in his palace, and wherein all of the movements of the planets are perpetually shown by means of wheels, a very rare thing, and the first that was made in that manner.”[307]
At the time of its founding there came to the Museo di Strumenti Antichi di Astronomia e di Fisica of Florence a fine armillary sphere inscribed ”Hieronimus Camilli Vulpariae Florent: fe: 1557.” It is of gilded metal, having five spheres or rings ranging from 60 to 75 mm. in diameter, and in addition eighteen circles, including polar, tropical, and equatorial circles with meridian and horizon, the latter having a diameter of 144 mm. Further information recorded by Fiorini tells us that it is mounted on a wooden base.[308] On the equatorial circle of the smallest sphere is engraved ”Deferens Augiem,” on the next, ”Deferens Epiciculum,” on the third, ”Deferens Augiem,” on the fourth, ”Deferens Dragonem.” The fifth sphere is composed of six large circles and four small ones. The circles which represent the meridians, the equator, the ecliptic, and the horizon are graduated, while on the ecliptic appear the names of the twelve zodiacal constellations, and on the horizon the names of the princ.i.p.al winds or directions. This globe is referred to as one of special interest because of its peculiar and somewhat complicated construction; it is mounted on a wooden base, which is more modern than the globe proper, and in many parts gives evidence of restoration.
In the same museum there is a second armillary sphere constructed by a member of the Volpaja family, perhaps by the same one who constructed the preceding. It is inscribed ”Hieronimus Vulpariae Florentius Fe.
A.D.MDLXIIII” and was a gift to the museum by the Grand Duke Leopold I.
The diameter of its horizon circle, including the attached parts, is 41 cm., and its height, including its base, 76 cm. It has been described as follows: ”An armillary sphere, the armillae of which are of gilded bra.s.s. The small globe within the circles representing the earth is of the clearest crystal. The horizon is of gilded bra.s.s and rests on a branched support ornamented with human heads in relief. The lower part of the branches is attached to a base resting on three lion's paws. The branches, the heads, the base, and the paws are all of bra.s.s. In the northern and southern sections of the horizon there are attachments containing receptacles for holding the magnetic needle, but which needle in both places is wanting. The equator, the tropics, and the polar circles are not zones but are triangular prisms bent in the form of circles. Furthermore a part of the ecliptic, that is to say, one of its zones, is of gilded bra.s.s and is graduated, and shows the names of the months and the signs of the zodiac. The diameter of the sphere is 12.6 pollici (inches?).”[309]
There is to be found in the Mathematical Salon of Dresden a fine example of the work of Christian Heyden (1525-1576), son of a rector of the St.
Sebaldus School of Nurnberg. Doppelmayr[310] tells us that after years of study in Leipzig and Wittenberg, he returned to his native city, became interested in making mathematical instruments, and in 1564 he was appointed to a professors.h.i.+p of mathematics in the famous Nurnberg gymnasium. His biographer does not refer to his activity as a globe maker, but tells us that about the year 1570 he constructed for the Emperor Maximilian II a mechanical device for ill.u.s.trating the movement of the sun and the moon, which instrument, he notes, especially interested the noted Frenchman, Petrus Ramus, who carefully examined it on the occasion of a visit to Nurnberg. The Dresden example of his work (Fig. 67), the only example known, consists of a bra.s.s celestial globe encased in a covering of bra.s.s, on the surface of which is engraved a terrestrial map. It has a diameter of 72 cm., the whole being furnished with a horizon, a meridian, and an hour circle. This is indeed a choice specimen of a sixteenth-century engraved metal globe, of which we have numerous examples, but it is rather an ornamental piece than one of great scientific value.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 67. Globe of Christian Heyden, 1560.]
Doppelmayr likewise gives us a brief biographical note referring to one Johannes Praetorius, a globe maker, born at Joachimsthal in the year 1537.[311] After a considerable period of study, chiefly at Wittenberg, where he turned his attention to the philosophical and mathematical sciences, he took up a residence in Nurnberg in the year 1562. Here he became interested in the construction of mechanical and astronomical instruments, and soon won the favor of the Emperor Maximilian II, which favor he enjoyed to the end of that Emperor's reign. It was about the year 1576 that he became a professor of mathematics at Altdorf, where he died in the year 1616. Doppelmayr refers to a number of the mathematical and astronomical instruments constructed by him, noting that in the year 1566 he completed two globes of metal richly gilded, each having a diameter of 11 inches, that each was furnished with an hour circle, a movable quadrant and semicircles, and that a compa.s.s was set in the base of each. We learn also from the same biographer that in the year 1568 he completed a bra.s.s astrolabe having a diameter of ”one schuh”
(foot?), three and one half inches, and that it was supplied with all parts essential to a complete apparatus of its character. We are further informed that shortly after the beginning of his career in Altdorf he undertook the construction of a large celestial globe of wood and paper, having a diameter of four Nurnberg feet, that he was a.s.sisted in this work by the artist and draughtsman, Christopher Heinrichs, and that on the surface of the sphere one thousand six hundred and fifty stars were indicated with appropriate accompanying inscriptions.
