83 Lung Operation 1 (1/2)
When blood pressure becomes lower, there are a few possibilities.
First, blood is flowing out.
It might be not the case of this patient, as he did not bleed much.
Second, the patient might have damages on the head and could not coordinate the blood circulation.
Ganghyuk could not make sure because there was no CT or X-ray, but the probability seemed to be low.
There was no wound on the head.
”His eyes are ok.”
There is a saying that eyes are the windows of the mind.
It is clinically true. Many doctors say that they can identify the brain status of the patient through the patient's eyes.
Ganghyuk agreed to some extent, so the first thing he did was to see the patient's eyes.
'He does not have papilledema and his pupillary reflex is normal. So it must not be the brain damage.'
Third, there is direct or indirect effect on the heart.
It seems this patient may fall under this category.
Ganghyuk thought so…
'The right lung does not breathe well. His heart beat is biased to the right.”
Then tension pneumothorax can be thought of.
Ganghyuk did not know the cause but it seemed that he had the tension pneumothorax.
When Ganghyuk diagnosed in his mind, Dolseok gave him a syringe.
”Sir, here it is.”
”Good. Yeoni? Oh, you did a good job.”
It is said that practice makes perfect.
They knew what they should do.
Yeoni cleansed the right chest of the patient with brown betadine liquid.
Although strange looking tools came out, n.o.body asked questions.
Makbong and Heo Jun had already expelled people who could not understand Ganghyuk.
In the room, there were Ganghyuk and his fellows, Heo Jun and his follower.
The follower had heard of Ganghyuk from his teacher a lot and he was watching Ganghyuk closely to learn new things.
”Now, I will stab it.”
Ganghyuk removed the back part of the syringe and stabbed it on the top of the right side of the chest.
There was a sound of being deflated and then the air in the right thoracic cavity came out.
At the same time, the same sound came from the patient's mouth.
He looked around blinking his eyes.
He might feel that he came back from the h.e.l.l.
Actually, he almost died.
Heo Jun came to him hastily.
”Stay still.”
”Ah, Heo Jun…”
”Do you remember that you were treated here?”
”Yes, I do. I think I lost my mind after that.”
Ganghyuk inferred the situation.
Perhaps, this patient was conscious even after he fell from the stairs.
He was transferred to Naeeuiwon and had treatment.
Then at a certain point, he lost consciousness.
'It is the characteristic of the tension pneumothorax.'
At first, the patient looks ok, but he suddenly dies without any other signal.
Because of such characteristic, many doctors lose their patients without good treatment.
In traffic accidents, one of the victims who had light injury suddenly dies while he has been helping more seriously injured victims.
”Eum. He was good when he first came, but some time later I could not feel his pulse and then he became unconscious. How do you feel now?”
Kim Kyehan frowned with the remark of Heo Jun.
He might feel some pain in his chest.
He tried to get up.
But Makbong and Dolseok stopped him, so he stayed lying down.
”I have pain in the chest. Who are they, by the way?”
Makbong and Dolseok did not look like men working in the palace.
They wore clean clothes made of good cotton, but the clothes could not hide their status.
They looked like commoners in the marketplace.
”Ah, they are the servants of Scholar Baik I mentioned before.”
Kim Kyehan tried to remember his old memory.
It was the time that Heo Jun was appointed as Cheomjeong (Grade 4) by saving Prince Imhae.
He attributed his merits to Baik Ganghyuk, when King Seonjo praised him.
At that time, Kyehan thought Heo Jun tried to be humble, but now he could see the very person that Heo Jun had praised.
”Is he here?”
”Yes. It is Scholar Baik who has just saved your life.”
When Kim Kyehan noticed the presence of Ganghyuk, Ganghyuk finished the examination and could identify the status.
The tension pneumothorax does not simply arise when someone falls from the stairs.
There must be another reason.
'His rib is broken, and it teared his lung.'
It means that there is not much time.
He will die in two hours if Ganghyuk does not make any treatment.
Ganghyuk thought that he must save Kyehan.
If he could not, Heo Jun might have disadvantages and his pride would be hurt.
Ganghyuk cared the latter more.
'If I saw him, he must live.'
If it is the case that n.o.body can help, he might give it up.
But in this case, there seems to be chance to save him.
Then Ganghyuk must save him, as he must be the best doctor.
”Heum, what is his name?”
Kim Kyehan answered hastily.
”My name is Kim Kyehan.”
Kim Kyehan.
Ganghyuk thought he might have heard his name.
It seems that he had read his name in a column in that world.
'Aha. This one carried Seonjo on his back and ran when there was the war. I believe he became a meritorious retainer subject for that contribution.'
Ganghyuk might forget his name, if he did not have questions on this case.
Ganghyuk was not interested in other things than medicine.
But he remembered the name very well, because he wondered how a des.e.xualized man could carry the king on the back and ran the long way.
Now Ganghyuk saw the person with his eyes, and the question became bigger.
'He does not have good muscles.'
Comparing to the muscles, he had quite much fat.
It was no wonder why he fell down from the stairs.
”What will you do?”