Part 18 (1/2)
All Max knew was that the log went up against the door, that was quivering under the attacks of the crazy man within.
He drew a sigh of relief when a.s.sured of this fact. Panting for breath he stood there and listened. The walls and roof he knew were absolutely sound, which had seemed wonderful enough, considering all the years that the cabin had stood here unoccupied.
It would take any man hours to dig under those logs, and burrow out, especially if he had no hatchet or knife to a.s.sist in the labor, as Max believed was the case now. And long before that happened he could have his four chums on the spot, ready to lend the a.s.sistance of their strong young arms in securing the escaping prisoner.
What they should do about it, Max as yet hardly knew. This was a matter in which he felt he would like to have the advice of grave and thoughtful Owen. Four of them might keep guard over the raging madman, trying to appease him by thrusting bits of tempting food through the cracks; while the fifth fellow sped down the river in one of the canoes to bring help from Carson.
And right then and there Max was boy enough to feel that it would be something of a feather in their caps if, in addition to camping a whole week on Catamount Island, they could lay the ghost that had frightened Herb and his friends at the time they tried to spend a single night in the strange cabin.
But he must not waste any more time here. Minutes were worth something, with the trap sprung, and a desperate lunatic caught.
He must hasten back to the camp, tell his chums all that had happened, and after arming them as best could be done, they must hurry to the cabin. Max had decided that Owen ought to be the one to spin down the Big Sunflower as soon as the first peep of daylight appeared in the east. He would not dare allow him to attempt the voyage in the dense darkness, for fear of a spill, and possible peril; since there were many cross currents, and rocks that would sink a frail canoe if struck at full speed.
Now the man seemed to have become quiet again. Max hoped that he had realized the foolishness of trying to break through the door, and that the lure of the stolen food had drawn him back to his feast. He listened, and could catch just the faintest of sounds, which it was impossible to a.n.a.lyze. But above all else the anxious boy hoped that his captive might not think about burrowing under the log wall, at least not for some time yet.
And so, having finally located his gun again, Max turned away from the cabin, meaning to retrace his course along the sh.o.r.e to the camp where his chums would be found.
It was with a feeling of thankfulness, as well as a sense of satisfaction, that Max Hastings started to head for the sh.o.r.e of the island once more. By this time he felt that he ought to know every foot of the way, after pa.s.sing over it so often. And it afforded an easier pa.s.sage than by keeping straight through the dense underbrush and woods; though the crazy man seemed to prefer that course, having a possible secret trail of his own.
As the island was not many acres in extent, Max expected to reach the camp before ten minutes had elapsed, or fifteen at most. The boys would be anxious to see him. Perhaps they had been sitting up inside the tents all the time, too worried to go to sleep. If so, he wondered whether they had known when the wild man of the woods again entered the camp, and made way with the provisions waiting for him.
Reaching the sh.o.r.e, where he could look out upon the pa.s.sing river, he turned his head in the quarter whence he knew his destination lay.
In this way then he had been going, perhaps five minutes, and all seemed well, when he met with a sudden and disagreeable surprise.
Something sprang upon him without the least warning. Max, although horrified, and with that ferocious bobcat in mind, attempted to struggle the best he knew how; but to his astonishment his arms were pinioned at his sides, so that he really found himself helpless to move, as he was thrown heavily down.
Of course he had understood before this that it was not an animal at all that had jumped upon him, but a human being like himself. His first thought lay in the direction of the madman whom he had left in the cabin with the barricaded door. In some mysterious way the fellow must have escaped, and following fast upon his heel had now accomplished his capture.
And just when this awful thought was getting a grip on the mind of poor Max, he found occasion to change his opinion once more. A face had come in contact with his, and it was smooth, and dest.i.tute of the hair he had seen straggling over the long unshaven countenance of the crazy man.
Could Ted Shafter and his cronies have dared venture back after receiving that severe fright earlier in the evening? The idea seemed next door to preposterous to Max; but what other explanation could there be to the mystery.
”Got him safe, Jenkins?” asked a gruff voice close by; and Max realized that it was a question addressed to the unseen party who held him so tightly.
”That's what I have, sir; but seems to me there's something wrong here,”
replied the other party, the athletic fellow to whom Max owed his tumble.
”What d'ye mean by saying that, Jenkins?” demanded the man who seemed to be in authority, since the second one called him ”sir,” and seemed ready to obey his orders.
”He don't feel near as big as our man; and his face, it's as smooth as my own. I reckon we've hit on the wrong bird, Mr. Lawrence,” continued the man, slightly relaxing his firm grip on Max.
”I'm sure you have,” said the boy, thinking that it was time he let these mysterious parties know that he seriously objected to being set upon, pulled down, and roughly treated, just as though he were a common criminal.