Part 32 (1/2)

I could see faces in the restaurant turn toward him. Mr. Roth kept looking at me. I turned and looked up at Stanley. My voice was cold. ”When I get back to the office I expect to find your resignation on my desk.”

Stanley stood there, looking at me with a furious expression on his face. I turned and looked at Mr. Roth.

There was a look of quiet understanding on his face. Stanley started to speak again, but Mr. Roth stopped him with an upraised hand. ”Go into the other room, Stanley,” he said quietly, ”and wait for me. I want to speak to Mr. Edge alone.”

Stanley looked at both of us for a moment and then turned and walked away.

We sat there quietly for a long while, not speaking. We just looked at each other. At last Mr. Roth spoke. ”I apologize for my brother-in-law, Mr. Edge,” he said in that soft, quiet voice of his. ”I suspected for a long time he was a schlemiel, but now I know he is.”

I didn't answer. We were quiet for a few moments, then he spoke again. ”I also want to apologize for myself, Mr. Edge. I'm ashamed to feel I've been a part of this thing.”

I still didn't answer.

He got to his feet and looked down at me. I looked up at him. His face was grave, stolid. ”There is nothing a man would not do for his only sister, Mr. Edge. I am a good twenty years older than her, and when my mother died I promised I would look out for her. I thought I was helping my sister's husband and so helping her. I realize I've been wrong.” He held out his hand.

I looked at it and then at him. Slowly I rose to my feet. I took his hand. His face was somehow sad, but his eyes met mine. He inclined his head slightly in a kind of bow and turned and left the room.

Stanley's resignation was on my desk when I got back to the office and I forgot about him for a while. I heard he went back to Chicago with his brother-in-law and that he opened some theaters back there, but I didn't pay much attention to him. I was too busy learning how to walk.

I looked around the table. Larry was talking now, but I didn't know what he was saying. Suddenly I was curious about this man I had seen but once fifteen years ago. I looked at Dave. For the first time I realized that he was the son of the man I had met.

I spoke across the table to him, cutting into Larry's talk as if he didn't exist. ”How's your father, Dave?” I asked.

Dave was surprised at my question. His face grew fl.u.s.tered. ”Who, me?” he stammered.

I smiled at him. Larry fell silent in surprise that I had interrupted his talk. He wasn't used to it. I ignored him. ”Yes,” I said to Dave, ”your father. I met him once many years ago. A very fine gentleman.”

Dave's face looked pleased at what I had said. When he relaxed he looked very much like his father. But his face didn't have the strength his father's had. ”My father is dead,” he answered simply. ”He died two years ago.”

For a moment I was genuinely sorry and I said I was. ”Too bad we didn't get to know each other better,” I said. ”I feel he would have made a good friend.”

I looked at Dave and then at Stanley. A crazy thought was running through my mind. Can relatives through marriage grow to look like one another? They both had the same selfish, sensual expression on their faces. Their mouths were round and thin and spoiled.

I began to smile slowly. I turned and looked at Stanley again. He looked uncomfortable. That business he was giving us about hard work was so much c.r.a.p. He didn't make his dough. It was his wife's. She inherited it from her brother. She and Dave. That's why Stanley kept pus.h.i.+ng him forward.

I laughed aloud. They looked at me as if I had gone off the nut. I laughed again. This wasn't going to be as tough as I thought.




Johnny held his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone and spoke to Rocco. ”Get the car around and I'll meet you outside as soon as I finish talking to Peter.”

Rocco nodded and left the office, closing the door behind him.

Johnny took his hand from the phone and spoke into it. His voice was patient. He had been listening to Peter complaining about this man, Will Hays, whom the industry had hired to head its a.s.sociation. According to Peter, Hays was going to ruin the industry. ”Look, Peter,” he said, ”stop worrying about Hays. He's only trying to do the job you and the others hired him for. The picture business isn't a peanut stand any more. It's a big business and the eye of the public is on it. That's why you formed the M.P.P.D.A. To protect yourselves-”

Peter interrupted him. ”But you know what he wants to do? He wants us all to give him information on how much business we're doing in each territory. Can you imagine what Borden, Laemmle, Fox, or Mayer would do if they knew that Magnum was doing two million a year in New York and in their theaters into the bargain? They'd tighten up on us. We wouldn't get half that time in their theaters and if we got the time we wouldn't get the prices. I know those guys, I tell you, and I don't trust 'em!”

Johnny's voice was soothing. ”So what? Their pictures are playing our theaters upstate and down South. One hand washes the other. Besides, Hays said all the information given would be held confidential and that only total industry figures would be used. No company would know anything about any other company, so stop worrying.”

Peter grumbled. ”All right, all right, but I don't like it. I still think we should have let Hays stay in Was.h.i.+ngton delivering letters or whatever he was doing before we took him.”

Johnny smiled at that. He could just imagine the Postmaster General of the United States delivering letters. He changed the subject. ”What about the pictures, how are they coming?” he asked. ”You know we got some pretty tough compet.i.tion out here with Paramount plugging The Covered Wagon, Universal's Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Pathe's Safety Last, with Harold Lloyd. We better get something hot soon or we won't have a good date left in New York.”

Peter sounded genuinely depressed now. ”I got troubles there too,” he said. ”I come back from Europe ready to go to work and instead nothing's ready to shoot, everything's in a mess. Pictures that should be ready ain't. I can't leave here for a minute, Johnny, and I tell you I can't be in fifteen places at once. What I need is a man like Louey Mayer got over at Metro, a guy like Thalberg, who wouldn't let the studio fall asleep when I turn my back.”

”So get one,” Johnny said. ”We need pictures.”

”So get one!” Peter mimicked his tone of voice. ”Like you can pick Thalbergs from the orange trees out here.” His voice grew excited. ”The trouble with you, Johnny, is that you stay in New York all the time. You just don't realize what problems we got out here now. We got to make forty pictures a year.”

”I know,” said Johnny calmly. ”But if we can sell 'em, you ought to be able to make 'em.”

Peter's voice rose to a shrill screech. ”If you know so much, why don't you come out here and help? It's easy to sit on your behind in New York and say we need pictures, but it's a different story when you come out here!”

Johnny grew a little angry. His voice was challenging. ”I'll come out there if you want me to!”

Peter's voice was emphatic. ”So come out! I want you should see for yourself what I'm up against, then maybe you'll have some appreciation for what you do get. When can you get away?”

Johnny thought quickly. He needed a few weeks to clean up his desk. He tacked a few weeks on that for good measure. ”Supposing I come out for New Year's?” he asked.

”That's about four weeks,” Peter said. ”Good.”

For a moment there was an embarra.s.sed silence at both ends of the wire, then Peter cleared his throat and added: ”I'm glad you're coming, Johnny. It will be like old times. We always do better together when things are tough.”

Johnny's voice was suddenly warm. ”I hope I can help.”

”You can help,” Peter said sincerely. ”I know you will. I'll tell Esther you're coming and she'll get your room ready.”

Johnny smiled. ”Tell her I'll be looking for some chicken soup and knedloch.”

”You'll have it,” Peter promised.

They spoke a few more words and Johnny hung up the phone thoughtfully. He turned in his chair and looked out of the window. A light snow had begun to fall and already the street was white. He got up and walked over to the closet and put on his hat and coat.