Part 48 (1/2)
M1019 Dictators.h.i.+p of Caesar.
M1020 Cato.
M1021 Triumph of Caesar. The vast power of Caesar.
M1022 The Julian calendar. Last battle of Caesar.
M1023 Death of Caesar.
M1024 Character of Caesar.
M1025 Great men of Rome at this time.
M1026 Antonius takes the lead at Rome.
M1027 Octavius.
M1028 Brutus and Ca.s.sius.
M1029 Cicero.
M1030 Prospects of civil war. Situation of Roman affairs. The triumvirate of Antonius, Octavius and Lepidus. They proscribe their enemies.
M1031 Ca.s.sius and Brutus rally the aristocracy. Battle of Philippi.
M1032 Roman liberty extinguished.
M1033 Cleopatra and Antonius. War between Octavius and s.e.xtus.
M1034 Prosperity of the empire.
M1035 Extent of the empire. Cities of the empire. Magnificence of Rome.
M1036 The imperial master.
M1037 Roman Senate.
M1038 The equestrians.
M1039 The consuls.
M1040 The army.
M1041 Policy of Augustus.
M1042 Inst.i.tutions of Augustus.
M1043 Roman commerce.
M1044 Residences of the n.o.bility. Amus.e.m.e.nts of the aristocracy.
M1045 Roman literature.
M1046 The wives of Augustus.
M1047 The family of Augustus.
M1048 Maecenas and Agrippa.
M1049 The Teutonic races.
M1050 Drusus.
M1051 Banishment of Julia.
M1052 Domitius Ahen.o.bardus.
M1053 Disaster of Varus.
M1054 Death of Augustus. Character of Augustus.
M1055 Tiberius veils his power.
M1056 Germanicus.
M1057 Jealousy of Tiberius.
M1058 The campaign of Germanicus. Triumph of Germanicus.
M1059 Drusus.
M1060 Cnaeus Piso. Death of Germanicus.
M1061 Funeral of Germanicus. Able administration of Tiberius. Excellence of the imperial rule.
M1062 Tiberius becomes a tyrant. Instruments of tyranny. Provincial governors. Reforms of Tiberius.
M1063 Tiberius secludes himself in Capreae. Seja.n.u.s.
M1064 His conspiracy and death.
M1065 Death of Drusus. Death of Tiberius. His funeral.
M1066 Caligula. His infamous pleasures. Cruelty of Caligula.
M1067 His madness and folly. His
M1068 Claudius.
M1069 His efforts at reform.