Part 6 (1/2)

Kissing him again softly, I shake my head. ”A healthy baby. That's all I want.”

He kisses me back, and this time he deepens the kiss, putting my back on the blanket and coming over me. He pushes my light spring dress up and exposes my bare s.e.x to the sunlight. Then he moves down my body and settles between my legs.

I close my eyes and moan a little as his warm tongue licks lazily across my c.l.i.t. We are in no rush today, just enjoying the beautiful spring day and each another.

His mouth opens and covers my p.u.s.s.y, then he sucks on my c.l.i.t. I feel his thick fingers penetrate me, and I arch up to greet them. I've been in a state of constant need since the first time we made love. I thought at some point it would diminish or fade a little, but it hasn't.

Our mating bond is something I never thought I would experience. It's all-consuming, and I can't seem to get enough of him. I reach down and grip Koda's hair, pulling him as close to me as I can. Then I'm climaxing against his mouth and he's slowly licking me clean.

When he's wrung me out, he comes over me, careful of my growing belly, and slides his full length inside of me. My mate mark tingles, as does the rest of my body as we make love on the blanket. His heavy thrusts become our heartbeat, and our perfect day is even better now.

As his hot seed enters me, my own o.r.g.a.s.m is triggered, and I cling to Koda, shouting his name. He leans down, wors.h.i.+ping me and whispering words of love. I'll never get tired of the way he dotes on me and tells me he loves me.

As I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, I feel Koda curl up beside me and kiss my mate mark. It's heaven on earth, and I never want it to end.



Two years later ...

I growl watching the unmated wolf smile at Snow. I stand beside her, looking like a giant shadow scaring off the townspeople, but I don't care.

”Koda, if you are going to intimidate everyone that comes over here, then what's the point of me helping out with the bake sale?”

Snow huffs, and I sit down in the chair behind her, looking at her lush a.s.s. I lick my lips as she moves around the table selling baked goods at the festival.

We agreed to help out Ruby, Gwen, and Winnie with the fall festival and take a turn selling the baked goods. It's going on all weekend, and she's been looking forward to it for months. She started helping out with Ruby's Goodie Basket right after our mating, saying that she wanted to get out into the town and become a part of our pack community. I knew it would be good for the both of us, so slowly I've been integrating into the role of town deputy sheriff. I've also been helping her in the bakery and with watching the cubs of our pack.

Snow is about five months pregnant with our second cub, and seeing her like this only turns me on more. We've got one girl cub so far, but she thinks this one is a boy. Just like the last one. I don't care what we have, as long as they are all healthy and happy, just like my mate. Little Snow is at home with her Aunt Winnie and Uncle Stone today, so the time alone is nice. Although I would have liked to have spent it in bed instead of out here in the town, but this makes Snow happy, so I do as she wishes.

”Hey there, pretty lady. Got anything on this table as sweet as you?”

I hear a man's voice, and I pull my eyes from Snow's a.s.s to look around her and see a human standing in front of her. If he was a s.h.i.+fter, he would have smelled my scent on her a mile away and know d.a.m.n well to stay clear.

Slowly, and with as much restraint as I can, I stand up behind Snow. I rise up and tower over the top of her head to look down at this human.

”What did you say?” I ask through gritted teeth.

I hear Snow stifle a laugh, but I don't think anything about this is funny.

”I, umm, I was, umm.” He tries to stutter out a few sentences, but nothing intelligible leaves his lips.

”Everything is two dollars, and all the proceeds go to the children's playground on Main Street,” Snow says, trying to smooth over the situation.

I loom over her, looking down at this man, daring him to make a move. I would rip out his throat in the middle of this street to show my dominance to all who would think to approach my mate.

Slowly, he pulls his wallet out and takes out a twenty-dollar bill, laying it on the table and backing away. He doesn't say a word as he backs up and blends into the crowd, never showing me his back.

Snow turns around on me then, putting her hands on her hips and raising an eyebrow. I just shrug my shoulders and sit back down, not even bothering to apologize.

She just lets out a huff like she's mad, but I see her smiling when she turns back around to the table. That's fine with me because I get to look at her a.s.s again.

”At least it was a good donation,” she says, picking up the twenty and putting it into the jar.

”At least the view is nice,” I say, and she looks over her shoulder and gives me a wink.

She knows exactly what she's doing when she wiggles that thing around in front of me, but I just let her pretend she's innocent as I think about all the ways I'm going to bite it later.

She's lucky she's pregnant or I would for sure be putting a baby in her tonight. Mating moon or not, she's being a tease and she knows it. Snow knows exactly what happens when she pokes at my bear.

Reaching out, I grab her hips and pull her down on my lap. She lets out a squeak and tries to pull away, but she and I both know she doesn't want to go anywhere. She just likes riling me up.

”You shake that thing in front of me again and I'll carry you out of here over my shoulder.” I nip at her neck, and it sends a s.h.i.+ver down her spine.

”You promise?” She gives me a wicked smile, and I growl.

”Careful, mate. You're supposed to be here for another hour.” I rub my hand across her growing belly and feel myself getting harder.

She smacks my leg playfully, and I let her get up out of my lap.

”Then I guess you'll just have to have some self-control for the next hour.”

I grip the seat, nearly snapping the arms off, and grit my teeth. ”Snow, when it comes to you, I've never had control.”

She turns around and walks up to me so we are almost eye to eye. ”I know, and I love it. Just like I love you.”

The kiss she places on my lips is soft and sweet, but it has me counting down the seconds until I can get her out of here and back in our cabin. When it comes to Snow, I know two things are for sure: I'll never stop loving her, and I'll never get enough.


The first time Stone saw Winnie, she was alone in the woods with no memory of where she came from.

With one look, he knew something was different. When she finally came of age and her mating heat kicked in, he realized that she had always been the one.

Sent to live with a strange family, Winnie was forced to deal with the hateful treatment of her stepmother and stepsisters.

Mating the alpha changed that.