Part 49 (2/2)
”Young ood sailor never loses an oar How do you feel, Desiree?”
”Like a drowned rat,” she answered, but with a laugh in her voice
”I'm faint and sick and wet, and my throat is ready to burst, but I wouldn't have lorious! I'd like to do it again”
”Yes, you would,” said Harry skeptically ”You're welcome, thank you
But what I want to know is, where did that oar come from?”
I explained that I had taken the precaution to fall on it
”Do you never lose your head?” asked Desiree
”No, merely htness that still had a sting, ”ood friend, you never had any”
Whereupon I returned to h, as I have said, we appeared to be in a lake--for I could see no bank on either side--there was still a current We drifted slowly, but our movement was plainly perceptible, and I rested on my oar
Presently a wall looain narrowed down as it entered the tunnel, much lower than the one above the cataract The current became swifter as ere carried toward its et his spear to keep us off from the walls if it should prove necessary But we entered exactly in the center and were swept forith a rush
The ceiling of the tunnel was so low that we could not stand upright on the raft, and the strea but proh to the western slope, its volu instead of di of that to Harry or Desiree
We had sailed along thus without incident for upward of half an hour, when rief
Suddenly, without warning, there was a violent jar and the raft rebounded with a force that all but threw us into the water Coainst the other bank
But, owing to the flexibility of its sides, the raft escaped da off, and ung round and caught the current again round the curve
But that bend was to the left, as the other had been, whichin exactly the opposite direction of that in which we had started! Which, in turn,in and out in a circle and getting nowhere Harry and Desiree had apparently not noticed the fact, and I said nothing of it Tih when they should find out for theh a slim one
Soon the bed of the stream became nearly level, for we barely moved
The roof of the tunnel was very low--but a scant foot above our heads as we sat or crouched on the raft It was necessary to keep a sharp lookout ahead; a rock projecting from above would have swept us into the water
The air, too, was close and foul; our breath became labored and difficult; and Desiree, half stifled and drowsy, passed into a fitful and broken sleep, stirring restlessly and panting for air Harry had taken the bow and I lay across the stern Suddenly his voice ca that we had left the tunnel
I sat up quickly and looked round The walls were no longer to be seen; we had evidently entered a cavern similar to the one in which we had e across to Harry's side
He assented, and I took the oar and worked the raft over to the left
There was but little current and she ell in In a few minutes ere in shalloater, and Harry and I jumped off and shoved her to the bank
Desiree sat up, rubbing her eyes