Part 50 (1/2)
”Where are we?” she asked
Harry explained while we beached the raft Then we broke out our provisions and partook of them
”But why do we stop?” asked Desiree
The words ”Because we are not getting anywhere” rose to my lips, but I kept them back
”For a rest and soo on!”
So as soon as we had eaten our fill we loaded the stuff again and prepared to shove off By that time I think Harry, too, had realized the hopelessness of our expedition, for he had lost all his enthusias, nor did I We secured Desiree on her pile of skins and again pushed out into the current
The cavern was not large, for we had been under way but a few ain entered a tunnel, so low and narrow that I hesitated about entering at all I consulted Harry
”Take a chance,” he advised ”Why not? As well that as anything”
We slipped through the entrance
The current was extreish, and we barely seemed to move
Still ent forward
”If we only had a little speed we could stand it,” Harry grumbled
Which shows that abefore ere offering up thanks that our speed had been so slight
To be exact, about an hour, as well as I could measure time, which passed slowly; for not only were the minutes tedious, but the foulness of the air ain lying down, half-unconscious but not asleep, for now and then she spoke drowsily Harry complained of a dizziness in the head, and h reeable compared to that
Suddenly the swiftness of the current increased appreciably on the instant; there was a swift jerk as ere carried forward I rose to azed intently ahead I could see nothing save that the stream had narrowed to half its for narrower
We went faster and faster, and the stream narrowed until the bank was but a few feet away on either side
”Watch the stern!” I called to Harry ”Keep her off with your spear!”
Then a wall looht it meant another bend in the stream, and I strained my eyes intently in the effort to discover its direction, but I could see nothing save the black wall
We approached closer; I shouted to Harry and Desiree to brace the that the raft would meet the rock squarely and not on a corner
I had barely had tirasp the straps behind e struck with terrific force The raft rebounded several feet, tre past us with noisy impetuosity
There was a cry froht!” I crawled to the bow Along the top the hide covering had been split open for several feet, but the water did not quite reach the opening
And we had reached the end of our ambitious journey For that black wall h a narrow hole, which accounted for the sudden, swift rush of the current
Above the upper rim of the hole the surface of the water whirled about in a widening circle; to this had we been led by the stream that was to have carried us to the land of sunshi+ne