Part 13 (1/2)

Conductors and non-conductors. See Electrical, etc.

Conformity in the deportment of the energies, 171-175.

Confusion of objects, cause of, 95.

Conic sections, 257.

Conical refraction, 29, 242.

Conservation of energy, 137 et seq. See Energy.

Conservation of weight or ma.s.s, 203.

Consonance, connexion of the simple natural numbers with, 33; Euclid's definition of, 33; explanation of, 42; scientific definition of, 44; and dissonance reduced to beats, 376, 370, 383.

Consonant intervals, 43.

Constancy of matter, 203.

Constant, the dielectric, 117.

Constants, the natural, 193.

Continuum of facts, 256 et seq.

Cornelius, 388, footnote.

Corti, the Marchese, his discovery of minute rods in the labyrinth of the ear, 19.

Coulomb, his electrical researches, 108, 109, 113; his notion of quant.i.ty of electricity, 173; his torsion-balance, 168.

Crew, Prof. Henry, 317, footnote.

Criticism, Socrates the father of scientific, 1, 16.

Critique of Pure Reason, Kant's, 188.

Crucible, derivation of the word, 49, footnote.

Crustacea, auditory filaments of, 29, 272, 302.

Cube of oil, 5.

Culture, ancient and modern, 344.

Currents, chemical, 118; electrical, 118; galvanic, 132; measurement of electrical, 135-136; of heat, 244, 249-250; strength of, 250.

Curtius, 356.

Curved lines, their asymmetry, 98.

Curves, how their laws are investigated, 206.

Cycles, reversible, Clausius on, 176.

Cyclical processes, closed, 175.

Cyclops, 67.

Cyclostat, 298.

Cylinder, of oil, 6; ma.s.s of gas enclosed in a, 179.

D'Alembert, on the causes of harmony, 34; his principle, 142, 149, 154; also 234, 279.

Danish schools, 338, footnote.

Darwin, his study of organic nature, 215 et seq.; his methods of research, 216.

Deaf and dumb, not subject to giddiness, 299.

Deaf person, with a piano, a.n.a.lyses sounds, 27.

Death and life, 186.

Definition, compendious, 197.

Deiters, 19.

Delage, 298, 301, 302.

Democritus, his mechanical conception of the world, 155, 187.

Demonstration, character of, 362.

Deportment of the energies, conformity in the, 171-175.

Derivation, laws only methods of, 256.

Descent, Galileo's laws of, 193; generally, 143 et seq., 204, 215.

Description, 108, 191, 236, 237; a condition of scientific knowledge, 193; direct and indirect, 240; in physics, 197, 199.

Descriptive sciences, their resemblance to the abstract, 248.

Determinants, 195.

Diderot, 234.

Dielectric constant, the, 117.