Part 4 (1/2)
The mids.h.i.+pman who had the watch was the one who had cautioned me against the Trotters; he was very friendly to me. ”Well, Simple,” said he, ”what brings you on deck?” I told him how ill Mr Trotter had behaved to his wife, and how she had turned into my hammock.
”The cursed drunken old catamaran,” cried he; ”I'll go and cut her down by the head:” but I requested he would not, as she was a lady.
”A lady!” replied he; ”yes, there's plenty of ladies of her description;” and then he informed me that she had many years ago been the mistress of a man of fortune who kept a carriage for her; but that he grew tired of her, and had given Trotter 200 pounds to marry her, and that now they did nothing but get drunk together and fight with each other.
He went to my hammock and lowered it down at one end, so that Mrs Trotter lay with her head on the deck in a very uncomfortable position.
To my astonishment, she swore at him in a dreadful manner, but refused to turn out. He was abusing her and shaking her in the hammock, when Mr Trotter, who had been aroused at the noise, rushed from behind the screen. ”You villain! what are you doing with my wife?” cried he, pummelling at him as well as he could, for he was so tipsy that he could hardly stand.
Mr Trotter was soon knocked down, when all of a sudden Mrs Trotter jumped up from the hammock, and caught the mids.h.i.+pman by the hair, and pulled at him. Then the sentry thought right to interfere; he called out for the master-at-arms, and went down himself to help the mids.h.i.+pman, who was faring badly between the two. But Mrs Trotter s.n.a.t.c.hed the lantern out of his hand and smashed it all to pieces, and then we were all left in darkness, and I could not see what took place, although the scuffling continued. Such was the posture of affairs when the master-at-arms came up with his light. The mids.h.i.+pman and sentry went up the ladder, and Mr and Mrs Trotter continued beating each other. To this, none of them paid any attention, saying, as the sentry had said before, ”Let them fight it out.”
After they had fought some time, they retired behind the screen, and I followed the advice of the mids.h.i.+pman, and got into my hammock, which the master-at-arms hung up again for me. I heard Mr and Mrs Trotter both crying and kissing each other. ”Cruel, cruel Mr Trotter!” said she blubbering.
”My life, my love, I was so jealous!” replied he.
”d.a.m.n and blast your jealousy,” replied the lady; ”I've two nice black eyes for the galley to-morrow.” After about an hour of kissing and scolding, they both fell asleep again.
The next morning before breakfast, the mids.h.i.+pman reported to the first lieutenant the conduct of Mr Trotter and his wife. I was sent for, and obliged to acknowledge that it was all true. He sent for Mr Trotter, who replied that he was not well, and could not come on deck. Upon which the first lieutenant ordered the sergeant of marines to bring him up directly. Mr Trotter made his appearance, with one eye closed, and his face very much scratched.
”Did not I desire you, sir,” said the first lieutenant, ”to introduce this young gentleman into the mids.h.i.+pmen's berth? instead of which you have introduced him to that disgraceful wife of yours, and have swindled him out of his property. I order you immediately to return the three guineas which you received as mess-money, and also that your wife give back the stockings which she cajoled him out of.”
But then I interposed, and told the first lieutenant that the stockings had been a free gift on my part; and that although I had been very foolish, yet that I considered that I could not in honour demand them back again.
”Well, youngster,” replied the first lieutenant, ”perhaps your ideas are correct, and if you wish it, I will not enforce that part of my order; but,” continued he to Mr Trotter, ”I desire, sir, that your wife leave the s.h.i.+p immediately and I trust that when I have reported your conduct to the captain, he will serve you in the same manner. In the meantime, you will consider yourself under an arrest for drunkenness.”
The captain came on board about twelve o'clock, and ordered the discharge of Mr Trotter to be made out, as soon as the first lieutenant had reported what had occurred. He then sent for all the mids.h.i.+pmen on the quarter-deck.
”Gentlemen,” said the captain to them, with a stern countenance, ”I feel very much indebted to some of you for the character which you have been pleased to give of me to Mr Simple. I must now request that you will answer a few questions which I am about to put in his presence. Did I ever flog the whole starboard watch, because the s.h.i.+p would only sail nine knots on a bowline!”
”No, sir, no!” replied they all, very much frightened.
”Did I ever give a mids.h.i.+pman four dozen for not having his weekly accounts pipe-clayed; or another five dozen for wearing a scarlet watch riband?”
”No, sir,” replied they all together.
”Did any mids.h.i.+pman ever die on his chest from fatigue?”
They again replied in the negative.
”Then, gentlemen, you will oblige me by stating which of you thought proper to a.s.sert these falsehoods in a public coffee-room; and further, which of you obliged this youngster to risk his life in a duel?”
They were all silent.
”Will you answer me, gentlemen?”
”With respect to the duel, sir,” replied the mids.h.i.+pman who had fought me, ”I _heard_ say, that the pistols were only charged with powder. It was a joke.”