Part 47 (1/2)
M919 War in Asia.
M920 Syria.
M921 Dominion of Rome.
M922 The rise of a new n.o.bility. Roman n.o.bility.
M923 Leading families.
M924 Provincial governors.
M925 Decline of the burgesses. Public amus.e.m.e.nts.
M926 Decay of military sports. Distinctions in society.
M927 Cato.
M928 Political changes. Rise of demagogues.
M929 Agriculture. The slaves. Small farmers.
M930 Decline of agriculture. The farmers sacrificed to the city population.
M931 Money.
M932 Business operations.
M933 Great fortunes.
M934 The rich favored.
M935 Extravagant prices for luxuries.
M936 Education.
M937 Rome after the battle of Pydna.
M938 The inefficiency of the government.
M939 Opposition to the ruling Capitalists. Slaves.
M940 Tiberius Gracchus.
M941 His reforms.
M942 His unlawful movements.
M943 His death.
M944 Character of Gracchus. Nature of his reform.
M945 The Death of Scipio.
M946 Gaius Gracchus.
M947 He makes war on the aristocracy. The Equestrian order.
M948 The speculators.
M949 The power of the Senate curtailed.
M950 Radical reforms.
M951 Gracchus loses his popularity.
M952 Gracchus
M953 His character.
M954 The Numidian war. Jugurtha.
M955 Metellus.
M956 Difficulties of the war.
M957 Marius.
M958 Close of the war.
M959 Results of the war.
M960 The Cimbri.
M961 War with the Cimbri.
M962 Invasion of Italy.
M963 Marius called to command.
M964 Battle of Aquae s.e.xtiae.
M965 Battle of Vercillae.
M966 Reforms of Marius.
M967 Indecisive war.
M968 Sulla.
M969 Asiatic rising.