Part 40 (1/2)

”Probably just wants to get close enough to her to steal her purse.”

Sparrow laughed. ”Opal would cut off the rest of his fingers, believe me.”

”Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

”Yes,” she gazed at him through her lashes, ”but you can tell me again.”

He kissed her hair. ”You're beautiful.”

”Eh, Lock!” Janos called over his shoulder. ”It's a sailor's sky tonight, ain't it?”

The group looked at the stars and moon gleaming brightly in the clear sky.

”I'd say so.” Lock took Sparrow's hand as they walked.

”What do you mean, a sailor's sky?” Opal asked.

”No storm in sight. Perfect for navigatin',” Janos explained.

Lock smiled slightly. ”Imagine being at sea right now. Cool, salty breeze. The s.h.i.+p rocking like a cradle. What a night to stare at the waves.”

Sparrow felt a twinge of apprehension. ”You miss the sea.”

”I miss the sea, but it's not forever. I'll have enough for a s.h.i.+p soon, and-”

”A s.h.i.+p!” Janos eyes widened. ”You're going back to pirating? And you had me buying all that rubbish about honest livin'. I knew you didn't really turn in to a woman, Lock the White!”

Lock gently smacked the back of Janos's head. ”What do you mean a woman? I'm not going back to pirating, and neither are you. It's going to be a s.h.i.+p for fis.h.i.+ng and trade.”

”Ah s.h.i.+t,” Janos muttered. ”At least it'll be a s.h.i.+p. And if it ain't a pirate s.h.i.+p, I guess you won't be cuttin' off any more of me fingers.” Janos turned his big, green eyes to Opal. ”He cut off me pinky finger, you know.”

”So I heard.”

”Ain't that brutal?”

”Yes, it is.” Opal shot Lock a disgusted look then turned the same face to Janos. ”But don't expect too much sympathy. He could have killed you for stealing, and you still haven't learned your lesson, even after losing a finger.”

Janos whistled and turned to Lock and Sparrow. ”She's a rough woman, ain't she?”

”I think you should stay at our camp tonight,” Opal suggested to Lock, ”especially since all your belongings have been stolen. You can have a good meal, share our fire. The others would like to meet you.”

”We've met, remember?”

”Yes, but that wasn't a social visit. You practically tore apart our camp looking for Sparrow.”

”I hardly call that tearing apart a camp,” Lock said. ”I just looked around a little.”

”You looked under the beds in our caravans.”

He shrugged. ”She could have been there. Who knew you'd have her dressed like a fat, wrinkled old man?”

”Sea Storm knew me.” Sparrow patted the stallion's flank.

”I should have paid more attention to him.” Lock tickled her, and she playfully slapped his hands away. ”Thanks for the offer, but Janos and I will be fine at our own camp.”

”Speak for yourself,” the boy snorted. ”If I can get a good meal and better company than you, I'm takin' it.”

”Meal? You haven't stopped eating since we got to the tavern.”

”I wish you'd stay.” Sparrow looked up at Lock.

”You do?”

She nodded and slipped her hand into his.

”If you want to be a stubborn fool, go ahead,” Janos stated. ”I'm spendin' the night with them.”

”Then I guess I'll have to stay to keep you out of trouble.”

”Me? Trouble?”

At the top of the next hill, the gypsy camp was visible below. The caravans and wagons stood in a semi-circle. Several fires burned, a few people seated by the flames.

”Almost everyone is in bed,” Sparrow said.

”Sounds good to me.” Opal yawned. ”After a snack.”

”I'm for that,” Janos said.

”That's a surprise,” Opal glanced at the boy. ”Come on. I'll see what's left over from supper.”

”Opal, would you take the horse with you? I want to show Lock the river.”

Janos winked at Lock. ”I'll take Sea Storm, so all you'll have to worry about is looking at the river.”

”That boy is almost more trouble than he's worth,” Lock muttered, watching Opal, Janos, and the horses hurry toward the camp.

”You like him very much, don't you?” Sparrow tugged him toward the next hill.

”He has potential but hasn't had much of a chance.”

”I think you're feeling guilty about cutting off his finger.”

”I am not. If Rino had been Captain, the boy would have been shark food.”

”So you did him a favor by maiming him?”