Volume III Part 64 (1/2)

Putnam, James O., a Silver-Gray, ii. 156; eloquence of, 156; votes for Babc.o.c.k for U.S. senator, 1855, 207; favours union of American and Rep. parties, 249; elector-at-large, 328; Americans follow him into Rep. party, 332.

”Quids,” nickname for Gov. Lewis' followers, 1806, i. 152.

Radcliff, Jacob, appointed on Supreme Court, i. 68; life of, 69; character and appearance of, 69; becomes mayor of New York City, 172; removed, 179.

Radical and Conservative Democrats, difference in ca.n.a.l policy, ii. 53.

Radicals, faction of Dem. party, ii. 52, 126; opposed state debt to construct ca.n.a.l, 52, 126; leaders of, 53, 126; called Barnburners after supporting the Wilmot Proviso, 126; see Barnburners.

Raines, Thomas, nominated for state treas., 1871, iii. 264; elected, 275; joins Lib. Rep. party, 307; dropped by Reps., 307; renominated by Dems., 1873, 308; elected, 309.

Randall, Henry S., biographer of Jefferson, ii. 324; Barnburner, 324; ch'm. of Hards' state con., 1860, 324.

Randolph, John, teller when J.Q. Adams was elected President, i. 343.

Rapallo, Charles J., nominated for judge of Court of Appeals, 1880, iii. 460; defeated, 463.

Raymond, Henry Jarvis, in a.s.sembly, ii. 159; speaker, 159; career and gifts of, 159-61; editor of N.Y. _Courier_, 160; established N.Y. _Times_, 160; quarrels with Webb, 161; supports Fish for U.S. senate, 162; ambition to be gov., 1852, 173; at Anti-Nebraska con., 194; nominated for lt.-gov., 1854, 199; deep offence to Greeley, 199-200; elected, 204; at birth of Rep. party, 213; active, 1856, 240; favours Douglas for U.S. senator, 247; at Chicago con., 283; calls Greeley a disappointed office-seeker, 306-7; Greeley's letter to Seward, 1854, 307; endorses Weed's compromise, 337.

Elected to a.s.sembly, iii. 29; upholds Lincoln's policy, 42; favours Dix, 1862, 42; ch'm. Rep. state con., 1862, 44; replies to Seymour, 44; candidate for U.S. senate, 1863, 55; del.-at-large to Rep. nat. con., 1864, 92; reports the platform, 93; supports Johnson for Vice-President, 94; zenith of his influence, 95; why he supported Johnson, 95; did Lincoln whisper to him, 96; writes Lincoln of hopeless situation, 105-6; elected to Congress, 1864, 126; great victory, 126; supports President Johnson, 132; enters Congress, 137; prestige of, 138; his maiden speech, 138; defeated, 141; sustains veto, 142; his fickleness, 142; satirised by Stevens, 142, note; hesitates to attend Philadelphia con., 1866, 143; Seward urges him on, 143; extreme views, 145; removed from Rep. Nat. Ex. Com., 145; Congress added no fame, 145; mental weariness, 146; refuses to support Hoffman for gov., 161; returns to Rep. party, 161; supports Fenton with loyalty, 161; declines to run for Congress, 161; sincerity of, 161; brilliant life cut short, 175.

Redfield, Herman J., kept out of office, i. 348.

Ch'm. Dem. state con., 1861, ii. 17; his views on the war, 18; prophecy of, 18.

Reed, Thomas B., Conkling's attack on Curtis found in sc.r.a.p-book, iii. 374, note; listed among masterpieces of sarcasm and invective, 374.

Reeves, Henry A., Greenport _Republican Watchman_, a leading Dem. editor, iii. 420.

Reid, Whitelaw, N.Y. _Tribune_, iii. 414; leading Rep. editor, 414; telegram about Robertson's appointment, 472-3.

Renwick, James, characteristics of Tompkins, i. 215.

Republican national conventions, Baltimore, 1864, iii. 93; Chicago, 1868, 192; Philadelphia, 1872, 291-2; Cincinnati, 1876, 333-5; Chicago, 1880, 438-46.

Republican party, Anti-Nebraska con., ii. 194; Greeley favoured its organisation, 1854, 200; Weed and Seward opposed, 200; Greeley named it, 211; Executive Committee appointed, 1854, 211; formal organisation, 1855, 211-4; its platform, 213; Seward's speech for, 217-8; Silver-Grays defeat it, 219; Weed and Seward criticised, 219-20; carried state for Fremont and King, 241-2; elect gov., 1858, 255; made up of young men, 328-9; elect Lincoln and Morgan, 333; desired peace, 360.

Republican State Committee, proposes a Union state con., 1861, iii. 15.

Republican state conventions, 1861, Syracuse, iii. 21; 1862, Syracuse, 44; 1863, Syracuse, 73; 1864, Syracuse, 90, 115; 1865, Syracuse, 129; 1866, Syracuse, 150; 1867, Syracuse, 172; 1868, Syracuse, 193; 1869, Syracuse, 225; 1870, Saratoga, 235; 1871, Syracuse, 257; 1872, Utica, 292; 1873, Utica, 307; 1874, Utica, 315; 1875, Saratoga, 324; 1876, Saratoga, 336-9; 1877, Rochester, 362-77; 1878, Saratoga, 301; 1879, Saratoga, 412-8; 1880, Utica, 429-34; 1881, Saratoga, 485; 1882, Saratoga, 492.

Reynolds, Marcus T., wit of, ii. 390.

Rhodes, William C., nominated for prison director, 1861, iii. 21, note.

Richmond, Dean, original Barnburner, ii. 131; leaders.h.i.+p at Charleston con., 1860, 270-9; character and career of, 271-2; believed to be for Seymour, 276, 298, note, 299; sustains two-thirds rule, 277; defeats Douglas' nomination under rule, 277-8; sustains admission of contestants, 300; d.i.c.kinson's attack on, 302-3; intentions of, 303; calls Dem. state peace con., 354.

Opposes a Union state con., 1861, iii. 15; reasons therefor, 16; appeal to Seymour, 38, 39; draft circular, 82; del. to Dem. nat. con., 1864, 101; opposes Seymour for President, 107; supports McClellan, 107; supports Johnson, and manages Saratoga and Philadelphia conventions, 1866, 144; favours Dix for gov., 1866, 155; sudden death, 158; first unofficial man in America, 159; dies in home of Tilden, 265, note.