Part 7 (1/2)
In that moment, I felt something inside me change.
I'd known my whole life what it meant for me to be the alpha. My father was the alpha of our Gray Ridge wolf pack until he died suddenly when I was eighteen. He was out for a run one day, and had a heart attack. The doctors did all they could do, but he didn't make it. I was young and angry, not wanting the responsibility of the pack to fall on my shoulders. But I was born of pure alpha blood, and I had no choice but to lead.
I knew what taking on this role would mean, and I knew one day I would be destined for a mate. I had always a.s.sumed it would be another wolf and someone of similar bloodlines. What I didn't expect was to have some kind of connection to a stray cub that was far too young.
What I feel isn't what people have described to me as the mating pull, but it's something. I feel very protective of her and would do anything to keep her safe, but I feel that if I don't distance myself from Winnie, I might regret it. What if I end up mating someone else? Then these feelings would betray my true mate, and that's not fair.
I finally stop near a small creek to drink some water and catch my breath. My lungs burn from the run, and my legs are shaky as I bend down to take a drink from the cool spring.
The second I saw Winnie for the first time, something in me changed. I'd been angry about the responsibility of the pack weighing down on my shoulders for so long that the first time I saw her, I felt light. I felt as if looking into her scared eyes broke something inside me wide open, and I can't seem to close it again.
That day in the woods, I took her from Dominic's arms and carried her back to my house. The little cub was s.h.i.+vering with cold and fear, but as soon as she was cradled in my arms, she stopped. It was like our connection was made, and from that moment on, I didn't leave her side.
After three days I finally was able to talk her through s.h.i.+fting back to human form. It took her a long time, and I know it must have been painful, but she was so strong. I was so proud of her, and after it was complete I wrapped her up in a blanket and just held her in front of the fire. She looked so young, maybe around fourteen, and I didn't want to scare her with questions or make her start talking if she wasn't ready. I just wanted to keep her safe.
Winnie. That was the first word she ever spoke to me, and it was all she could remember.
I had let her sleep in my bed with me when she was a cub, but after she s.h.i.+fted, I let her sleep in the guest room. I'd lie there in the middle of the night, feeling so lonely without her. There wasn't ever any s.e.xual attraction, to her. Male s.h.i.+fters can't even get hard until their mating heat hits. No, what I felt for Winnie was different. It was a strong pull, and I didn't know how to explain it. I couldn't tell anyone, and I d.a.m.n sure couldn't talk to Winnie about it.
When she crawled into bed with me that first night, I pretended to be asleep. But as soon as she dozed off, I pulled her to me and held her close while she slept. I never did anything other than hold her and make sure she was safe. I never admitted how happy I was that she felt the need to be near me.
Every night she would sneak in my room, and I would hold her while she slept. After almost a week, I knew it needed to stop.
I started to get anxious if I was separated from her for too long, and when her scent started to fade from me, I tried to find ways to accidentally brush up against her and get it back on me. I was becoming obsessed and I knew it.
Peter Stockton was one of our pack's best hunters, and I knew he had two young girls about Winnie's age. When I asked him to watch over Winnie and protect her as he would his own family, he agreed. Gwen didn't like my decision, but she's young and doesn't understand the way the pack works. He's a part of us, and he will do his duty just as I will do mine.
I have a responsibility to protect everyone, and I can't let myself be pulled in another direction by a lost little cub. I can't spend my days pining for something that isn't mine and won't be mine. I can't put the safety of the pack in jeopardy because I feel protective. That's not what my life's about. My life is about duty and honor, and in order to fulfill those, I have to let her go.
I'll always watch her, but I can't allow myself to dream of things I can't have. It doesn't matter what I want. The pack is my ultimate responsibility.
Pus.h.i.+ng away from the stream, I turn and make my way back home. One day Winnie will mate with someone and I'll be able to move on. My wolf growls at the thought, but I ignore him.
Maybe one day I'll be able to fill the void she made in my heart.
Chapter 1.
”You okay?” Gwen looks at me with concern in her big blue eyes. I hate how much they remind me of Stone. I can hardly look at her without thinking of him. It's not a reminder I like because each time it nicks away at my heart. No matter how many times I try to push past my feelings for Stone, I know I'm just lying to myself. Just when I think they're gone, one small thing sends them all flooding back. I figure if I keep lying to myself enough, maybe I'll start to believe it.
