Part 14 (1/2)

samtlichen Bucher umlauts over the a and u

Chaine circ.u.mflex over the i, and wherever this word appears elsewhere in the book (e.g. Introduction, notes 5 and 8).

Loeb ... Pirke Abot acute accent over the e in Pirke, for both entries

ecole acute accent over the first e

Etudes acute accent over the first e

le chapitre Ier final er is superscript (premier)

Schurer umlaut over the u

Vortrage umlaut over the a


The source text included the following two lines: ”All Israel,” etc., p. 29 and ”Rabbi Chanania,” etc., p. 38.

as the first and last line of each chapter, the page numbers referring to the beginning and ending of Chapter I. Rather than reference these two sentences as the source text did, this text version copies the two sentences to their intended locations. The transcriber believes this better captures the flavor of the text.

Chapter III: