65 Chapter 63: A Sudden Attack (1/2)
[ Death ] & [Violence]
The carriage moved into the forest known as Yusveil.
Looking through the windows it was awfully dark outside, although it was still around evening time.
The tall hovering trees in the forest were blocking the sunlight from shining into the forest.
In the dark forest, the magic translucent horses pulling the carriage glowed in the darkness, making the carriage stand out more than it should.
Constant sounds of screams and eerie sounds could be heard from outside of the carriage.
”I'm glad we don't have to walk out there...” Danya shivered as she looked out of the window. only seeing the trees and the darkness behind them
”Let's just hope that we don't run into any trouble...” Yannel said looking out the window along with Danya
”We're certainly going to run into trouble before we get out of Yusveil forest.” Ivery said as she looked at the map
”Oh...” Danya looked slightly worried
The carriage suddenly stopped moving.
”!?” Yannel looked around
”What happened?” Danya was alarmed
”That was fast...” Ivery sighed
”What?” Danya didn't understand
”My magic horses were attacked...” Ivery felt her magic horses dissipate, they had almost no defense power since they were made for traveling purposes, so even with one attack they were able to be destroyed
”By who?” Danya asked
”Don't know.” Ivery got up off of Luther's lap
”Where are you going?” Yannel saw Ivery walk to the carriage door
”To see who's in our way.” Ivery was about to open the door until a sudden banging at the door stopped her
*????????????????* *????????????????* *????????????????* *????????????????*
The banging became more aggressive.
Ivery sighed again.
She quickly opened the door and it swung open outwards.
”????**????!” A manly voice yelled in pain
”Oh, did I hit you?” Ivery smirked
A man with dark brown hair and black clothes laid on the ground with his hands on his head.
”You were banging at the door like you want something, what is it?” Ivery narrowed her eyes
”I-I'm being chased! Please let me inside!” The man sat up and pleaded
Ivery's eyes locked on the large bump on his forehead.
”Let you inside?” Ivery looked down at him and asked
”Before I let you inside the carriage, I'm going to ask you a few simple questions.” Ivery smiled
”Hurry and let me in! There's no time!” The man shouted
”Did you attack my horses?” Ivery pointed to the front of the carriage
”No!” The man shook his head
”Did you see who did it?” Ivery asked
”No!” The man shook his head again
”A monster!” The man shouted out
”What type of monster?” Ivery inquired
”.....” The man sighed
”Let's just stop wasting time, you know exactly what I want woman...” The man grinned and took a knife out of his shirt
”So you're finally done with that facade, I thought it was never going to end.” Ivery slightly chuckled
The man whistled.
”Well, now it's time to end it.” The man wickedly laughed and pointed his knife at Ivery
Ivery smiled at the little weapon he had in his hand, she didn't feel threatened by it or him in the slightest.
”It's already ended.” A deep alluring voice said behind him
”?!” The man turned his head
He dropped the knife in his hand and his eyes widened in horror.
”Were you trying to signal them?” Luther smirked holding three decapitated heads in his hand by their long hair
”W-Who...are you..?” The man started sweating in Luther's presence
”Who I am shouldn't be important to a dead person.” Luther's purple eyes illuminated
”N-No! S-Stay away!” The man darted past the trees and ran further into the forest
That man was definitely dangerous! More dangerous than Yusveil forest itself!
He stopped running to catch his breath, he looked back to make sure he wasn't being chased. He took a sigh of relief after he didn't see or hear any signs of anyone nearby.
He turned his head around and looked back in front of him, and just as he turned his head his neck was suddenly grabbed.
”It's impossible to escape from me once I've seen your face.” Luther gripped his neck harder
”L-Let g-go!” The man took a spare knife out of his pants and swung it at Luther
”Aughh!” The man howled
Before the knife could even slightly touch Luther, the man's hand was sliced clean off.
”You're being too loud..” Luther squeezed the mans neck even harder
A cracking and crunching sound could be heard from his neck as Luther gradually increased the strength he was using.
”Since we have somewhere to be, I'll kill you right now.” Luther grinned
”H-Have...m-mercy..?” The man started to cry, his voice was becoming more raspier
”Mercy?” Luther released his hold on the man's neck
The man dropped to his knees, he coughed and wheezed.
”T-Thank...you.” The man held his aching neck