Part 52 (1/2)
A moment later, the short, stiff branches of the hedge began to rustle. She stared, hypnotized. She might have stood there forever (so she told Vetter and Farnham) if Lonnie hadn't grabbed her arm roughly and shrieked at her - yes, Lonnie, who never even raised his voice at the kids, had shrieked - she might- have been standing there yet. Standing there, or . . .
But they ran.
Where? Farnham had asked, but she didn't know. Lonnie was totally undone, in a hysteria of panic and revulsion - that was all she really knew. He clamped his fingers over her wrist like a handcuff and they ran from the house looming over the hedge, and from the smoking hole in the lawn. She knew those things for sure; all the rest was only a chain of vague impressions.
At first it had been hard to run, and then it got easier because they were going downhill. They turned, and then turned again. Gray houses with high stoops and drawn green shades seemed to stare at them like blind pensioners. She remembered Lonnie pulling off his jacket, which had been splattered with that black goo, and throwing it away. At last they came to a wider street.
'Stop,' she panted. 'Stop, I can't keep up!' Her free hand was pressed to her side, where a red-hot spike seemed to have been planted.
And he did stop. They had come out of the residential area and were standing at the corner of Crouch Lane and Morris Road. A sign on the far side of Morris Road proclaimed that they were but one mile from Slaughter Towen.
Town? Vetter suggested.
No, Doris Freeman said. Slaughter Towen, with an 'e.'
Raymond crushed out the cigarette he had cadged from Farnham. 'I'm off,' he announced, and then looked more closely at Farnham. 'My poppet should take better care of himself. He's got big dark circles under his eyes. Any hair on your palms to go with it, my pet?' He laughed uproariously.
'Ever hear of a Crouch Lane?' Farnham asked.
'Crouch Hill Road, you mean.'
'No, I mean Crouch Lane.'
'Never heard of it.'
'What about Norris Road?'
'There's the one cuts off from the high street in Basing-stoke - '
'No, here.'
'No - not here, poppet.'
For some reason he couldn't understand - the woman was obviously buzzed - Farnham persisted. 'What about Slaughter Towen?'
'Towen, you said? Not Town?'
'Yes, that's right.'
'Never heard of it, but if I do, I believe I'll steer clear.'
'Why's that?'
'Because in the old Druid lingo, a touen or towen was a place of ritual sacrifice - where they abstracted your liver and lights, in other words.' And zipping up his windcheater, Raymond glided out.
Farnham looked after him uneasily. He made that last up, he told himself. What a hard copper like Sid Raymond knows about the Druids you could carve on the head of a pin and still have room for the Lord's Prayer.
Right. And even if he had picked up a piece of information like that, it didn't change the fact that the woman was . . .
'Must be going crazy,' Lonnie said, and laughed shakily.
Doris had looked at her watch earlier and saw that somehow it had gotten to be quarter of eight. The light had changed; from a clear orange it had gone to a thick, murky red that glared off the windows of the shops in Norris Road and seemed to face a church steeple across the way in clotted blood. The sun was an oblate sphere on the horizon.
'What happened back there?' Doris asked. 'What was it, Lonnie?'
'Lost my jacket, too. h.e.l.l of a note.'
'You didn't lose it, you took it off. It was covered with - '
'Don't be a fool!' he snapped at her. But his eyes were not snappish; they were soft, shocked, wandering. 'I lost it, that's all.'
'Lonnie, what happened when you went through the hedge?'
'Nothing. Let's not talk about it. Where are we?'
'Lonnie - '
'I can't remember,' he said more softly. 'It's all a blank. We were there . . . we heard a sound . . . then I was running. That's all I can remember.' And then he added in a frighteningly childish voice: 'Why would I throw my jacket away? I liked that one. It matched the pants.' He threw back his head, gave voice to a frightening loonlike laugh, and Doris suddenly realized that whatever he had seen beyond the hedge had at least partially unhinged him. She was not sure the same wouldn't have happened to her . . . if she had seen. It didn't matter. They had to get out of here. Get back to the hotel where the kids were.
'Let's get a cab. I want to go home.'
'But John - ' he began.
'Never mind John!' she cried. 'It's wrong, everything here is wrong, and I want to get a cab and go home!'
'Yes, all right. Okay.' Lonnie pa.s.sed a shaking hand across his forehead. 'I'm with you. The only problem is, there aren't any.'
There was, in fact, no traffic at all on Norris Road, which was wide and cobbled. Directly down the center of it ran a set of old tram tracks. On the other side, in front of a flower shop, an ancient three-wheeled D-car was parked. Farther down on their own side, a Yamaha motorbike stood aslant on its kickstand. That was all. They could hear cars, but the sound was faraway, diffuse.
'Maybe the street's closed for repairs,' Lonnie muttered, and then had done a strange thing . . . strange, at least, for him, who was ordinarily so easy and self-a.s.sured. He looked back over his shoulder as if afraid they had been followed.
'We'll walk,' she said.
'Anywhere. Away from Crouch End. We can get a taxi if we get away from here.' She was suddenly positive of that, if of nothing else.
'All right.' Now he seemed perfectly willing to entrust the leaders.h.i.+p of the whole matter to her.
They began walking along Norris Road toward the setting sun. The faraway hum of the traffic remained constant, not seeming to diminish, not seeming to grow any, either. It was like the constant push of the wind. The desertion was beginning to nibble at her nerves. She felt they were being watched, tried to dismiss the feeling, and found that she couldn't. The sound of their footfalls (SIXTY LOST IN UNDERGROUND HORROR).
echoed back to them. The business at the hedge played on her mind more and more, and finally she had to ask again.
'Lonnie, what was it?'
He answered simply: 'I don't remember. And I don't want to.'
They pa.s.sed a market that was closed - a pile of coconuts like shrunken heads seen back-to were piled against the window. They pa.s.sed a launderette where white machines had been pulled from the washed-out pink plasterboard walls like square teeth from dying gums. They pa.s.sed a soap-streaked show window with an old SHOP TO LEASE sign in the front. Something moved behind the soap streaks, and Doris saw, peering out at her, the pink and tufted battle-scarred face of a cat. The same gray torn.
She consulted her interior workings and tickings and discovered that she was in a state of slowly building terror. She felt as if her intestines had begun to crawl sluggishly around and around within her belly. Her mouth had a sharp unpleasant taste, almost as if she had dosed with a strong mouthwash. The cobbles of Norris Road bled fresh blood in the sunset.