64 Chapter 62: A Magical Carriage? (1/2)


Ivery, Luther, Danya, and Yannel stood outside of the town gate.

”Are we really going to walk there on foot? Can't you two just fly us there?” Danya sighed

”Flying there won't help since the map only has land directions.” Ivery shrugged

”Aw...” Danya pouted

”Well, we don't have to walk by foot all the way there...” Ivery raised her hand

Her hand emitted a golden glow and right in front of all of their eyes, a big golden carriage magically assembled together out of thin air.

Two translucent pink horses were attached to the carriage, standing completely still.

”Don't you think the gold is a little too much?” Luther asked

”Yeah...you're right..” Ivery snapped her fingers

The carriage's main golden color faded away and was replaced with a white color, although the golden lining of the carriage was still visible.

”Much better.” Luther smirked

”....” Yannel and Danya stood in place and stared in complete shock

Their mouths were wide open, making their thoughts completely obvious.

”Come on..” Ivery walked towards the carriage and opened the door

Yannel and Danya snapped out of their dazed and quietly followed Ivery inside of the carriage.

Luther followed in last and shut the carriage door behind him.


Both of their mouths dropped open again.

”What the..” Danya's thought her eyes were playing tricks on her

”How...?” Yannel looked around and couldn't believe what he was seeing



The inside of the carriage was almost the same size as an average house...

There was a white large sofa area with a white table in the center, an open kitchen, and they saw three closed doors.

”How is this possible?” Yannel walked forward and didn't think any of it was real

”It's just ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????.” Ivery told them

Ivery let Eness out of the bag she carried her in and watched her fly around.

”Spatial manipulation?” Danya sat down on the white sofa and touched it

”To make it simple, I can manipulate spaces.” Ivery said to her

”Woah..” Danya fully realized how amazing Ivery really was

”This is amazing..” Yannel walked around with amazement in his eyes

”I'll put the food away.” Luther walked to the kitchen

Ivery nodded.

”What's back there?” Danya pointed to the three doors

”Our rooms.” Ivery answered

”Rooms?!” Danya stood up and rushed to the doors

”There's even rooms in here?” Yannel followed Danya

And against the wall was a tall white dresser.

”This one is mine?” Danya asked

”Yes.” Ivery nodded

”Thank you...” Danya smiled and walked into the room


Yannel opened the door beside Danya's and he walked into the room and saw a blue single bed against the wall. A medium-sized dresser was right next to the bed.

On the opposite side of the room was a white single seater couch.

”For me?” Yannel turned around and looked at Ivery

Ivery nodded again with a smile.

”Thanks..” Yannel smiled back


”Where's my room?” Luther stood behind Ivery and wrapped his arms around her waist

”Follow me..” Ivery smiled and led him to the third door


Ivery opened the door and walked into a room bigger than the other two.

There was a white double-sized bed in the middle of the room, and a two-seater couch was against the left wall, and in front of the couch was a small circular glass table.

There were two tall dressers right beside each other on the right side of the room, one was made of white polished wood and the other was made of black polished wood. And in front of the bed was a black long chest.