Part 44 (1/2)

And I'll bet he cringes every time Lock opens his big mouth or finishes a tavern fight, Sparrow thought to herself. Why had she ever thought joining the Order would curb his wild nature? Still, she knew once he made it to the dubbing, his courage and strength would be an a.s.set the Ruby Order. Evidently they thought so, too.

After the women finished their meal and said good night, Sparrow walked to the room she shared with Lock. It was large enough for them to live comfortably, and contained a bed, trunk, table, and bookshelf. Sparrow undressed and slipped into her nights.h.i.+rt. She chose a book and sat at the table with a mug of tea. Lock had been away for nearly three days-one day longer than expected. The moon was high in the sky outside their window when he stepped into the room, looking tired.

Sparrow stood and embraced him. His arms slid around her and he held her tightly.

”I thought you'd be back earlier.”

”Got stuck with extra guard duty.” He shrugged his shoulders. ”My back is killing me.”

”Extra guard duty?” Sparrow took the tunic he pulled off and set it aside for was.h.i.+ng. She noted it was filthy with dirt and blood, but didn't bother asking where the blood had come from. She knew he'd been sent to a.s.sist the healers who were lending aid to a mining colony that had a cave-in four days ago.

”Told Sir Warrant he was wrong about the way he divided the men for rebuilding. Should have kept my big mouth shut, but he was willing to let it pa.s.s when he realized I was right. Then, just hours before I'm ready to come back home, some big miner starts giving me trouble, so I gave him some trouble. Got me a s.h.i.+ft on guard duty on the Fortress wall on what should have been my time off.”

”So you've been home since this morning and I didn't even know?”

”I was on duty, girl. Came home as soon as I could. I have to meet Blaze in the morning to help him make medicines in his herbarium.” Lock sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his bloodshot eyes. He took Sparrow's hand and tugged her beside him. ”I'm sorry. I wanted to see you, too.”

”Honestly, Lock, can't you behave?” Sparrow felt torn between irritation and sympathy. She climbed behind him on the bed and brushed aside hair as unruly as he was. Her fingers ma.s.saged the taut muscles of his shoulders and back. He released a guttural moan of satisfaction. ”It's bad enough how much time you spend working without acting up and having more s.h.i.+fts added on. Don't you ever want to see me?”

”I always say I'm going to keep my mouth shut, but it just doesn't work, girl. Rub a little to the left...”

Sparrow moved her hands, finding a particularly knotted muscle just below his nape. ”Well don't get yourself thrown out before you get dubbed, or all this work will be for nothing.”

Lock stretched out on the bed and tugged her to his chest.

”Other than you, this is the only thing worthwhile I've ever had in my life,” he said. ”I have to become a Knight, Sparrow. There was a time when I thought it was impossible for me, but it's not.”

”I know it's not.” She squeezed him. From the moment she'd seen him, something inside her knew he was a man of courage and quality. He might not be the most polished of men, but he was what Knights were made of. She kissed his chest. ”You'll be a Knight, Lock. I know you will.”

She wasn't sure if he heard her, since he was fast asleep.

Somehow, Lock and his temper made it through the first crucial year of training. After that, he was often sent away for months at a time as a crew member on different s.h.i.+ps of the Order. If Sparrow had missed him before, it was nothing compared to those lonely months while he was away. Though she didn't always see him at home, he was stationed nearby. At least none of the a.s.signments lasted longer than two months. However his final mission before dubbing was to the far east, a journey that could take up to two years.

The day he left, Sparrow stood at the dock and clung to him tightly before he boarded the s.h.i.+p. ”I love you so much. I'll miss you.”

”I'll miss you, too, girl.” He kissed her deeply, his eyes reflecting her sadness. ”Just think. When this is over, I'll be a s.h.i.+p's captain again. Now that Mahir has officially made you an amba.s.sador for the Order, you'll be able to travel with me.”

”I can scarcely wait.”

”Lock!” One of the Knights waved to him from the deck. ”Get up here!”

