Part 42 (1/2)

M423 Marshaling of the Grecian forces at Marathon. The battle of Marathon.

M424 Results of the battle.

M425 Fame of Miltiades. His subsequent reverses. His death. Jealousies between Aristides and Themistocles.

M426 Not altogether on personal grounds.

M427 Renewed preparations of Darius. His death.

M428 Xerxes. His enormous preparations. His bridges over the h.e.l.lespont.

M429 His advance. He crosses the h.e.l.lespont. His review of his army.

M430 The magnitude of his forces.

M431 Progress of the Persians.

M432 Preparations of the Athenians. Sparta commands the land forces and Athens the naval.

M433 The pa.s.s of Thermopylae.

M434 Interruption of military preparations by the Olympic games.

M435 Leonidas defends the pa.s.s of Thermopylae.

M436 The Greek fleet. Disaster to the Persian fleet.

M437 Attack on the Greeks by the Persians.

M438 Leonidas defends the pa.s.s, but is slain. Heroic death of the three hundred Spartans.

M439 The dismay and indignation of Xerxes.

M440 Naval battle of Artemisium.

M441 Themistocles sails for Salamis.

M442 Despair of the Greeks. Themistocles revives courage by his ”wooden wall.”

M443 The hostile fleets at Salamis.

M444 Self-confidence of Xerxes. Battle of Salamis and retreat of Xerxes.

M445 The important results.

M446 Mardonius left in command of the Persians. He ravishes Attica and Botia.

M447 The Greeks a.s.semble against the Persians at Plataea. Preparations for battle.

M448 Battle of Plataea.

M449 Chastis.e.m.e.nt of Thebes.

M450 Battle of Mycale.

M451 Rivalry between Athens and Sparta.

M452 Disgrace and death of Pausanias.

M453 Fall of Themistocles. Cimon Death of Themistocles..

M454 Death of Aristides.

M455 Death of Xerxes.

M456 Rivalry between the Grecian States.

M457 Pre-eminently between Athens and Sparta.

M458 Opposition by Sparta to the fortifications of Athens.

M459 The city nevertheless fortified. The Peireus. Increase of the navy.

Confederacy of Delos.

M460 Confederacy of Delos.

M461 Change in the Athenian const.i.tution.

M462 The political growth of Athens.

M463 The Confederate States.

M464 Unpopularity of Athens.

M465 Expeditions against Persia.

M466 Sparta. Rebellion of the Helots. Cimon opposed to Pericles. Alliance of different states with Athens.

M467 Defeat of Athens on the land and victory on the sea.

M468 Pericles begins his career. Cimon banished.

M469 Hostilities between Sparta and Athens.

M470 Ascendency of Pericles. His character and accomplishments.

M471 The union of the Peireus with Athens.

M472 Magnanimity of Cimon.