Part 65 (1/2)

A Christian Scientist's medicine is Mind, the divine Truth 453:30 that makes man free. A Christian Scientist never recom- mends material hygiene, never manipulates. He does not trespa.s.s on the rights of mind nor can he practise 454:1 animal magnetism or hypnotism. It need not be added that the use of tobacco or intoxicating drinks is not in 454:3 harmony with Christian Science.

Impotence of hate

Teach your students the omnipotence of Truth, which ill.u.s.trates the impotence of error. The understanding, 454:6 even in a degree, of the divine All-power de- stroys fear, and plants the feet in the true path, - the path which leads to the house built without hands 454:9 ”eternal in the heavens.” Human hate has no legiti- mate mandate and no kingdom. Love is enthroned.

That evil or matter has neither intelligence nor power, 454:12 is the doctrine of absolute Christian Science, and this is the great truth which strips all disguise from error.

Love the incentive

He, who understands in sufficient degree the Princi- 454:15 ple of Mind-healing, points out to his student error as well as truth, the wrong as well as the right practice. Love for G.o.d and man is the true 454:18 incentive in both healing and teaching. Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to 454:21 speech and action. Love is priestess at the altar of Truth. Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept.

454:24 Patience must ”have her perfect work.”

Continuity of interest

Do not dismiss students at the close of a cla.s.s term, feeling that you have no more to do for them. Let your 454:27 loving care and counsel support all their feeble footsteps, until your students tread firmly in the straight and narrow way. The superiority of spir- 454:30 itual power over sensuous is the central point of Chris- tian Science. Remember that the letter and mental argument are only human auxiliaries to aid in bringing 455:1 thought into accord with the spirit of Truth and Love, which heals the sick and the sinner.

Weakness and guilt

455:3 A mental state of self-condemnation and guilt or a faltering and doubting trust in Truth are unsuitable conditions for healing the sick. Such mental 455:6 states indicate weakness instead of strength.

Hence the necessity of being right yourself in order to teach this Science of healing. You must utilize the moral 455:9 might of Mind in order to walk over the waves of error and support your claims by demonstration. If you are yourself lost in the belief and fear of disease or sin, and 455:12 if, knowing the remedy, you fail to use the energies of Mind in your own behalf, you can exercise little or no power for others' help. ”First cast out the beam out 455:15 of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.”

The trust of the All-wise

The student, who receives his knowledge of Christian 455:18 Science, or metaphysical healing, from a human teacher, may be mistaken in judgment and demonstra- tion, but G.o.d cannot mistake. G.o.d selects 455:21 for the highest service one who has grown into such a fitness for it as renders any abuse of the mission an im- possibility. The All-wise does not bestow His highest 455:24 trusts upon the unworthy. When He commissions a mes- senger, it is one who is spiritually near Himself. No per- son can misuse this mental power, if he is taught of G.o.d 455:27 to discern it.

Integrity a.s.sured

This strong point in Christian Science is not to be overlooked, - that the same fountain cannot send forth 455:30 both sweet waters and bitter. The higher your attainment in the Science of mental healing and teaching, the more impossible it will be- 456:1 come for you intentionally to influence mankind adverse to its highest hope and achievement.

Chicanery impossible

456:3 Teaching or practising in the name of Truth, but con- trary to its spirit or rules, is most dangerous quackery.

Strict adherence to the divine Principle and 456:6 rules of the scientific method has secured the only success of the students of Christian Science.

This alone ent.i.tles them to the high standing which 456:9 most of them hold in the community, a reputation ex- perimentally justified by their efforts. Whoever af- firms that there is more than one Principle and method 456:12 of demonstrating Christian Science greatly errs, igno- rantly or intentionally, and separates himself from the true conception of Christian Science healing and from 456:15 its possible demonstration.

No dishonest concessions

Any dishonesty in your theory and practice betrays a gross ignorance of the method of the Christ-cure. Science 456:18 makes no concessions to persons or opinions.

One must abide in the _morale_ of truth or he cannot demonstrate the divine Principle. So long as 456:21 matter is the basis of practice, illness cannot be effica- ciously treated by the metaphysical process. Truth does the work, and you must both understand and abide by the 456:24 divine Principle of your demonstration.

This volume indispensable

A Christian Scientist requires my work SCIENCE AND HEALTH for his textbook, and so do all his students and 456:27 patients. Why? _First_: Because it is the voice of Truth to this age, and contains the full statement of Christian Science, or the Science of healing 456:30 through Mind. _Second_: Because it was the first book known, containing a thorough statement of Christian Science. Hence it gave the first rules for demonstrating 457:1 this Science, and registered the revealed Truth uncon- taminated by human hypotheses. Other works, which 457:3 have borrowed from this book without giving it credit, have adulterated the Science. _Third_: Because this book has done more for teacher and student, for healer and 457:6 patient, than has been accomplished by other books.

Purity of science

Since the divine light of Christian Science first dawned upon the author, she has never used this newly discovered 457:9 power in any direction which she fears to have fairly understood. Her prime object, since entering this field of labor, has been to prevent suffering, 457:12 not to produce it. That we cannot scientifically both cure and cause disease is self-evident. In the legend of the s.h.i.+eld, which led to a quarrel between two knights 457:15 because each of them could see but one face of it, both sides were beautiful according to their degree; but to mental malpractice, prolific of evil, there is no good as- 457:18 pect, either silvern or golden.

Backsliders and mistakes

Christian Science is not an exception to the general rule, that there is no excellence without labor in a direct 457:21 line. One cannot scatter his fire, and at the same time hit the mark. To pursue other vocations and advance rapidly in the demonstration of 457:24 this Science, is not possible. Departing from Christian Science, some learners commend diet and hygiene.