Part 33 (1/2)

”You sure?” she asked.

”Sure, I'm sure,” he told her.

When they were out in the street, she said to Rocco: ”I guess it's silly of me, but I was worried about his getting along.”

Rocco looked at her. ”You don't have to worry about him any more. He can get along all right.” He was quiet for a moment as they walked along, then he added: ”He don't need n.o.body to look after him any more. I'm beginning to wonder what I'm doing hanging around.”

She looked at him, her face thoughtful. ”Why, Rock, you're doing a job,” she protested. ”Johnny couldn't get along without you.”

His face was impa.s.sive. She couldn't tell how he felt. His voice was questioning as he answered: ”I'm not so sure he can't.” He looked at her. For the first time she saw a look of pain his eyes.

Involuntarily she put her hand on his arm as they walked along. She could feel his arm tense underneath his coat. Slowly it relaxed as they walked along. After a while she asked: ”What's on your mind, Rock? You're not yourself.”

He looked at her swiftly. Her eyes were on his; they were warm and invited his confidence. ”Nothing,” he said quickly, ”I guess I just feel low, that's all.”

She looked at him. He could see the sudden look of hurt that flashed across her face when he refused her his confidence, and strangely something inside him warmed and glowed. Before he had felt lonely and unwanted, and now suddenly he felt differently. He didn't understand it. He stopped abruptly and faced her. ”You're really interested?” he asked.

She lowered her eyes and didn't look directly at him. Her voice was low. ”You know that I am, Rock,” she replied.

A new and heady feeling of elation began to run through him. He took her hand as they began to walk again. Oddly enough, what was bothering him before did not seem too important now. Her hand felt good in his. He looked at her. ”The car is only on the next block,” he said.

She smiled at him, but didn't answer.

He liked the way she smiled at him. She had never smiled at him in just this way before. Maybe the way he felt before was not important now, but it would be good to talk to her about it on the way home.

Johnny pushed his way into the crowded dressing room. It was a newer theater and a larger room, but the scene was the same that Johnny remembered.

Craig sat at a dressing-table removing his make-up and watching the people in the room in his mirror. Here, as on stage, he was the center of attraction.

Johnny was sure Craig had seen him enter, but as he gave no sign of recognition, he walked toward a seat on the far side of the room and sat down. He lit a cigarette and looked around him.

People were always the same, they never changed. When at last Craig stood up and turned around, they surged up to him. Several women gave him their programs to autograph. Others smiled and spoke a congratulatory word. For each Craig had a smile and a pleasant reply. Johnny thought he looked happy in his element.

Bored with the scene in the dressing room, which looked as if it would last for a while, Johnny looked out into the hall. Through the open doorway he could see down the corridor to the other dressing rooms. From one of them a girl was just emerging. She came toward Craig's room. In the dim light of the corridor there was something strangely fluid about the way she walked, something strangely and deliberately feminine. For a moment Johnny had the impression he could see through the clinging pleated dress she wore, see the flowing muscles of her thighs, the outline of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

He stared at her as she came into the room. Startled, in the full light of the room, he realized that the light in the corridor had been playing tricks on him. She was a young girl with honey-colored hair flowing down to her shoulders. She blinked her eyes a little as the light struck them; then, as they cleared, she made her way through the crowd to Craig.

Involuntarily Johnny's eyes followed her. There was something about this girl that was almost magnetic. At first Johnny didn't know what it was, then suddenly he understood it. The styles of the times called for thin figures and boyishly cut hair. This girl catered to neither of these fas.h.i.+ons. She was slim, but feminine, and wore her hair in long blond waves.

Her voice was deep and full and Johnny could hear what she said from where he was sitting. It was a trained voice and from it Johnny knew she was in show business.

”Warren,” the girl said, ”Cynthia will be a little late.”

Craig looked at her and nodded. ”Tell her I'll wait, Dulcie,” he replied.

