Part 12 (1/2)
Bernoulli, James, on the centre of oscillation, 149.
Bernoulli, John, on the conservation of living force, 149; on the principle of virtual velocities, 151.
Bible, parallel pa.s.sages from, for language study, 356.
Binocular vision, 66 et seq.
Black, his theory of caloric, 138, 162; on quant.i.ty of heat, 166, 174; on latent heat, 167, 178; researches in heat generally, 244.
Blind cat, 303.
Bodies, heavy, seek their places, 224 et seq.; rotating, 285.
Body, a mental symbol for groups of sensations, 200-203; the human, our knowledge of, 90.
Boltzmann, 236.
Booth, Mr., 77.
Borelli, 217.
Boulder, a granite, 233.
Bow-wave of s.h.i.+ps and moving projectiles, 323 et seq.
Boys, 317.
Bradley, 273.
Brahman, the, 63.
Brain, localisation of functions in, 210.
Breuer, 272, 282 et seq., 293, 298, 300, 301, 303, 306.
Brewster, his stereoscope, 73.
Bridge, invention of the, 264, 268.
British a.s.sociation, 108.
Brooklyn Bridge, 75, footnote.
Brown, Crum, 293, 301.
Building, our concepts directions for, 253; facts the result of, 253; science compared to, 257.
Building-stones, metrical units are, 253.
Busch, 328.
Business of a merchant, science compared to the, 16.
b.u.t.terfly, a, 22.
Calculating machines, their economical character, 196.
Caloric, theory of, stood in the way of scientific advancement, 138, 167.
Calypso, the island of, 351.
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 39.
Cantor, M., 361, footnote.
Capacity, electrical, 116 et seq., 123; thermal, 123; specific inductive, 117.
Capulets and Montagues, 87.
Cards, difficult games of, 357.
Carnot, S., excludes perpetual motion in heat, 156, 162; his mechanical view of physics, 156; on thermodynamics, 160 et seq.; his principle, 162; also, 191.
Carus, Dr. Paul, 265, footnote.
Ca.s.selli's telegraph, 26.
Ca.s.sini, 51.
Cauchy, character of the intellectual activity of a, 195.
Causal insight, awakened by science, 357.
Causality, 157-159, 190, 198 et seq., 221 et seq., 237, 253, 254.
Cause and effect, 198 et seq. See also Causality.
Centimetre-gramme-second system, 111.
Centre of gravity, must lie as low as possible for equilibrium to subsist, 15; Torricelli's principle of, 150 et seq.
Centre of oscillation, 149.
Change, method of, in science, 230.
Changeable character of bodies, 202.
Changes, physical, how they occur, 205.
Character, a Universal Real, 192.