Part 23 (2/2)
NEARING, SCOTT. Wages in the United States, 1908 to 1910. New York, 1911.
OLIVER, THOMAS. Dangerous Trades. London, 1902.
PATTEN, SIMON N. The New Basis of Civilization. New York, 1907.
PEIXOTTO, JESSICA B. Women of California as Trade Unionists.
_a.s.sociation of Collegiate Alumnae_, Dec., 1908.
PRESCOTT and HALL. Immigration and Its Effects. New York, 1900.
PUTNAM, EMILY JAMES. The Lady. New York, 1910.
RAUSCHENBUSCH, WALTER. Christianity and the Social Crisis. New York, 1907.
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RHINELANDER, W.S. Life and Letters of Josephine Shaw Lowell. New York, 1911.
RICHARDSON, DOROTHY. The Long Day. New York, 1905.
ROGERS, J.E. THOROLD. Six Centuries of Work and Wages.
ROMAN, F.W. Industrial and Commercial Schools of the United States and Germany. New York, 1915.
ROSS, EDWARD ALSWORTH. Sin and Society. Boston, 1907.
RUSSELL, CHARLES EDWARD. Why I Am a Socialist. New York, 1910.
RYAN, JOHN A. A Living Wage in Its Ethical and Economic Aspects. New York, 1906.
SALMON, LUCY M. Progress in the Household. Boston, 1906.
SCHREINER, OLIVE. Woman and Labour. London and New York, 1911.
SIMONS, A.M. Social Forces in American History.
SNEDDEN, DAVID M. Problems of Educational Readjustment. New York, 1913.
---- The Problem of Vocational Education. Boston, 1910.
SNOWDEN, PHILIP. The Living Wage. London and New York, 1912.