Part 9 (1/2)
”d.i.c.k,” said our hero, who somehow could not help feeling, when called Richard, that some other boy was meant.
”Won't you come and help me build a house?” asked little Johnny.
d.i.c.k accepted the invitation with pleasure, feeling more at home with children than with older persons.
”This is sister Grace,” said Johnny, with an offhand introduction.
”I saw you on the boat,” said d.i.c.k.
”Yes,” said Grace, ”I was there. Oh, how frightened I was when Johnny fell into the water! I don't see how you dared to jump in after him.”
”Oh, I've been in swimming many a time. I don't mind it,” said d.i.c.k.
”I s'pose you're used to it, like the fishes,” said Johnny. ”I'm glad I'm not a fish. I shouldn't like to live in the water.”
”I don't think I should, either,” said d.i.c.k. ”Now, what do you think the fishes do when it rains?”
”I do not know.”
”They go down to the bottom of the sea to get out of the wet.”
”Isn't it wet down at the bottom of the sea?” asked Johnny, in good faith.
”Of course it is, you little goose,” said Grace, with an air of superior wisdom.
”Will you make me a house?” said Johnny.
”What kind of a house do you want?” said d.i.c.k, seating himself on the carpet, and taking up the blocks.
”Any kind,” said Johnny.
d.i.c.k, beginning to feel quite at home with the children, erected an imposing-looking house, leaving little s.p.a.ces for the doors and windows.
”That's better than the house Grace made,” said Johnny, looking at it with complacency.
”But it won't last very long,” said d.i.c.k. ”You'd better sell it before it tumbles over.”
”Do you own any houses?” asked Johnny.
”Not many,” said d.i.c.k, smiling.
”My father owns this house,” said Johnny, positively. ”He paid fifty dollars for it.”
”I didn't think houses were so cheap,” said d.i.c.k. ”I'd like to buy one at that price.”
”You're a little goose, Johnny,” said Grace. ”He gave as much as five hundred dollars.”
”Grace doesn't know much more about the price of real estate than Johnny,” said Mr. Rockwell.
”Didn't the house cost as much as five hundred dollars?” asked Grace.
”As much as that certainly, my dear.”