82 Gichukoksa 3 (1/2)

The order of Jeong Cheol was delivered as swift as a bird flying in the daytime and as secretly as a mouse crawling at night.

Hw.a.n.ghaedo Gwanchalsa Han Jun, Anak Gunsu Lee Chuk, Jaeryeong Gunsu Park Chungggan, and Chincheon Gunsu made reports.

The contents were as follows:

Jeong Yeorip and his fellows in Daedonggye are planning a treason to attack the government in Hangyang simultaneously from Hw.a.n.ghaedo and Honam. They plan to kill s.h.i.+n Rip and Minister of Defense to possess the military power.

It really had shocking contents to stir the government.

When there was additional report that Daedonggye was already organized in Hanyang, Seonjo sent Euigeumbu Dosa [high-ranking policeman] to Hw.a.n.ghaedo and Jeollado. Ganghyuk was not worried much about the situation. It was because of Hangbok. The young hero of Seoin visited Ganghyuk nearly every day.

Sometimes, he asked Ganghyuk to torture someone, but it was only occasional.

He came and asked his situation and let him know the current status.

”How are you? Are you good.”

”Yes, sir,”


Lee Hangbok sat down on the floor as if it were his home.

Dolseok and other servants were already accustomed to the guest and they did not care much.

When Hangbok came, they made chicken for him, as he loved it very much.

”It is always tasty.”

”It is upgraded thanks to the flour that you gave me.”

”This black thing may be pepper.”

”Yes, sir. Before this incident, Lord Ryu gave me some.”

When Ryu Seongyong's name was mentioned, his face became a little darker.

He did not have any grudge against Ryu Seongyong although they belonged to different party.

Hangbok was moved by the greatness of Songyong as they worked in the same ministry, Yejo.

He chewed the chicken for a long time and then said.

”Yes, he will be ok. He is not related with Jeong Yeorip, anyway. He will be ok.”


”I came here today…”

Lee Hangbok left the bone on the floor.

After he wiped his oily fingers, he said with a serious face.

”Jeong Yeorip died.”


”He was found dead in Jukdo. He committed suicide”

”Heo, he killed himself…”

”Yes, a man called Byon Sungbok was found there, too.”


He had met Byon Sungbok once.

They met as an enemy, but he felt some emotion when he heard that Byon Sungbok was dead.

”How about Euiyeon?”

”Ah, the monk? Died.”


”There are more.”

Lee Hangbok remembered people who were killed in the incident closing his eyes.

He proactively moved to prevent a treason but now it was being used as a tool to coerce Dongin.

Too many people were killed, exiled and lost their offices.

Kim Simin, Lee Eokgi, s.h.i.+n Rip and Lee Suns.h.i.+n lost their offices. Jeong Eons.h.i.+n resigned because he was a distant relative of Jeong Yeorip.

”You don't look happy.”

”Do I? No, I am not happy at all.”

”I am sorry that I cannot help you.”

”No, I am sorry to make you suffer, too.”

Lee Hangbok ate chicken leaning to the column.

He would stay in Ganghyuk's place for some time, before going home.

Recently, he visited Ganghyuk more frequently.

It seems that Hangbok had healing time in Ganghyuk's place.



”I asked you a favor last time. Do you remember?”

”Ah, you mean Changgweon?”

A distant relative had to resign.

Changgweon was the only brother of Yeorip.

Although Changgweon did not have good terms with Yeorip…

If somebody wanted to harm Changgweon, he could be at risk because he was Yeorip's brother.

”It was reported that he made a contribution in the war in Eotanmyeon. Governor Kim Yungil had reported the incident in detail. According to his report, Changgweon must be a great man.”

”Yes, I bet it.”

Kim Yungil.

He was one of the victims of this incident.

He was subjected to be a minister, but he remained as governor because of this big incident.

Luckily, he had friends not only in Dongin but also in Seoin.

Therefore, he was not removed from his office although he belonged to dongin.

”He was already dead and how could we investigate further? I asked Lord Jeong Cheol to cover it.”

”As far as I know, he had a daughter. What will happen to his daughter?”

Ganghyuk asked the question looking at the backyard.

That is the place where Yeoju hid herself in male costume.

”Ah, they reported to me that there was a search warrant. But n.o.body knew where she was. The governor and your father reported that she disappeared long time ago. Anyway, it is a girl, not a boy.”


”I heard you were close to Changgweon since childhood. I am sorry to make you suffer.”

”No, sir. I am good.”

”It will be sorted out soon. It will be.”

Lee Hangbok left saying goodbye to Ganghyuk.

”See you later.”

He walked to the gate shaking his hand.

Suddenly he looked back as if he had remembered something.

”Do you know Heo Jun in Naeeuiwon?”

”Yes, I know him. We correspond.”

Ganghyuk was too busy to visit him, but he intended to visit him when he first arrived here.

He wanted to discuss the effect of Seomsu and Chooh with him.

They were the herbs that Heo Jun suggested.

Ganghyuk smiled at the name.

He has not smiled for a long time.

It was almost the first time that he smiled since the incident of Yeorip.

”He wanted to see you urgently. I told him I would deliver his message and then I almost forgot.”


”Yes, he told me a servant in the palace named Kim Kyehan fell because he lost his footing. He said that the guy was in critical situation. I am sorry. These days I am out of mind too often.”

”Where should I go?”