Part 66 (1/2)
Rapidity of a.s.similation
Systematic teaching and the student's spiritual growth and experience in practice are requisite for a thorough 462:1 comprehension of Christian Science. Some individu- als a.s.similate truth more readily than others, but any 462:3 student, who adheres to the divine rules of Christian Science and imbibes the spirit of Christ, can demonstrate Christian Science, cast out 462:6 error, heal the sick, and add continually to his store of spiritual understanding, potency, enlightenment, and success.
Divided loyalty
462:9 If the student goes away to practise Truth's teach- ings only in part, dividing his interests between G.o.d and mammon and subst.i.tuting his own views for 462:12 Truth, he will inevitably reap the error he sows.
Whoever would demonstrate the healing of Christian Science must abide strictly by its rules, heed every state- 462:15 ment, and advance from the rudiments laid down. There is nothing difficult nor toilsome in this task, when the way is pointed out; but self-denial, sincerity, Christianity, and 462:18 persistence alone win the prize, as they usually do in every department of life.
Anatomy defined
Anatomy, when conceived of spiritually, is mental self- 462:21 knowledge, and consists in the dissection of thoughts to discover their quality, quant.i.ty, and origin.
Are thoughts divine or human? That is the 462:24 important question. This branch of study is indispen- sable to the excision of error. The anatomy of Christian Science teaches when and how to probe the self-in- 462:27 flicted wounds of selfishness, malice, envy, and hate. It teaches the control of mad ambition. It unfolds the hallowed influences of unselfishness, philanthropy, spir- 462:30 itual love. It urges the government of the body both in health and in sickness. The Christian Scientist, through understanding mental anatomy, discerns and 463:1 deals with the real cause of disease. The material physi- cian gropes among phenomena, which fluctuate every in- 463:3 stant under influences not embraced in his diagnosis, and so he may stumble and fall in the darkness.
Scientific obstetrics
Teacher and student should also be familiar with the 463:6 obstetrics taught by this Science. To attend properly the birth of the new child, or divine idea, you should so detach mortal thought from its 463:9 material conceptions, that the birth will be natural and safe. Though gathering new energy, this idea cannot injure its useful surroundings in the travail of spiritual 463:12 birth. A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive.
The new idea, conceived and born of Truth and Love, is 463:15 clad in white garments. Its beginning will be meek, its growth st.u.r.dy, and its maturity undecaying. When this new birth takes place, the Christian Science infant 463:18 is born of the Spirit, born of G.o.d, and can cause the mother no more suffering. By this we know that Truth is here and has fulfilled its perfect work.
Unhesitating decision
463:21 To decide quickly as to the proper treatment of error - whether error is manifested in forms of sickness, sin, or death - is the first step towards destroy- 463:24 ing error. Our Master treated error through Mind. He never enjoined obedience to the laws of nature, if by these are meant laws of matter, nor did he use drugs.
463:27 There is a law of G.o.d applicable to healing, and it is a spiritual law instead of material. The sick are not healed by inanimate matter or drugs, as they believe that they 463:30 are. Such seeming medical effect or action is that of so- called mortal mind.
Seclusion of the author
It has been said to the author, ”The world is bene- 464:1 fited by you, but it feels your influence without seeing you. Why do you not make yourself more widely 464:3 known?” Could her friends know how little time the author has had, in which to make herself outwardly known except through her laborious 464:6 publications, - and how much time and toil are still re- quired to establish the stately operations of Christian Science, - they would understand why she is so secluded.
464:9 Others could not take her place, even if willing so to do.
She therefore remains unseen at her post, seeking no self- aggrandizement but praying, watching, and working for 464:12 the redemption of mankind.
If from an injury or from any cause, a Christian Scien- tist were seized with pain so violent that he could not 464:15 treat himself mentally, - and the Scientists had failed to relieve him, - the sufferer could call a surgeon, who would give him a hypodermic injection, then, when the 464:18 belief of pain was lulled, he could handle his own case mentally. Thus it is that we ”prove all things; [and]
hold fast that which is good.”
The right motive and its reward
464:21 In founding a pathological system of Christianity, the author has labored to expound divine Principle, and not to exalt personality. The weapons of bigotry, 464:24 ignorance, envy, fall before an honest heart.
Adulterating Christian Science, makes it void.
Falsity has no foundation. ”The hireling fleeth, because 464:27 he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.” Neither dishonesty nor ignorance ever founded, nor can they over- throw a scientific system of ethics.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. - ISAIAH.
465:1 THIS chapter is from the first edition of the author's cla.s.s-book, copyrighted in 1870. After much labor 465:3 and increased spiritual understanding, she revised that treatise for this volume in 1875. Absolute Christian Science pervades its statements, to elucidate scientific 465:6 metaphysics.
_Question_. - What is G.o.d?
465:9 _Answer_. - G.o.d is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
_Question_. - Are these terms synonymous?