Part 23 (1/2)




1. We are never too old to learn.

2. Civility is the result of good nature and good sense.

3. The right of the people to instruct their representatives is generally admitted.

4. The immense quant.i.ty of matter in the Universe presents a most striking display of Almighty power.

5. Virtue, diligence, and industry, joined with good temper and prudence, must ever be the surest means of prosperity.

6. The people called Quakers were a source of much trouble to the Puritans.

7. The Mayflower brought to America [Footnote: One hundred and one may be taken as one adjective.] one hundred and one men, women, and children.

8. Edward Wingfield, an avaricious and unprincipled man, was the first president of the Jamestown colony.

9. John Cabot and his son Sebastian, sailing under a commission from Henry VII. of England, discovered the continent of America.

10. True worth is modest and retiring.

11. Jonah, the prophet, preached to the inhabitants of Nineveh.




+Hints for Oral Instruction+.--A word-modifier may sometimes be expanded into a phrase or into an expression that a.s.serts.

+T+.--_A wise man will be honored_. Expand _wise_ into a phrase, and give me the sentence. +P+.--A man _of wisdom_ will be honored. +T+.--Expand _wise_ into an expression that a.s.serts, join this to _man_, as a modifier, and then give me the entire sentence. +P+.--A man _who is wise_ will be honored.

+T+.--You see that the same quality may be expressed in three ways--A _wise_ man, A man _of wisdom_, A man _who is wise_.

Let the pupils give similar examples.

+T+.--In the sentence, _A man who is wise will be honored_, the word _who_ stands for what? +P+.--For the noun _man_. +T+.--Then what part of speech is it? +P+.--A p.r.o.noun.

+T+.--Put the noun _man_ in the place of the p.r.o.noun _who_, and then give me the sentence. +P+.--_A man, man is wise, will be honored_.

+T+.--I will repeat your sentence, changing the order of the words--_A man will be honored. Man is wise_. Is the last sentence now joined to the first as a modifier, or are they two separate sentences? +P+.--They are two separate sentences.

+T+.--Then you see that the p.r.o.noun _who_ not only stands for the noun _man_, but it connects the modifying expression, _who is wise_, to _man_, the subject of the sentence, _A man will be honored_, and thus there is formed what we call a +Complex Sentence+. These two parts we call +Clauses+. _A man will be honored_ is the +Independent Clause;+ _who is wise_ is the +Dependent Clause+.

Clauses that modify nouns or p.r.o.nouns are called +Adjective Clauses+.

+DEFINITION.--A _Clause_ is a part of a sentence containing a subject and its predicate+.

+DEFINITION.--A _Dependent Clause_ is one used as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun+.

+DEFINITION.--An _Independent Clause_ is one not dependent on another clause+.

+DEFINITION.--A _Simple Sentence_ is one that contains but one subject and one predicate, either or both of which may be compound+.