Part 8 (2/2)

Oh f.u.c.k! There was a pillow separating his c.o.c.k from her hand. A case of cotton and some duck down. That was it. His d.i.c.k decided it was happy and began to harden up.

Tammy suddenly realized what she was doing and s.n.a.t.c.hed her hand back. ”Behave! I can't believe you actually run a whole kingdom. You're in charge of people and stuff,” she huffed and stormed to the rear of the cave.

He didn't understand her. Not even a little bit. Normally when people were attracted to one another, they rutted. The s.e.xual tension in the cave was so thick that you could cut that sucker with a knife. If they just rutted, it would make things easier. It would clear the air. Human females could be a little strange about s.e.x though, they attached a lot of feelings to the act. He'd had females ask for his number after s.e.x or beg for a date, or a relations.h.i.+p. This, despite the fact that he was clear that it was just about the s.e.x. A 'one night stand' as humans called it.

He got the feeling that Tammy would put a lot of feelings behind s.e.x. That she wouldn't see it as just rutting. With a female like her, he would definitely see it as more as well. This was not a stag run. This was serious. She attracted him and intrigued him. He was desperate to learn more about her, to find out what made her tick. So, as much as he hated to admit it, she was right to avoid s.e.x right now. He needed to stop teasing and flirting. As much as he wanted to explore things with her, he had no idea how Blaze would take him changing into his dragon form. According to the rule book, he would be immediately disqualified. Tammy would need to decide if she wanted to go home, or stay. If she stayed, the other unmated, highest ranking males would get a chance to fight for her. If he allowed himself to become attached to her, maybe even fall in love with her and he had to watch her go it would break him. He needed to be sure that she could stay before he took her to his bed. It was as simple as that.


Tamara gave a sharp intake of breath. Like something had happened to her. He instinctively looked. To check on her, not because he was some spying freak.

He was f.u.c.ked if staying away from her would be simple. It would be anything but. She had made the noise because the water was cold. The pool was further down the cave. There was very little light but he could see clearly. The silver hadn't affected his vision. Not in the slightest. One of her feet was in the water. She stood facing away. Her hair cascaded down her back. It was her a.s.s that took his breath away though. Two globes of perfection. It was an a.s.s a male could grab and squeeze. An a.s.s that would have some bounce during rutting. His mouth watered and his d.i.c.k hardened up into an erection that physically hurt. The tip of his d.i.c.k throbbed in time to his heartbeat and his sacs drew up in preparation for shooting off.


Just f.u.c.king perfect. Thunder turned onto his belly and willed his d.i.c.k to go down. He put her pillow back on her side and then thought better of it and exchanged his pillow for hers.

Tammy gave a yelp. He could hear by the sound the water made that she had entered the pool. Not looking. ”Are you okay?”

”I thought you were going to sleep,” her voice sounded strained. Her teeth chattered. He could hear the lapping of the water as she frantically washed herself off in the frigid pool.

”I would be if you stopped making so much noise,” he lied. His b.o.n.e.r throbbed against his belly. There would be no sleeping any time soon. If Tammy saw this sucker she would c.r.a.p herself.

”I'll try.” More slopping about in the water. He could hear a scrubbing noise. ”It's freezing in here. My feet feel like ice blocks.”

He smiled. ”Let me know if you need help getting out.”

A louder splash. ”No, thanks,” she answered through chattering teeth.

He was supposed to be behaving so he bit down to stop himself from asking if she was sure. It wasn't like he could actually go over there or anything. He doubted he would last through even a quick bout of s.e.x. More throbbing. f.u.c.k! He needed to think about something boring. Sheep jumping over a hedge. Yup! That would do it.

Instead, he listened to Tammy as she lifted herself from the pool. How she muttered a curse when she stubbed her toe. How she got to work cleaning her clothes ... still naked. No, don't think about it. At long f.u.c.king last, she wrapped the blanket around herself. It took an age before she finally finished. Then he listened to her hanging her clothes up. She began to hum softly to herself and finally felt himself calm. His breathing turned more rhythmic. He was so d.a.m.ned tired. He willed his muscles to relax. Willed his mind to calm. He was halfway to sleep when he heard her soft intake of breath. Her heart-rate picked up.

Tammy was standing next to the bed. She was looking down at him. At his a.s.s. She was aroused. Her sweet scent engulfed him and his c.o.c.k sprang back to life in an instant. ”See something you like?” Why couldn't he keep his big mouth shut and just pretend to be sleeping.

”I thought you were asleep,” her voice was high-pitched.

”I told you, dragons sleep with one eye open. Shall I turn over, give you something to really look at?”

”Don't be an a.s.shole.”

He was being a d.i.c.khead. He had no idea how to act around her. He wanted her. Wanted to get to know her but he had no idea if a future was possible. If it was, he wasn't sure she would want him as well. Outside of the bedroom anyway. s.e.xual compatibility was one thing, compatibility as mates was a whole other matter. He turned his head towards her and opened his eyes.



Her hair was still damp. It was freshly brushed. Her eyes were big and wide. She had that deer in the headlights look. Spooked and ready to run but nowhere to go. Her nipples were hard through the thin woolen blanket. She'd tied the blanket just above her left shoulder. The other shoulder was bare. ”You're beautiful,” he blurted. It was the truth.

He hadn't meant to say it though, it just slipped out. For a moment she got a faraway look. Like the compliment meant something to her and then she straightened her shoulders. Her eyes narrowed on his. ”I'll go and sit by the fire while my clothes dry.”

”What did he do to you?”

”What? Who?”

”The male who broke your heart. The one who left you jaded.”

He watched her shut down even more. ”It happened a few years ago. It's not really something I want to talk about. I've put it behind me.”

He shook his head. ”You haven't.”

”You don't know me. And for the record, I have talked about it ... twice. To two different people. Friends of mine. I've worked through it and I'm over it. What can I say? I trusted the guy and he abused that trust. I left him, thinking that we could still maintain a business relations.h.i.+p but I was wrong on that note as well. Bottom line, I fell in love with a guy who was all wrong for me. I won't let it happen again.”

”So, you're not interested in a relations.h.i.+p?” He needed to know.

”I didn't say that. I'm not interested in being in a relations.h.i.+p with the wrong guy. I'm careful ...” she raised her brows. ”Yes, and jaded too, but I still hope to find love one day ... maybe. I prefer not to talk about it”

Thunder decided to drop it. She'd said more than he had hoped. ”I'm glad you're over it and that you've talked about it. If you need to talk more I'm here. Not going anywhere,” he tried to defuse the situation with a smile.

In her defense, she tried to smile back. ”Get some rest. I'll bring you your blanket back as soon as possible.”

”Take your time, it looks better on you.”

She blushed. So cute. She nodded once and was about to turn to leave when he said, ”He was an a.s.shole not to realize what he had. He should have taken better care of you.”

”Yeah, he should have.” She gave him a small, really sweet smile. ”Get some rest. You look tired.”

”I'm not sure I'll manage all by my lonesome, but I'll try.”

”Argh! You're too much,” she groaned, but at least she was smiling, one big, wide smile. He'd do anything to see her smile some more.

Chapter 11.

The next morning ...

Sleeping was becoming her new favorite pastime. Not just sleeping, but sleeping next to Thunder. Snuggling up close with him. Not him per se, just a warm body.

”Why aren't you pulling away as quickly as your human form will allow?” Thunder asked, his voice still thick with sleep.