Two pairs of Praetorius' globes are now known, one pair in the Mathematical Salon of Dresden (Fig. 68),[312] and the other in the Germanisches National Museum of Nurnberg. These globes are of bra.s.s, each having a diameter of 28 cm.; each is supplied with meridian, horizon, and hour circles and rests on a tripod base. They are richly engraved pieces, the terrestrial example being remarkably well preserved, the celestial being slightly injured, through rubbing which has removed parts of certain figures of the constellations.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 68. Globe of Johannes Praetorius, 1566.]
Among those Italians who, in the sixteenth century, acquired well-merited fame as globe makers may be mentioned Ign.a.z.io Danti (1536-1586),[313] known as Pellegrino before he entered the order of the preaching friars in his nineteenth year. The name Danti appears to have been given him chiefly on account of his great learning, particularly in the field of mathematics and astronomy. In the same branches of science his father had achieved distinction, and likewise his grandfather, Vicenzo de Rinaldi, who, in the year 1571, issued a translation of the 'Sfera' of Sacrobosco, and who constructed, as we are told, an astrolabe and an armillary sphere.[314] It seems to have been early in the year 1563 that Danti was called to Florence by Duke Cosimo for the purpose of constructing, under his patronage, nautical and astronomical instruments and geographical maps. Of his work which is still known to us there may be first mentioned an astronomical quadrant placed on the facade of the church of Santa Maria Novella, and an equinoctial armilla placed within the same church. We have first mention in Vasari's 'Lives'
of the globe and map work of his which especially concerns us here. It is an interesting account of his activity in this field, an account worthy of citation. ”Fra Ign.a.z.io Danti is very learned in cosmography and a man of distinguished ability in letters, in so much that the Duke Cosimo has committed to his care a work than which none more perfect in design, or more important in the results to be expected from it, has ever been executed in that kind. His excellency has caused a room of considerable extent to be prepared on the second floor of his palace, as a continuation of, and an addition to the guardaroba; around this room he has had cabinets arranged seven braccia high, and richly carved in walnut wood, intending to place within them the most valuable and beautiful works of art in his possession; and on the doors of the same he has caused fifty-seven pictures, about two braccia in height and of proportionate width, to be painted in oil on wood in the manner of miniatures. The subjects delineated are the Ptolemaic Tables, measured by Don Ign.a.z.io with the most exact perfection, and corrected according to the latest authorities; sea-charts of the utmost accuracy are added, the scale and the degrees being adjusted with all possible care, and all having the ancient, as well as the modern, names; the division made of these works being as follows. At the princ.i.p.al entrance into the room are seen four pictures executed on the sides of the cabinets, and representing in perspective the halves of four spheres, those below showing the earth, and those above the heavens with all their signs and celestial figures. Proceeding toward the right we have all Europe depicted in fourteen compartments, the pictures succeeding each other to the center of the wall which is at the head of the room, and opposite to the princ.i.p.al door, that namely whereon is placed the horologue with its wheels, and the daily motions made by the planets in their spheres; I mean that so much renowned clock made by the Florentine Lorenzo della Volpaja. Above the compartments representing Europe, are those of Africa in eleven divisions; these extend to the horologue itself, beyond which and on the lower part is Asia, which occupies a consecutive range of four compartments, extending to the princ.i.p.al door. There are besides the West Indies, which commence from the clock, and continue to the princ.i.p.al door; the whole series forming the fifty-seven divisions before mentioned. On the lower part of the walls and immediately beneath the geographical delineations, in an equal number of compartments will be the various plants and animals produced by the respective countries, all depicted from nature. Over the cornice of the said cabinets, which completes the decorations, there are to be niches dividing the pictures, and in these will be placed certain antique busts in marble, representing the Emperors and Princes by whom these lands have been possessed, so far as those portraits are known to exist or can be procured. The ceiling is entirely in carved wood-work, and within the compartments of the same are twelve large pictures, in each of which are to be four celestial signs, making in the whole forty-eight; the figures are to be but little less than life size, each accompanied by its stars.
On the walls beneath are three hundred portraits of distinguished persons belonging to the last five centuries, or somewhat more; they are painted in oil; but, that I may not make too long a story, I refer the mention of their names to the tables of my work. All have frames of similar size, very richly carved in oak, and producing an exceedingly fine effect.”
