18 Chapter 16: The Golden Egg (1/2)
[Blood & Gore warning] [Graphic gore]
Everyone spread out and surrounded all area's the dragon was most likely going to land at. Everyone prepared their magic infused bows and shot them aimlessly at the dragon.
While everyone was attacking, Ivery was searching the room for any possible places the dragon's golden egg could be. Ivery ran beside the dragon's nest and saw regular dragon egg's...but no golden egg..
Ivery had no clue where else to look, Ivery looked up at the flying dragon, and her attention shifted to the giant chandelier with a giant golden ball in the center...
It couldn't be.....could it?
Ivery looked closer and concluded that the giant golden ball above everything, looked suspicious. Ivery's translucent magic golden bow materialized in her hand, she put a translucent golden pink arrow in her bow, she pointed the arrow at the top of the chandelier and pulled her bow back.
”Hm?” Luther's eyes scanned the whole room for Ivery, the enormous crystal blue dragon had little to no interest to him, he didn't even attempt engage in battle with it. But if he did, the dragon would have no chance against his weakest attack.
Luther finally spotted Ivery at the back of the room, she was pointing her bow and arrow at the ceiling. Luther looked up and only saw the giant golden chandelier that was far above everything. Luther looked at Ivery and then back at the chandelier....what was she doing?
The arrow was released and hit the chandeliers support. And a loud boom echoed throughout the area. The chandelier came falling down.
The dragon was alarmed and looked up at it saw the chandelier coming down.
The dragon immediently flew up, it seemed that it was trying to catch the chandelier....
Ivery set her magic boost to 35% in her feet and legs and she took a big leap up and jumped above the dragon's head, she caught the giant golden ball with her two hands and pulled it off from the falling chandelier.
Within seconds Ivery fell down with the golden ball and crashed into the floor. Rubble from the floor scattered everywhere and a cloud of debris surrounded the area Ivery crashed into.
Luther's heart sunk to his feet, he dashed over to Ivery in a blink. As the cloud of smoke cleared up Ivery opened her eyes and thought she was going to feel an intense amount of pain...but instead she felt surrounded by warmth and comforting softness...
”Are you trying to die!?” Loki shouted
”Loki...” Ivery sat up and realized she was on Loki's back
”All for some stupid ball...I had to take that painful impact...” Loki hissed in pain as his eyes focused on the big golden ball in Ivery's arms
”This isn't a ball” Ivery looked at the object in her arms
”It's the Golden Egg” Ivery smiled
”....” Luther was speechless
”Stupid” Luther plucked Ivery's forehead
”I'm sorry..” Ivery touched the red mark on her forehead and looked down, not daring to look Luther in the eyes
”You're so careless, do you have any sense of danger?!” Luther scolded
”You should've told me and I would've done something about it! here was no need to put yourself in harms way because of some damn egg!” Luther's blood was boiling underneath his skin, he was angry, very angry
”I don't want to always depend on you and your power...I'm not so weak that I need a knight in shining armor to hold my hand and help me walk, and I'm not powerless either...” Ivery looked up and stared directly into Luther's eyes
”I don't care, you're always going to have my protection..no matter how strong you become, and even though you do hold an immeasurable amount of power, your own decisions cause you to be hurt, do you understand how it makes me feel everytime you're injured?” Luther's eyes looked pained as he expressed his feelings..his voice cracked
Luther pulled Ivery off of Loki's back and into his strong, warm arms.
”Return my egg humans!” The dragon swooped down and flew straight towards Ivery and Luther
”It can talk!?” Loki stared at the incoming raging dragon
”Aren't you a talking cat?” Luther looked back at Loki
”Yes and no...” Loki hissed as he stretched his back out, cracking his dislocated bones back into place
With their attention off of the dragon for a split second, the dragon appeared in front of them in an instant, and within the same instant Ivery shoved the golden egg in Luther's arms.
The dragon picked up Ivery in its giant silver clawed hand.
”Ivery!” Luther and Loki shouted as the dragon swiped her off of the ground in a second
Ivery felt as if she was being slowly squeezed and the ground was getting further away as the dragon flew higher up. A sudden cracking feeling was felt by Ivery, an immediate reaction of blood came out of her mouth.
”Let..me...go!” Ivery grabbed the dragon's wide ankle with both of her hands
Ivery hands burned with a glowing bright, furious golden pink fire. Her red eyes covered with a golden glow, her veins beaming red underneath her skin. Her light blonde hair slowly turned bright red, spreading from top to bottom.
The heat and shock waves of Ivery's touch caused the dragon to lose its tight grip on Ivery. Ivery instantly broke out of the dragon's claws and bone like wings came out of her back. Her wings flapped and she flew up to the dragon, she landed on the dragon's back and walked up to it's head.
”Human! Return my egg and maybe I'll show you mercy!” The dragon roared as it tried to shake Ivery off of its back
”Take a quick nap” Ivery's arm flowed with her infinite energy, her demon blood raging through her veins, ever so cautiously mixing with her infinite energy, protecting her body from the damage of her infinite attribute
Ivery swung her fist down with little to no hesitation and landed a huge punch to the dragons skull. The dragon came falling down in that same moment that Ivery smashed her fist into the dragon's head. The dragon crashed into the floor, several feet down inside the earth, the dragon's giant imprint was made into the floor. And a cloud of debris covered the whole room.
An enormous tremble traveled across the floor and the walls, the powerful impact caused everyone to lose balance and fall on the ground from the intensity of the crash.
Giant chunks of the ceiling came falling down on the floor, the floor cracked and the cracks traveled up the walls and the origin being the huge hole that the dragon made as it was pummeled into the floor.
As the smoke cleared up, Ivery's figure was seen as she walked out of the rubble she created.
Luther rushed over to her in a heartbeat. She fell to her knees and coughed up blood onto the floor. Her bone like wings cracked into her back as she gasped for air.
”Ivery! Ivery! Where are you hurt?!” Luther lifted up her head and checked for wounds
”Here..” Ivery pointed to her chest