Part 18 (2/2)
”Well, this _is_ a joke on us, sure enough,” remarked the man who gave orders; ”let him up, Jenkins; it must be one of the boys we saw through the yesterday camped at the foot of the island. They didn't go back home after all, as we believed, when we came back here with a boat this evening. That must have been another lot we heard coming down the river.”
Max began to grasp things now. From these words he knew that these two men must be the same whom Steve had seen watching the island on the day before, and who had appeared to go away _up_ the river. They must have circled around, so as to finally reach Carson, where they heard certain things that had sent them up again, this time in a boat, late the afternoon before.
And hearing the splash of oars as Ted and his cronies hurried back to town, they had believed that the boys were those whom they had seen camped at the lower end of the island. Doubtless they even suspected that Max and his chums might have been also frightened off by the same wild-looking man who had appeared to Herb Benson weeks ago.
”Who are you, and what are you looking for over here on Catamount Island?” Max now asked, boldly, feeling pretty sure he could give a good guess, even before the other spoke a word in explanation.
The crackle of a match told him that the leader of the couple wished to take a look at him, so as to be satisfied. And when the little piece of wood flared up, Max was able to see that both men were, as Steve had declared, dressed in gray uniforms, that were decorated with the bra.s.s b.u.t.tons of authority.
”Well, it _is_ a boy, as sure as anything, Jenkins,” remarked the man, who wore a short-pointed beard, and had a keen face, as though he might be in the habit of dealing with charges who required constant vigilance.
”Now, I hope my a.s.sistant didn't hurt you much when he jumped you, following my orders, when he heard you coming?”
Now, Max did feel a trifle sore, where he had struck the ground with the said Jenkins on top of him; and doubtless the feeling would be still more p.r.o.nounced by another day. But then he was too proud to confess to any such small thing.
”Nothing to mention, sir,” he remarked, just as though it were a common thing to have people wallow all over him, as though they were playing tackle in a football struggle. ”But are you looking for a lunatic?”
”h.e.l.lo! Do you mean to say you can put us on the track of one?” demanded the man who had been called Mr. Lawrence by his a.s.sistant.
”A rather big man, with a shock of white hair, and staring eyes; a man dressed in a faded suit of brown, and wearing an old blue flannel s.h.i.+rt?” Max went on.
He could not see the men now, because the match had long since gone out; but it was evident that they were delighted to hear him talk in the way he did.
”You've described him to a dot, my lad,” remarked the gentleman; ”only his hair was cut fairly short, and his face smooth, when he broke loose from the asylum, now two months back, and disappeared. Such a job I never before struck. We've been on twenty different trails, and everyone turned out false. And we were about to give it up, when I remembered that long ago he had lived in this section of the country; and the idea came to me that perhaps even a crazy man might remember places. So we came up here to look at the island, only to find a party of boys camped on it; and that seemed to indicate a crazy man could not be anywhere near them. But down in Carson I heard a story from a boy about a wild-looking creature that had frightened himself and his friends nearly to death up here on the island; so, not knowing what else to do, Jenkins and myself got a boat and came back, meaning to explore the place in the night time, as well as by daylight. We intended going back home and giving it all up as a bad job, if this last hope failed, and we didn't locate old Coombs in the place he once lived, they told me.”
Max uttered a cry.
”What was that name you spoke, sir?” he asked.
”Why, the name of the lunatic that broke out, and has given us all this chase over the blessed country; Wesley Coombs his full name is. Have you heard of him, my boy?” replied the warden of the asylum.
”Oh, yes, and to think that when he escaped, after being confined for so many years, the poor man turned back here to the last place he had lived when he had a wife and child. They were both drowned in a freshet. I understood he had gone, too; but he must have been taken to the lunatic asylum instead, poor fellow.”
Max was feeling very sad as the truth broke in upon him after this fas.h.i.+on. To think that Wesley Coombs had been alive all these years; restrained of his liberty. And how pathetic it was to know that when he finally found an opportunity to get away, he had, through some queer freak of fate, come back to this island of the Big Sunflower, where he had brought his young wife and child years ago, and which still remained, the one remembrance of the past in his poor dulled mind!
”Is he here now on the island?” asked Mr. Lawrence, eagerly.
Perhaps Wesley Coombs was a person of very little importance in himself; but he had been sought for so long that his recapture would bring considerable satisfaction along with it.
”To the best of my knowledge and belief, he is,” replied Max, chuckling to think how he was in a condition to know, and enjoying the prospect of springing a surprise upon the two wardens of the asylum.
”Then you've seen him?” continued the head keeper.
”I certainly have, sir, or I couldn't have described him very well,” Max went on, not too anxious to make his disclosure; for he thought he ought to enjoy the situation a little, after experiencing that rough tumble.
”Can you take us to where we can find him?” next asked the warden.