”In the two pictures occupying the center of the ceiling, each of which is four braccia wide, are the celestial signs; these can be thrown back by means which cannot be perceived; and in a s.p.a.ce representing the concave are to be two large spheres, one representing the earth: this will be made to descend by a concealed windla.s.s, and will then be balanced on a support adequate to that purpose, so that when fixed, all the pictures and the maps on the cabinet will be reflected therein, each part being thus readily found on the sphere. On the other globe the forty-eight celestial signs will be arranged, in such sort that all the operations of the astrolabe may be performed most perfectly by the aid thereof. The plan of this work has proceeded from the Duke Cosimo, who desired to have all these parts of the earth and heaven brought for once fairly together in their just positions, exactly and without errors, to the end that they might be observed and measured, either apart or all together, as might be desired by those who study and delight in this most beautiful science. I have therefore thought myself bound to make a memorial of the same in this place, for the sake of Fra Ign.a.z.io; and that his ability, with the magnificence of that great Prince, who has judged us worthy to enjoy the benefits of so honorable a labor, may be made known to all the world.”[315]
Danti must have undertaken this great work shortly after his arrival in Florence, since one of his maps, to which Vasari refers, is dated 1563, and it appears that the terrestrial globe must have been finished by 1567, since the general Depositaria of that year, as cited by Badia, records that twenty lire were paid to the gold-leaf maker, Taddeo di Francesco, for the five hundred leaves of gold to be used for the globe, and there is no succeeding entry referring to this particular piece of work.[316] We know that he never completed the task which had been a.s.signed to him. Duke Cosimo's death occurred in the year 1575, and his son and successor, Francesco, manifested but little interest in furthering the cause of science. It was perhaps at the instance of Francesco that the general of the Dominican Order directed Danti to leave Florence, and he pa.s.sed the remainder of his days in Bologna.
Apparently but thirty of the fifty-seven maps which were to be made by Danti were completed at the time of his dismissal, and only the terrestrial globe. As evidence that he did not construct the celestial globe, Badia cites a letter written by Antonio Lupicini to the Grand Duke Ferdinand, dated October 27, 1587. After reference to certain great works planned by Cosimo in the last years of his life, such as those referred to by Vasari, he adds that ”when it seemed that nothing else was to be seen in the room, at a certain sign these historical representations disappeared and the cosmography of the whole mechanism, constructed after the manner of Ptolemy, was uncovered; in doing so they opened the ceiling and let down the representations of the planets, resting them on a stand which came out of the floor, and from the floor also appeared a terrestrial and a celestial globe each three and a half braccia in diameter, one of which had been made by Fra Ign.a.z.io, and the model of which I myself have.”[317] The terrestrial globe, at first placed in the room for which it was intended, was later removed to the gallery, where on account of much handling it was greatly injured, and in the year 1595 the cosmographer, Antonio Santucci, was entrusted with its restoration.[318] Admired as it has been for more than three hundred years, on account of its size and excellent workmans.h.i.+p, repeatedly handled through all these years by careless visitors, a second restoration was undertaken a few years since by Ferdinando Meucci, director of the museum to which it finally pa.s.sed. Meucci directed this work with great care, studying minutely the construction of the globe under the opportunity thus offered. Fiorini, citing information especially given him by Meucci,[319] says that the diameter of this globe is 2.04 m.; that the ball is of wood having a papier-mache covering, protected without by a wrapping of cord and metal plates, and that it is very substantially braced within. Danti himself in describing the construction of the globe, on receiving an order for a similar one, says that ”the surface of this globe is thirty-six square braccia and it is supported within by an iron frame, as a globe of this size would not stand without bracing; it represents a new invention by means of which, though large, it can be moved in every direction with a single finger, and its pole can be easily elevated or depressed.”[320] These Medici globes, it seems, attracted much attention, and not alone in Italy.
Ponta.n.u.s, in the preface of his edition of Hues' 'Tractatus de Globis,'
after a reference to the celestial globe of Tycho Brahe, six feet in diameter, adds that Ferdinand I of Tuscany possessed two globes, one terrestrial and the other an armillary sphere with circles and orbs, and that these globes were constructed by the same hand.[321] This last statement we now know to be an error, since the terrestrial globe alone was the work of Ign.a.z.io Danti, the armillary sphere being the work of Antonio Santucci.