He brushed a final kiss across Sparrow's mouth and boarded.

She watched as the s.h.i.+p vanished on the horizon. Sparrow hugged her waist and sighed. She knew this separation was to be the longest, but when he returned, Lock would be dubbed a Knight of the Ruby Order. She wanted to tell him a secret she'd been keeping for the past several days, but he had enough to worry about without knowing he was leaving her with a child. Once it was born, she'd send him a message and hope it would reach him.

”Sparrow.” Honey Wine approached and placed a hand on her shoulder. ”How are you feeling?”

”I miss him.”

”I know.” The Mistress placed an arm around her. ”This time will pa.s.s more quickly than you realize. Torn has often told me Lock is a fine addition to the Order. They need men with his skills.”

”He's had so many reprimands because of his temper.”

Honey Wine shook her head. ”He's not the only Knight to engage in brawls while traveling, even though the others say he attracts trouble like flies to a pig's rear end, but I think he's mellowed.”

”Not where it counts.” Sparrow touched a hand to her stomach. One thing about their small separations while he was at sea, they invigorated their love life. Just last night, he'd made love to her for so long she'd nearly fallen asleep before he'd finished. He'd said he didn't want her to forget him while he was away, as if such a thing could ever happen.

Honey Wine laughed. ”So do you have any names picked out?”

Though Sparrow wished Lock wasn't away, preparing for her baby kept her occupied. Her pregnancy was pleasant, and most of the wives, particularly Honey Wine and Lily, were helpful to her, though Honey Wine was only around as often as her duties to her kingdom would allow.

One evening, Sparrow sat with her two friends by the river outside the Knights' fortress. They watched Lily's children and Honey Wine's daughter splas.h.i.+ng in the water, and talked about the approaching winter.

A teenage boy wearing the gray robe of a trainee approached with a message for Sparrow.

She unwrapped the parchment with excited fingers and grinned as she told her friends, ”It's from Lock.”

”How is he?” Honey Wine asked.

Sparrow's eyes scanned the parchment, and she touched the bold black lettering, thinking that Lock's hands had also touched the letter. She smiled at some of his promises of how they were going to celebrate when he returned, but kept those parts of the message to herself. She told her companions, ”He said they'll be leaving for home in three weeks. They've stopped in Upper Kenna. He said they sometimes work for days at a time with little rest or food. There have been a lot of skirmishes with Zaltana, even so far east. He said he's tired, but a good tired.”

”He's a Knight, that's for sure,” Honey Wine said.

”Have you told him about the baby?” Lily asked.

”No. As soon as it's born, I'll send a message.”

”You better sharpen your quill,” Lily told her. ”You're due any day now.”

”I'm just glad you're here to deliver it.”

Chapter Twenty Eight.

”I can't believe we're on our way home.” Sir Erik said as he and Lock sat on deck of a s.h.i.+p called the Ocean Star, oldest of the Ruby Order's small fleet, but one of the finest. It had carried the group of Knights to and from the far east, through two storms and several battles with stray Zaltanian troops. Now they were so close to home they could almost smell the wild flowers that littered the hillside behind the Order's fortress.

Lock thought of Sparrow so often during their separation. Each night, she was his last thought before falling asleep. In the midst of battle and disease-ridden towns where the Knights stopped to lend aid, the thought of returning to her often kept him from giving in to utter despair. He'd spent his life fighting, but becoming a Knight meant more than soldiering. He'd finally become a healer, and with that came greater responsibility than he'd ever imagined. At times the Order perplexed him. They fought and healed. One moment his sword sliced a man's gut, the next he st.i.tched someone's war wound.

”You finally made it,” Erik continued. ”When we get home, you'll be dubbed.”

”I've learned not to count on my wager until the horse crosses the finish.” Lock took a long drink from a wine flask and pa.s.sed it to Erik.

The Knight swallowed a mouthful. ”I'm glad you decided to join us. I had a feeling about you all those years ago when I saw you fight Miska.”

”The hardest part for me has been walking in line.”