Part 9 (1/2)

”I figure I've pretty much slept as close as I can get to you the whole night, so why run away now? I need a minute or two to wake up properly. So if you don't mind ...”

He made a sound of affirmation. ”Not at all.” He began to play with her hair, threading his fingers through the strands. It felt so good. How could such a small thing feel so good? ”Don't get any ideas,” her voice sounded a bit on the husky side. Nah! She was still half asleep. ”It's not personal or anything. It's just that I don't get much human contact, so this is nice.”

”Non-human contact in this case.”

”Same thing.”

”Not really.”

”Yeah, it is.”

”Nope. Non-human contact is better every time,” he sounded deadly serious.

”Oh my G.o.d, your ego might just be as big as your ... feet.” She almost said c.o.c.k. What the h.e.l.l was wrong with her?

”This has nothing to do with ego,” he chuckled, his chest vibrated, sparking interest from her nipples which were pushed up against said chest. ”Non-humans have better senses.”


”We can pick up on subtle things like heartbeat, breathing. You probably didn't realize it but you actually let off a scent when you're happy, aroused, in pain.”

”Wait a minute ...” She had to look him in the eyes. ”You know when I'm aroused?”

He smiled and gave a nod. ”Yes, I do.”

That sucked. It sucked a whole d.a.m.n lot since she'd been aroused a ton of times in the last few days.

”Hey,” he touched her cheek, which was feeling distinctly hot. ”It's nothing to be embarra.s.sed about. Being aroused is normal. We are a male and a female sharing a small s.p.a.ce. You can deny it all you want but we are attracted to each other, so your body's reaction is normal.”

She couldn't deny it. Tammy decided not to say anything more on the subject instead. She gave a small nod and tried to pretend it didn't bother her. Like it was nothing.

He continued to play with her hair. ”We pick up on these changes and know if what we are doing is effective or not. We can feel it as well.” He touched the side of her arm. ”Even the tiniest of gooseb.u.mps or where a female is most sensitive. That way we can find the most pleasurable spots ...”

”Okay, I get it,” she mumbled, trying not to let his words affect her body. It was time to change the subject. ”How are you feeling?”

”Much better. I think I might be able to manage that walk on my own today.”

”That's good news.”

”I think I might even go and take a bath,” he sniffed at himself. ”I think I may have that BO you were talking about.”

He still smelled really good to her. She lifted her head and sniffed at him. ”I don't sm... what is it?”

His whole body had stiffened. His eyes had a strange look. ”You shouldn't do that.”


”Sniff me. We discussed this yesterday, you may as well ask me openly to f.u.c.k you because it means the same thing in our dragon culture.” He clenched his jaw.

Hearing him talk about f.u.c.king her made her c.l.i.t do that zing thing. Like a tiny electric current suddenly burst through her. She got this heavy, not unpleasant feeling in her lower belly. In short, she was h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l. ”Oh!” A croak. ”Sorry!” She moved away from him and he let her go.

”Just don't do it again.” He gave her a pinched smile as he turned to face the other way and then moved onto his belly. ”I might take you up on your offer next time.”

She started to laugh. ”As if!”

”I will, Tamara.” His eyes bore into hers. ”And if I start touching you, I can guarantee you that you won't ask me to stop.”

No, she wouldn't. Yes, she most certainly would. No, no she wouldn't.

No sniffing him. No ogling him and no more getting aroused by him. He was not her type. Once they got back to dragon land she was headed home. Surely after all she and Thunder had suffered, they wouldn't make her stay her full two weeks? She sure as h.e.l.l hoped not. She couldn't take it anymore. She made her way to the fire and threw on a couple of logs, preparing to blow on the embers, when she heard him groan. Thunder was on his feet, his blanket tightly clutched around his waist.

”You okay?”

Thunder nodded. ”Why? Want to come along?” He bobbed his eyebrows up and down.

She smiled and shook her head.

”Sure you don't want to hold my ...”


”I was going to say hand, you pervert,” he grinned.

”Sure you were,” she shook her head and grinned back.

”Okay,” he bobbed his brows again. ”I was totally going to say c.o.c.k.”

Flip! Her throat closed just hearing him say the word. c.o.c.k. He was right, they were attracted to each other. She was attracted to him because, well, you only had to look at the guy to understand why. He was attracted to her because she was the only woman there. Men were h.o.r.n.y b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. Thunder was no exception. His brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes for a moment. ”Are you okay? I was only joking. I'm more than capable of doing this on my own today and please do me a favor and throw me down a cliff if I can't hold my own c.o.c.k to p.i.s.s.”

She managed a semblance of a smile.

”That's more like it, although not quite there. h.e.l.l, you can throw me down a cliff right now if it'll bring back that gorgeous smile of yours.”

He was a really sweet guy. Even though he was just trying to get into her pants, she'd take it. Tammy couldn't help the grin that was unleashed.

Thunder grinned back. Man alive but he was a hottie. Blanket riding low on his narrow hips. His abs, chest ... he even had those muscles that ran along the sides of his ribs. Not to mention a face that was holy hotness on steroids. A face for TV, a voice for radio and a body for the bedroom. Yeah baby!

She caught herself licking her lips. Stop! She had allowed her brain to wander off again. Her eyes to wander. She cleared her throat. ”Maybe killing yourself is a bit extreme.”

He shrugged. ”It would be worth it. Besides, I'd come back and rejuvenate unless I somehow managed to decapitate myself on the way down.”

”Good to know, and for the record, I wouldn't smile if you threw yourself off of a cliff.”

”Mmmm,” a deep murmer. ”So you like me after all.”

”Like might be pus.h.i.+ng it a bit.”

He laughed, and then swayed a little on his feet but managed to catch himself. ”I'd better get to it.” He pointed in the direction of the exit.

She nodded, watching as he carefully made his way to the mouth of the cave. After a minute or two she couldn't see him anymore, could only hear his footfalls.