The Biblioteca Nationale of Turin possesses a unique and highly interesting globe signed ”Franciscus Ba.s.sus Mediolanensis feccit 1570,”
called Ba.s.so in his day, although his name appears to have been Francesco Pelliccioni or Pilizzoni.[322] In this we have one of the finest examples of the style of constructing and ornamenting metal globes, described by Ruscelli as _agemina_, in which gold and silver threads and plates are forced into the engraved outlines on the surface of the ball.
The globe, a hollow iron sphere about 56 cm. in diameter, is in an excellent state of preservation. The engraved parallels and meridians are indicated at intervals of ten degrees, the prime meridian pa.s.sing through the Canary Islands. It has thus been described by the librarian, Francesco Carta:[323] ”The parts of the globe in gold are the equator, the tropics, the polar circles and many mountain chains; the known and the unknown polar regions are flaked with gold. In gold are the crowns which designate the several kingdoms, the small islands and the graduated prime meridian. In gold and silver are the s.h.i.+ps which sail the seas, the smaller being entirely of gold. The ecliptic, the meridians excepting the prime meridian, the parallels, the majority of the mountain chains of the unknown lands, the rivers, as well as the outlines of the lands and the seas. On the graduated horizon circle are the Latin names of the winds in silver capital letters. These are the twelve winds of Timostene. A graduated metal meridian pa.s.ses through the poles and is attached to the rational horizon which is supported by four small pyramidal columns having quadrangular bases. At the top, and fastened to the framework of the globe with a silver ribbon, is a silver heart having extended wings, the feathers of which are of gold and silver. From this heart rises a small gilded design representing an olive branch, having leaves of gold. From the lower part of the support hang silver ribbons flaked with gold.” Practically all inscriptions are in silver capital letters, the majority being in Latin, but a few are in Italian and in Spanish. To North America which is connected with Asia, in accord with the idea so prevalent in the second quarter of the century, is given the name ”Asia magna quae India borealis,” and to South America the name ”America Nova.” In addition to the above inscriptions we find such as ”Hispania Major,” ”G. d. Anian,” ”Ocea.n.u.s Indicus,” ”Sinus Magnus Aphricae.” In Brazil is the inscription, ”His Leoni Copia.” The inscription ”Terra Australis recenter inventa anno 1499, sed nondum plene cognita terra,” closely resembles an inscription similarly placed on the world map of Orontius Finaeus of 1531, which reads ”Terra Australis recenter inventa sed nondum plene cognita.”[324]
It does not appear that great scientific value attaches to this globe, since there clearly was no attempt to produce a terrestrial map to date.
It, however, is a most interesting example of globe construction in a day when globes were so much in favor.
The Lancisiana Biblioteca of Rome possesses an artistically constructed armillary sphere, apparently the work of Giovanni Maria Barrocci, who, in the second half of the sixteenth century, achieved distinction as a maker of watches and of mathematical instruments. Fiorini gives reason for thinking this to be of about the year 1570, as well as reason for attributing the work to Barrocci,[325] finding it in an epitaph of a member of the family in which there is allusion to the construction of a celestial globe for Pope Pius V.
Two globes, one celestial attributed to Hieronymo de Boncompagni, and one terrestrial attributed to Emanuele Filiberto and probably constructed about the year 1570, are briefly referred to by Fiorini as belonging to the Osservatorio del Collegio Romano.[326] Further reference to these globes has not been obtainable, there being no mention of the same in a communication received by the author from this observatory.
The Biblioteca Nationale Vittorio Emanuele of Rome possesses two remarkably fine ma.n.u.script globes, a terrestrial and a celestial, the latter bearing the inscription ”Anno Jobel[327] 1575 ad que supputatae sunt stellae.” ”In the Jubilee year for which the positions of the stars have been computed.” While not giving with certainty the exact date of their construction, it seems that it could not have been later than that given in the legend. The globes bear the coat of arms of the Jesuits, which may only suggest that the maker was a member of that order. Each of these globes, or globe b.a.l.l.s, is constructed of a wooden framework, covered with a preparation of plaster, over which has been added a coat of thick varnish. On the surface thus prepared the map has been drawn and painted in colors. Each has a diameter of about 70 cm., is mounted on a pyramidal base, 77 cm. in height, from which rises a rod 45 cm. in length, supporting two semicircles which serve as a direct base support for the iron horizon circle. The celestial globe has represented on its surface the equator, the tropics, the polar circles, the colures, the ecliptic, and the zodiac, and the figures representing the several constellations. These figures are very artistically painted, having their several names written in gold in the Latin language; some figures and names unfortunately are wanting by reason of injury to the surface of the globe. On the terrestrial globe the equator, the tropics, and the polar circles are represented, while but two meridians are indicated, the prime meridian pa.s.sing through the Canary Islands while the other has been drawn ninety degrees from this, that is, cuts it at right angles at the poles.