Volume III Part 65 (1/2)
Saratoga Union convention, 1866, iii. 144; attended by Reps. and Dems., 144; appoints dels. to Johnson's Philadelphia con., 144.
Savage, Edward, member Council of Appointment, 1807, i. 156.
Savage, John, appointed Supreme Court judge, i. 322.
Sch.e.l.l, Augustus, at Charleston con., ii. 272; aspires to be gov., 1872, iii. 297; opposes Tilden, 1876, 342; candidate for state senator, 386; opposed by Morrissey, 386; fierce fight, 386; defeated, 388; nominated for mayor by Tam., 394; defeated, 396; leads the Tam. bolt, 1879, 423; refused admission to Dem. nat. con., 1880, 457; part in spectacular reconciliation, 458.
Scheu, Solomon B., nominated for prison insp., 1870, iii. 231; elected, 244.
Schoonmaker, Augustus, nominated for atty.-gen., 1877, iii. 384; elected, 387; renominated, 1879, 424; defeated, 427; nominated for judge of Court of Appeals, 1881, 484; defeated, 486.
Schurz, Carl, reports upon Southern sentiment, iii. 136; opposes Ku Klux Act, 276; favours universal amnesty, 277; criticism of Grant's administration, 278; organises Lib. Rep. movement, 280; ch'm. of Lib. Rep. con., 283; opposes Greeley for President, 283.
Schuyler, George W., nominated for state treas., 1863, iii. 76; elected, 83.
Schuyler, Philip, member first const.i.tutional con., i. 5; suggested for gov., 17; public career of, 17; Kent on, 17; Webster on, 18; characteristics of, 18; called ”Great Eye,” 18, note; surprised by Clinton's election as gov., 21; elected U.S. senator, 44; defeated for re-election, 49; combination against him, 49; member of Council of Appointment, 61; nominates Benson, 61; claims concurrent right with gov., 61; justification of, 62; re-elected to U.S. senate, 70; resigns, 70; example in Council followed by DeWitt Clinton, 110.
Scott, George F., nominated for state comp., 1861, iii. 21, note; defeated, 29.
Scott, John Morin, member first const.i.tutional con., i. 5; leads radicals in, 13; ch'm. Council of Safety, 16; suggested for gov., 17; Adams on, 18; Jones on, 18; ancestry of, 19; career of, 19.
Scott, Winfield, valour at Queenstown Heights, i. 223; opinion of Wilkinson, 223; promoted, 225; bravery at Lundy's Lane, 226; brilliant leaders.h.i.+p, 227; candidate for President, 1852, ii. 166-7; tour through New York, 176; regarded as Seward's candidate, 175; confident of election, 179; defeated, 179.
Disapproves relief of Fort Sumter, iii. 1; disapproves battle of Bull Run, 11.
”Scratchers,” a faction of Rep. party, iii. 424; origin of name, 424.
Scribner, G. Hilton, defeated for ch'm. of Rep. state con., 1871, iii. 258-9; nominated for sec. of state, 1871, 264; elected, 275.
Seceders, Barnburners from Hunkers, ii. 127; Silver-Grays from Seward Whigs, 155; Dem. senators from state senate, 163; Hunkers from Barnburners, 180; anti-slavery members from Softs, 197; Wood delegation from Dem. state con., 249.
Secretary of state, stepping stone to Presidency, i. 364.
Sedgwick, Charles B., character of, iii. 55; candidate for U.S. senate, 1863, 55; defeated, 55.
Selden, Henry S., nominated for lt.-gov., ii. 237; family of, 237; character and career of, 236-7.
Suggested for U.S. senate, 1863, iii. 55; nominated for judge of Court of Appeals, 1863, 76; elected, 83; joins Lib. Rep. party, 284; attends its Nat. con., 284; opposes scheme of Fenton, 284.
Selden, Samuel L., nominated for Court of Appeals, ii. 211; elected, 219; brother of Henry R., 237; character and career of, 237-8.
Selkreg, John H., Ithaca _Journal_, a leading Rep. editor, iii. 414.
Senate, state, number of members in first, i. 9; election of, 9; how apportioned, 9; powers of, 9; model of, 9; who could vote for, 9.
Senate, United States, its enormous power, i. 118; members.h.i.+p in it preferred to the governors.h.i.+p, 364; years of its greatness, 386.
Senators, United States, service of Rufus King, 1789-96, i. 44; Philip Schuyler, 1789-91, 44; Aaron Burr, 1791-7, 49; John Lawrence, 1796-1801, 70; Philip Schuyler, 1797-8, 70; John Sloss Hobart, 1798, 70; William North, 1798, 70; James Watson, 1798-1800, 70; Gouverneur Morris, 1800-3, 71; John Armstrong, 1801-2, 118; DeWitt Clinton, 1802-3, 118; John Armstrong, 1803-4, 118; Theodorus Bailey, 1804, 156; Samuel L. Mitch.e.l.l, 1804-9, 170; John Smith, 1804-15, 170; Obadiah German, 1809-15, 170; Rufus King, 1815-27, 211, 269; Nathan Sanford, 1815-21, 233; Martin Van Buren, 1821-8, 286; Charles B. Dudley, 1829-33, 383; Nathan Sanford, 1827-31, 347; William L. Marcy, 1831-2, 385.
Silas Wright, 1833-44, ii. 1, 65; Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, 1833-44, 39; Daniel S. d.i.c.kinson, 1845-51, 93; Henry A. Foster, 1844-5, 93; John A. Dix, 1845-9, 93; William H. Seward, 1849-61, 145, 205; Hamilton Fish, 1851-7, 162; Preston King, 1857-63, 243; Ira Harris, 1861-7, 365.