Part 41 (1/2)

”I'm takin' the job!” Janos slapped his fist into his palm. ”Why the h.e.l.l not?”

”Good for you!” Opal lifted her mug of tea to him, and the others joined her.

”You know, I hate to admit it, but I'm gonna miss travelin' with you,” Janos told Lock. ”You ain't so bad.”

”Neither are you.” He took a swallow of ale. ”By the way, sorry about your finger.”

”You should be.” Janos reached for a chicken wing, and nothing more was said on the matter as the group discussed possibilities for the future.

When the others had retired for the night, Lock and Sparrow sat close to the fire, his arm around her. She leaned her head against his shoulder and entangled her fingers with his.

”Prem said the gypsies will be moving again soon,” she said.

”Where to this time?”

”Not sure yet.”

”Are you going with them?” He asked that question each time the gypsies left a village or town, and the answer was always the same. He didn't know why he even bothered asking. His hair would probably go completely white by the time she decided to marry him, if ever.

Sparrow looked at him, her eyes glistening in the firelight. She shook her head. ”Not this time.”

His stomach fluttered and he wasn't certain if his disbelief was visible in his eyes. She smiled and looped her arms around his neck as he kissed her.

The following afternoon, Sparrow and Lock married in the temple on the outskirts of the village. Janos, Opal, Prem, and Mita witnessed the joining, and afterward the gypsies provided a fine celebration.

Lock had intended to travel alone to retrieve the money he'd buried while following Sparrow, but she insisted on accompanying him. He was glad. Another separation from her was the last thing he wanted.

Once they'd gathered the money, they'd return to Rose Cove, build a house, and then he'd find a crew of men interested in trade and begin building his s.h.i.+p.

Later, they set up their camp away from the others. A breeze kept the warm night comfortable. Lock turned Sea Storm out to pasture, then he and Sparrow went for a midnight swim in a nearby brook. Wrapped in soft plaid robes they'd bought each other as wedding gifts in the market that morning, they walked back to the fire.

”Are you happy?” he asked.

”Very happy.” She rubbed her cheek, cool from the brook's water, against his. ”Are you?”

”I've never been so happy.” He kissed the top of her head and stood, walking to the wagon. She added another log to the fire then sat, giddy with joy. Since she'd met Lock, she wanted him. He'd been such a rogue back then, but somehow she'd sensed they were meant to be together.

She felt his hands brush the hair from her back and drape it over her shoulder. Warm lips touched her bare nape before he slipped a slender rope of braided brown leather around her neck and fastened it loosely. A delicate gold bird hung from the leather, and she touched it with her fingertips. ”What's this?”

”Another wedding present. I bought it months ago and was waiting for the right time to give it to you.”

She smiled. ”It's a sparrow. Thank you, Lock. I love it.”

”What about me?”

She laughed and hugged him. ”I love you more than anything.”

They slipped off their robes and climbed beneath the blankets by the fire, Sparrow curled against his chest. He stroked tangled hair from her forehead and kissed her.

”So this is our wedding night.” She smiled, running a fingertip down his nose.

His lips turned up in a wolfish grin as he slid his hands down her back and cupped her naked b.u.t.tocks. ”Good thing I don't have to waste time being gentle.”

”Gentle!” She gripped a handful of his kinky hair. ”Since when have you ever been gentle?”

”You always said you like it rough, Princess.” He rolled her onto her back and covered her body with his, running his tongue down her neck while one hand caressed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. ”And I always aim to please.”

”In what little time you work with.”

His startled gaze flew to her face, and she laughed. ”I was only teasing.”

”Were you, girl?” He slid down her body, raining kisses over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, belly, and hips. ”We'll see if you're in the mood for humor in about an hour or two.”

”What lofty goals you set.” She tried to sound mocking which was difficult to do when his lips tugged at her c.l.i.t and his tongue thrust into her p.u.s.s.y, swirling and tasting. She clutched handfuls of his two-toned hair and closed her eyes, her body aflame. The marvelous, relentless lapping of his warm, wet tongue over her c.l.i.t flung her into o.r.g.a.s.m. She convulsed, moaning and panting. ”G.o.ddess help me. Lock!”

She heard the laughter in his voice. ”What's wrong, girl? Tired already.”

”You must be joking.” She gasped as he resumed the fantastic torture. ”You still have a lot to teach me.”

”You're a luscious student.”

”I love you, Lock.” Her eyes opened halfway, and she gazed at him.

He stared at her, all humor gone from his handsome face. He reached for her hands and entwined his fingers with hers. ”I love you too, Sparrow.”

”Say it again.”

”I love you.”

Sparrow knew she'd never heard words so beautiful.

Bending his head, he returned to her aching c.l.i.t and ran the tip of his tongue along the ultra-sensitive sides of it. She quivered, her legs clamping his shoulders while his hands kneaded her b.u.t.tocks and clutched her hips. This time when she came, the sensations were almost too powerful. She lay in blackness, aware only of the waves of pleasure breaking over her convulsing body.

”I need you, Sparrow,” he said in a husky voice. ”I need you so badly.”

Sparrow reached for him, pulling him close. He slid into her, groaning with desire. Her legs wrapped around his, her feet pressing him closer, deeper, while her fingertips stroked his back and ribs. She felt his heart pounding, though his thrusts were long and slow. Soft lips covered hers in a tender kiss. His tongue rimmed her mouth then thrust inside, meeting hers. He kissed her so deeply she thought he might draw her very soul out of her body and into his. She would welcome such a joining, for she felt they already shared two parts of one soul.

Another o.r.g.a.s.m built deep inside her. The exquisite pressure was almost unbearable. He must have felt the same, for she felt his heart racing, keeping time with hers as his thrusts increased. Suddenly Sparrow exploded, her cry of pure pa.s.sion absorbed by his kiss. As she clung to him with all her strength, riding out her pleasure, she felt him stiffen and surge into her with several fast, hard thrusts. Tearing his mouth from hers, he gasped out his o.r.g.a.s.m. He collapsed, his big, hard body pinning hers to the mattress. She felt his every harsh breath mingling with hers as she languidly stroked his curly hair.

”I love you, Lock,” she whispered.

”I love you, too.”

She smiled as he rolled onto his side, holding her close.