Part 24 (1/2)

SOMBART, WERNER. Socialism and the Social Movement (Trans.). New York, 1909.

SPARGO, JOHN. Socialism. New York, 1909. Syndicalism, Industrial Unionism and Socialism. New York, 1913.

---- and ARNER, G.B.L. Elements of Socialism. New York, 1912.

SPENCER, ANNA GARLIN. Woman and Social Culture. New York, 1913.

SUMNER, HELEN L. History of Women in Industry in the United States.

Vol. IX of the United States Report on the Condition of Women and Child Wage Earners. 1910.

THOMAS, W.I. s.e.x and Society. University of Chicago Press, 1907.

VAN KLEECK, MARY. Artificial Flower Making. Women in the Bookbinding Trade. Russell Sage Foundation publications, 1912.

VAN VORST, BESSIE and MARIE. The Woman Who Toils. New York, 1903.

WARD, LESTER F. Pure Sociology (especially Chapter XIV). New York.

WEBB, SIDNEY. Economic Theory of a Legal Minimum Wage. _Journal of Political Economy_, Vol. 20, No. 12., Dec., 1912.

---- and BEATRICE. History of Trade Unionism. London, 1907.

WELLS, H.G. New Worlds for Old. New York, 1909.

WEYL, WALTER E. The New Democracy. New York, 1910.

WILLETT, M.H. Employment of Women in the Clothing Trades. Columbia University. New York, 1902.

WILSON, JENNIE L. Legal and Political Status of Women in the United States.

WINSLOW, CHARLES H.; Editor. Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the United States Bureau of Labor, Industrial Training.

WOLFE, F.E. Admission to Labor Unions. Johns Hopkins University Press.

MINIMUM WAGE, THE CASE FOR. By Louis D. Brandeis, M.B. Hammond, John A. Hobson, Florence Kelley, Esther Packard, Elizabeth C. Watson, Howard B. Woolston. _The Survey_, Feb. 6, 1915.

_Periodicals and Reports_

_American Federationist, A.F. of L. Newsletter_, and other publications of the American Federation of Labor. Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

_American Legislation Review_ and other publications of the American a.s.sociation for Labor Legislation. New York.

_Annals of the American Academy of Political Science_. Philadelphia.

_Child Labor Bulletin, The_ (National), and other publications of the National Child Labor Committee, New York.

Commercial Club of Chicago. Publications on Vocational Training.