Part 39 (2/2)

Lock shook his head. ”Good for him, but I get the feeling it's going to be bad for me. He'll probably try to kill me in my sleep.”

”You did cut off his finger.”

”Yes, and I just saved his neck. That boy attracts trouble-and it's going to be like chewing rocks to get him to keep his hands off other people's belongings. Speaking of belongings, everything in my wagon got stolen this afternoon, so it's a good thing I got the extra work here.”

”All your things are gone?”

”Even my underpants.”

Sparrow laughed, and Lock felt a smile playing around his own lips. ”Think that's funny, do you, girl?”

”I'm sorry.” Sparrow swiped the tears streaming from her eyes as she leaned against the wall, dissolved in laughter. ”Who would want your underpants?”

”They were good wool ones for the winter.”

Sparrow collapsed on the floor, unable to control her mirth.

”Took my frying pan, my razor-”

”What do you need a razor for?” She pointed to his white streaked beard.

”To shave my privates before I wear the wool underwear.” He tossed her a sarcastic look and folded his arms across his chest. ”Will you get up from there. It's not all that funny. Good thing I didn't keep the money I've earned in the wagon or else four months of work would have been gone to the wind.”

”Where are your earnings, then?”

”Buried over half this continent. I couldn't very well take it with me in the wagon while I was trailing you all over creation.”

”Buried?” Her laughter resumed. ”You're not even a pirate anymore, but you're still burying your money!”

”Glad to see how much I'm amusing you tonight.”

She stood and slid her arms around his waist. ”I'm sorry. I've almost forgotten why I fell in love with you. You make me laugh and you make me crazy.”

He cupped her cheek and kissed her, his eyes slipping shut, enjoying the sensation of her lips and her firm curves pressed close to his body.

”Sparrow, get out there!” Opal said as she stepped into the kitchen.

Sparrow tugged away from Lock, blew him a kiss over her shoulder, and hurried to the floor.

”That was quite a performance you gave,” Opal said to Lock. ”Sparrow told me you could dance, but I wasn't sure.”

”Have you been teaching her?”

”Yes. She does well. The men love her.”

”Do they?” Lock wondered if his irritation was apparent.

”She has a beautiful body.”

”Yes, she does.” Lock walked out to the table where Janos was shoving in a variety of foods.

”Slow down before you kill yourself.” Lock s.n.a.t.c.hed a slice of bread from Janos's plate.

”So? You never know when it's going to be your last meal.” The boy's words were garbled as he spoke with a full mouth.

Lock's gaze fixed on Sparrow as she danced. Most of the women had dispersed, and the room was now filled with men, drinking, eating, and ogling Sparrow and Opal.

Someone nudged Lock in the shoulder, and he glanced at a plump, dark-haired woman. She offered him a l.u.s.ty smile. ”That was a fine performance.”

”Thank you.”

”Last time I saw such a stud, my husband borrowed his brother's breeding bull.”

Lock resisted the urge to raise his eyes.

The woman's hand slid up his arm. ”Looking for some company later on tonight?”

Lock smiled at her. ”Lovely as you are, I'm already spoken for.”

The woman sighed. ”Oh well. Who's the lucky woman?”

Lock pointed at Sparrow.

The woman curled her lip as she watched Sparrow tug the veil from her fit, rounded body. ”I should have guessed. Will you be here again tomorrow?”

”Yes, I will.”

”See you then.” The woman removed her hand from Lock's arm and left.

”You're a b.l.o.o.d.y fool,” Janos said, a piece of apple sticking out of the corner of his mouth. ”You could be making money bedding these wenches.”

”Don't you know what self-respect is?” Lock took a chunk of meat from his plate, and Janos nearly stabbed him with his knife.

”Get your own. I'm hungry,” Janos ordered.

”For a skinny little thing you eat like a half-starved pig.”

Janos cast Lock a sidelong look. ”Better than having a face like one.”

Lock cursed under his breath and waved for Leah to take his order. He was beginning to understand why the sheriff wanted to hang the boy.

Lock and Sparrow walked together to the gypsy camp, Opal and Janos ahead of them, the horses plodding alongside each of the youths.

”They seem to get along well,” Sparrow nodded toward the boy and girl. ”Janos is actually being polite.”