The girl turned and silently went back out into the hall. Johnny watched her as she walked back to the dressing room from which she had come. Again the dim light of the corridor performed its strange revealing trick. She disappeared into the room.

Johnny shook his head as he turned back to Craig. He was smiling to himself. ”She'd slap my face if she knew what I was thinking,” he thought.

The crowd was beginning to leave. He lit another cigarette and settled himself for a patient wait. He didn't have to wait long, for suddenly they had all gone and Craig was walking toward him. He stood up slowly.

For a moment they looked at each other, then Craig held out his hand. ”h.e.l.lo, Johnny,” he said.

Johnny took his hand. ”h.e.l.lo, Warren,” he replied.

Craig looked right into Johnny's eyes. He smiled slowly, hesitantly. ”I never expected to see you here.”

”I didn't expect to be here,” Johnny replied candidly. ”But I just caught the show and had to come back and tell you how much I liked it.”

”I'm glad you did, Johnny,” Craig said slowly. ”Many is the time I wanted to apologize for making such an a.s.s of myself, but I never seemed to get around to it. I watched your company's progress and was really glad it worked out all right.”

There was no doubting the sincerity in his voice. Johnny knew instinctively that Craig wasn't acting. He smiled suddenly. ”I'm glad you feel that way, because I came back here for the same reason I did the last time.”

Craig threw his head back and laughed heartily. ”Still the same old Johnny.”

Johnny nodded his head. ”One-track mind. Don't forget you still owe me a picture.”

Craig's face grew serious. ”I don't know whether I can, Johnny. After all, you know my position in regard to pictures.”

Johnny knew his position. Since he had failed to live up to their agreement to make The Bandit, Craig had publicly announced that motion pictures were not important enough for him to be interested in. He looked at Craig candidly. ”I've heard about it,” he admitted, ”but times change. You can always change your mind. The Barrymores are going into pictures; so can you.” He stopped for a moment, then added as an apparent afterthought: ”I know it's not important to you, but you can make as much money in one month's work in the movies as you can in one year on the stage.”

Craig looked interested. This play was almost at the end of its run. It might go until the end of the year, it might not. It had been playing almost a year now, and he had no plans for the future. ”Tell you what, Johnny,” he said, ”supposing you come to supper with me and we'll talk it over. You tell me what you've got in mind, and though I'm not promising anything, I'll listen.”

Johnny nodded his head. ”Fair enough,” he replied. ”That's all I ask. If we can do business now, we'll both forget what happened.”

Craig grinned ruefully. ”Go ahead, rub it in.” But there was no malice in his words.

Johnny smiled at him and watched him get his hat and coat. He came back to Johnny. ”We'll pick up Cynthia in her dressing room on the way out,” he said.

Johnny protested. ”Wait a minute, I don't want to be breaking anything up.”

Craig laughed. ”Don't be silly, old man. You're not breaking anything up. Cynthia and I always eat together after the show.” He snapped his finger suddenly. ”Fact is, you'll be a welcome addition. My cousin, Dulcie, is coming with us. She's ambitious to become an actress, and even though my wife and I have been trying to discourage her, she'll be thrilled at meeting a big moving-picture man like you.”

Johnny was surprised for a moment; then he remembered he had read in the program that during the run of the play Craig and the leading lady had been married. He smiled back at him and held out his hand. ”I forgot for a moment that you're a newlywed. Congratulations.”

Craig shook his hand. ”Thanks,” he said. ”Ready to go?”

Johnny nodded. He turned and picked up his coat from the chair where he had put it. It was an awkward turn and he almost slipped as he made it.

Craig grabbed him with his hand. He grinned at Johnny. ”Charley horse or one too many?”

Johnny smiled ruefully back at him and shook his head. ”Neither,” he replied, ”I wish it were. I left a leg in France.”

A look of sympathy rushed across Craig's face. ”Forgive me,” he said quickly, ”I seem bound to make a fool of myself, but I didn't know.”