Part 45 (1/2)

Finally, the Knights began driving the slavers back, but the Sonians refused to give up easily. If they couldn't take their prisoners, they would destroy their enemies.

Flaming arrows soared through the air and set fire to the long house.

As he spun to block a blow from behind, Lock noticed Blaze and several trainees attempting to evacuate the house. Lock glanced at what was left of the village. Rain and the others had control of the foot soldiers, most of whom had already retreated. Several Knights headed for the forest from which the Sonian archers fired their arrows.

Lock sheathed his sword and ran toward the longhouse, joining the others in clearing out the wounded before the building burned to ashes.

The house was thick with smoke, and flames ate through the ceiling.

”Almost everyone is out!” Blaze called. ”Just a few more at the back.”

Lock, Blaze, and two trainees forced their way to the back of the house. Lock's eyes stung and he and the others coughed as they breathed the thickening smoke. He squinted, noticing several people, groping their way along the floor amidst flames. He heard a creak from overhead and glanced up, his heart pounding.

”The roof's falling in!” Lock bellowed. ”Hurry!”

Blaze grabbed two children. Lock slung an unconscious man over his shoulder and took the wrist of a woman who was nearly blind from the smoke. The Knights guided the four to safety, but they'd seen at least three others left behind.

Together, Lock and Blaze headed back inside. A particularly loud creak caused Lock to look up again. A beam cracked and nearly fell. Lock caught it and held it up. ”Get them, Blaze!”

The Knight's pale eyes widened slightly as he stared at the size of the beam Lock held. ”But-”

”Go!” Lock hissed, unsure of how long he could support the weight of the beam. Already his arms and shoulders felt ready to break.

Blaze disappeared into the smoke. To Lock it seemed like forever before the Knight reappeared, a woman in his arms, a boy and girl clinging to his robe. He rushed them to the door.

Lock grunted and heaved the beam upward before he leapt for the door just as the roof collapsed. No sooner had he jumped clear of the building when an arrow struck him in the leg. Lock fell forward. When he looked up, he found himself surrounded by Sonian Slavers, several sword tips poking his flesh.

”h.e.l.l!” Lock muttered, his heart pounding. He was going to die without ever seeing Sparrow again.

Suddenly two of the slavers dropped to the dirt. The remaining three glanced at their companions, turning their swords from Lock, but not in time.

Blaze's foot struck one between the legs and another in the face before the men realized they were being attacked. The last slaver twirled his swords, slas.h.i.+ng and stabbing at the auburn-haired Knight who dodged every blow. Weaponless, the Knight used a piece of wood as a s.h.i.+eld. He blocked two sword swipes, kicked one of the blades from the slaver's hand, and dropped to the ground, one long leg las.h.i.+ng out in a sweep that knocked his opponent to the dirt. Another quick kick in the head rendered him unconscious.

Lock glanced around and saw Knights and islanders driving off the few remaining slavers, then focused his full attention on his leg. Blaze had already knelt beside him, examining the wound.

”Thank you,” Lock told his friend, gritting his teeth as the arrow was removed. ”You saved my life.”

”Thank you,” Blaze said. ”Your strength is as admirable as your courage.”

”Anybody would have done the same.”

”Not anybody.” Blaze bound the wound. ”We'll care for this on the s.h.i.+p.”

Rain and his dogs, all three covered in dirt and blood, approached. ”The island is secure. Some of the Knights are staying behind to help rebuild. As soon as we reach home, we'll send a fresh crew.” He glanced at Lock's leg. ”You'll need to rest that for a while. Looks like you're on light duty for the remainder of the journey. Good work, men. This was no easy test for any of us.”

Several hours later, Lock lay in one of the holds, his bandaged leg propped on a sack of supplies. Blaze had cleaned the wound and said Lock should heal well, though it would take time.

Lock folded his arms behind his head. ”At least I'm off duty for a few days.” The injury was uncomfortable, but he'd had far worse. When he'd found himself surrounded by slavers, he had antic.i.p.ated another whipping. He'd take the leg wound over that any day.

He closed his eyes, hoping he could fall asleep and dream about Sparrow, but footsteps drew his attention to the hatch. Blaze, followed by a young island boy with a black and white bird perched on his shoulder, approached.

”You gifted him with life, he gifts you with a soaring companion,” Blaze said.

”Huh?” Lock asked, grateful for all Blaze's help, but a bit too tired to figure out his riddles.

”If it hadn't been for you, me, my mother, and my sister would have died in the fire,” the boy said. He raised his arm and the bird hopped on his wrist, its curved, yellow beak reminding Lock of a colorful anchor. ”We haven't much left after these battles, but we'd like you to have one of our birds.”

”That's not necessary,” Lock said. The last thing he needed when he came home to Sparrow was a bird on his shoulder. She'd think he was more daft than ever.

”Please.” The boy extended his wrist. The bird settled onto Lock's broad shoulder.

”h.e.l.lo,” the bird croaked, and Lock felt his eyes widen in surprise.

”Our family has bred and trained these birds for years,” the boy explained. ”Unfortunately, most of them were lost when the island was seized, but we've recovered a few.”

”h.e.l.lo,” the bird said again.

”How are you?” Lock said, then raised his eyes to the ceiling. He'd just spoken to a bird!

”He learns quickly,” the boy said. ”We've taught him several words, but with patience, you can teach him more.”

”You don't have to give him to me. It was no trouble.”

”You were wounded because of us.”

”No. I attract trouble. Ask anyone on board. Blaze?” He looked to the auburn-haired Knight for help, but only received an amused smile.

”We insist,” the boy said. He climbed up the hatch, Blaze behind him.

”Hey!” Lock shouted. ”I don't need a bird! I don't-”

”How about an ale?” The bird fixed its glossy black eyes on Lock.

”I think I need a barrel of it,” he muttered, then sat up straighter, an idea forming in his mind. ”Can you say Sparrow?”

”How about an ale?”

Lock sighed. It was going to be an interesting trip home.

Lock stood on deck of the Ocean Star as it docked in the waters in a coastal village two days from home. He watched several Knights board, men as eager as Lock and the crew to return home after long a.s.signments.

Home. Lock sighed, squinting against the sunlight. Sparrow. And the dubbing. For the first time in his life, a year and eight months at sea had challenged him. He'd been separated from Sparrow and knew this a.s.signment would decide whether or not he was of the right quality to enter the Ruby Order. There had been plenty of hard work, fighting, sleepless nights, and rough weather, but for the first time in his life, he felt proud of his actions. The Knights had given aid wherever it was required and had even picked up several new recruits after the battle at Black Haven. These men all wore gray tunics similar to Lock's. He glanced down at his own. It was tattered from use, but it fit more comfortably. Much like myself, he thought.

”b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l,” a voice croaked close to Lock's ear.

He glanced at the black and white bird and snapped, ”I told you not to say that.”