Part 8 (1/2)
”Yes, it's all right.”
”How's my cravat?”
”It'll do. You're getting to be quite a dandy, d.i.c.k.”
”I want to look respectable; got it right that time. When I visit Turkey I want to look as the turkeys do. Won't you go with me,--as far as the door, I mean?”
”Yes, if you're going to walk.”
”I'd rather. I feel kind of nervous, and perhaps I'll walk it off.”
The two boys got their caps, and walked up Broadway on the west side.
The lights were already lit, and the shop windows made a brilliant display. At intervals places of amus.e.m.e.nt opened wide their hospitable portals, and large placards presented tempting invitations to enter.
They reached Union Square, and, traversing it, again walked up Broadway to Madison Park. At the upper end of this park commences the beautiful avenue which bears the same name. Only about half a dozen blocks now required to be pa.s.sed, when the boys found themselves opposite a residence with a very imposing front.
”This is the place,” said d.i.c.k. ”I wish you were going in with me.”
”I hope you will have a pleasant time, d.i.c.k. Good-by till I see you again.”
d.i.c.k felt a little nervous, but he summoned up all his courage, and, ascending the broad marble steps, rang the bell.
At the end of the last chapter we left d.i.c.k standing on the steps of Mr.
Rockwell's residence in Madison Avenue. He had rung the bell and was waiting to have his summons answered. To say that d.i.c.k expected to enjoy his visit would not be strictly true. He knew very well that his street education had not qualified him to appear to advantage in fas.h.i.+onable society, and he wished that Fosd.i.c.k were with him to lend him countenance.
While under the influence of these feelings the door was thrown open, and a servant looked at him inquiringly.
”Is Mr. Rockwell at home?” asked d.i.c.k.
”Yes. Would you like to see him?”
”He asked me to call this evening.”
”What! Are you the boy that saved Master Johnny from drowning?” asked the servant, her face brightening up, for Johnny was a great favorite in the house.
”I jumped into the water after him,” said d.i.c.k, modestly.
”I heard Mr. Rockwell say he was expecting you to-night. Come right in.
Mistress is very anxious to see you.”
Placed a little at his ease by this cordial reception, d.i.c.k followed the servant upstairs to a pleasant sitting-room on the second floor. Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell were seated at a centre-table reading the evening papers, while Johnny and his sister Grace were constructing a Tower of Babel with some blocks upon the carpet before the fire.
d.i.c.k entered, and stood just within the door, with his cap in his hand, feeling a little embarra.s.sed.