Part 43 (1/2)

M521 Truce of one year.

M522 Its conditions.

M523 Both Cleon and Brasidas opposed to the truce.

M524 Death of Cleon and of Brasidas.

M525 Consequences of the battle of Amphipolis. The peace of Nicias.

M526 Causes of the war still continued.

M527 Alcibiades.

M528 Character of Alcibiades.

M529 His intellectual training under Socrates.

M530 His abandoned habits.

M531 His intrigues.

M532 His extravagance at the Olympic games.

M533 Renewal of hostilities.

M534 Effect of the battle of Mantinea.

M535 Siege of Melos.

M536 The invasion of Sicily.

M537 The Grecian colonies in Sicily. Syracuse.

M538 Agrigentum and Gela. The reign of Gelo. His power in Sicily. His successor Hiero. Grandeur of Syracuse.

M539 The Dorian cities of Sicily make war on the Ionian.

M540 Intervention of Athens. Opposed by Nicias, but favored by Alcibiades.

M541 Athenian expedition against Syracuse.

M542 Self-confidence of the Athenians.

M543 Unfavorable auguries.

M544 Alcibiades accused of divulging the Eleusinian mysteries.

M545 Sailing of the Athenian fleet.

M546 Escape of Alcibiades to Sparta.

M547 Nicias commands the expedition. Rebellion and treason of Alcibiades.

M548 Situation of Syracuse. Inaction of Nicias. Athenian fleet inclosed by the Syracusans. Retreat of Athenians.

M549 Mismanagement of Nicias.

M550 Exhaustion of Athens.

M551 The Athenian navy hopelessly crippled.

M552 Effects of the disastrous expedition against Syracuse. The Athenians compelled to make use of their reserved fund.

M553 Escape of Alcibiades from Sparta.

M554 Popular revolution in Athens.

M555 Restless schemes of Alcibiades.

M556 Vain promises of Alcibiades. Aid invoked from Persia. An oligarchy at Athens. Alcibiades cheats the Athenians.

M557 Athens seeks peace with Sparta. Unprincipled conduct of Alcibiades.

M558 Subversion of the oligarchy. Restoration of the old const.i.tution.

M559 Alternate successes and failures of the belligerents.

M560 Revival of the hopes of the Athenians.

M561 Cyrus sent to Phrygia.

M562 Union of Cyrus with Lysander.

M563 Return of Alcibiades to Athens. His exploits.

M564 His reverses. Lysander recalled to Sparta.

M565 Vigorous measures of the Lacedaemonians. The battle of Arginusae.

M566 Lysander returns to power.

M567 Capture of the Athenian fleet. Despair of Athens.

M568 Annihilation of the Athenian empire.

M569 Surrender of Athens to the Spartans.

M570 Fate of Athens.

M571 Close of the war.