Gwen always seems to have that look on her face with me. I know she cares, but lately it's making me feel a little pathetic. If anyone should be asking how someone is doing, it's me to her. She just found her mate and is already expecting two little girl pups.
Gwen invited Ruby and me over to hang out and catch up. Dominic, Ruby's mate, tagged along, and X is here as well. With both Gwen and Ruby expecting babies, their mates never seem to be far from them. The male s.h.i.+fters tend to hover over their mates during pregnancy. I wonder if my mate will do that. What am I saying? I don't even know if bears mate.
”Yeah, just kind of sad. I still can't remember anything. And I've been all over the place today,” I admit to her. I feel like my hormones are going crazy. Maybe it's because my only two friends are both pregnant and it's giving me an itch myself. Seeing them so in love and happy makes me ache for the same.
Being a bear in a town full of wolves, I have no idea if mating is different for us. But lately I've been trying to find out. For the longest time I tried to remember the life I had before I came to be a part of the Gray Ridge pack. But after a while I just let it go, thinking that one day it might come back to me. It hasn't yet, and it's been almost four years.
Now I'm back to pus.h.i.+ng myself to remember and I still keep coming up with nothing. Even being close to Gwen, I still don't feel like I belong, and I've been tossing around the idea of leaving the pack. To go where, I have no idea. College? Maybe. Something has to give because I feel like I could crack. I'm starting to think I might feel more accepted in the human world. It's not like I even s.h.i.+ft anymore. I haven't since Stone found me.
”You'll know when it happens. You'll feel it,” Gwen tells me, reaching out to hold my hand. I know she's talking about coming of age. Since I don't know anything about before I came to Gray Ridge, my age has always just been estimated.
Gwen seems to think I'll be like a wolf and won't find my mate until I'm eighteen. Whether that's true or not, no one really seems to know. What's even weirder is when I talk to Stone about finding out about bears mating, he gets all awkward.
Awkward is not a word I would have ever thought I'd use for Stone, but it's what he does. h.e.l.l, I'm awkward about it, too, but my need to know pushes me past that, so I keep asking him. He keeps giving me the brush off, and it's hard to ask a man you have a giant crush on when you can finally get the s.e.x on.
”From what Dominic says, you feel it when it happens,” Ruby chimes in softly, smiling at me. I really like Ruby. She seems to fit with me more than anyone else. She has wild red hair and a curvy body like I do. All the s.h.i.+fters around here are tall and lean. I kind of stick out, but since Ruby is human she doesn't carry their traits, so we kind of have that in common, too. Well, except for what her mate Dominic gave her during mating.
Like me, Ruby is an outsider who was invited into the pack. I feel like she gets me a little better than most, but if you ask me she still seems to fit better than I do.
”Yeah. You're right. I'm just super emotional today. I keep crying. Sorry,” I tell them both, trying to give the best smile I can. I don't want this to turn into a pity party. I came here to have a good time, to get my mind off things, and mostly to get away from my stepsisters. ”If I didn't know better, I'd think I was pregnant,” I joke about my tears, making everyone laugh.
”Tell me about it. The last time I was this crazy with hormones I was-” Gwen pauses for a moment as if a thought hits her. ”Winnie, you don't think-”
She's cut off by the front door bursting open, making me jump to my feet, to reveal Stone standing in the doorway.
Xavier and Dominic are in front of us in under a second, both half-s.h.i.+fted as if ready to fight.
Stone stands there, breathing hard and looking like he just ran a hundred miles. He's nearly rabid as he looks past X and Dom, glaring at me. His snarl echoes through the room, making my heart thunder in my chest. I don't feel fear, though. No, it's something else. Then one word leaves his lips.
He's on me before anyone can move, lifting me to his body. My legs go around his waist, and my hands go to his shoulders as I try to keep myself balanced. My back hits a wall, and I don't even register moving. Before I can say anything, Stone buries his face in my neck, and I feel his teeth. The sharp fangs are on me before I make a sound and he bites. Hard.
I expect to feel pain as my body tenses with antic.i.p.ation, but instead white-hot pa.s.sion like nothing I've ever felt rips through me. My eyes fall closed as a moan pours from my mouth. My body jerks, grinding against him as the pleasure shoots through my body all the way down to my toes.
When I sink back to reality, I feel Stone's tongue swipe the spot he just marked, and my eyes pop open.