Volume I Part 26 (1/2)
He fell into a chair, s.n.a.t.c.hed off his cap, unbuckled his cloak, and shook his feet to rid himself of his top-boots, and as they were far too large, he sent one in the face of the countryman who had been waiting so long for him, and whom, in his hurried home-coming, he had not noticed.
The little thickset man, who was staring at Chamoureau with wide-open eyes, like a fisherman who thinks that he sees something at the end of his line, seemed far from pleased at receiving the Louis XIII boot in his face, and cried out:
”Well, look here, you--Carnival--do you take my face for a boot-jack?
What sort of an animal is this, anyway?”
Thereupon the business agent, perceiving that there was a man seated in one corner of the room, made him a low bow.
”I beg pardon, monsieur, a thousand pardons; I didn't see you.--Madame Monin, my slippers, at once. What does monsieur wish?”
”What I wish is to speak to the master of the house, the business man--because I have business--and it ain't a small matter either--to put in his hands.”
”I, monsieur, am the master of the house, Chamoureau,--at your service.
We will step into my office, when I have my slippers and dressing gown.--Come, Madame Monin.”
”I'm looking for 'em, monsieur, but I don't know where you've hid 'em; I can't put my hand on 'em.”
”What's that! is that the truth? you're the business agent?” said the countryman, scrutinizing Chamoureau from head to foot.
”To be sure, monsieur, I am the man.”
”Are you always dressed like this--with spangles all over you, and such a funny-looking cravat?”
”No, monsieur, this is a disguise which I a.s.sumed, contrary to my custom; it must not be regarded as establis.h.i.+ng a precedent.”
”Ah! so you spent the night at the masquerade, and then you went round drinking at wine-shops--raising the devil, as your servant said just now!”
”You are mistaken, monsieur; a man may go to the ball by chance--there's no law against it--but that is no reason why he should visit wine-shops and raise the devil afterward.”
”Well then, as your fandangoes end at daylight, what have you been doing since then that makes you come home so late, if you haven't been the rounds of the wine-shops?”
”It seems to me that these are rather unusual questions, monsieur.”
”d.a.m.nation! monsieur, let me tell you that what I've seen sets one to thinking. Do you suppose I'm going to put my business in your hands, and give a power of attorney to collect a plump little sum of money to a man what dresses like this and shows himself in the streets in such a dress at this time of day--goes on sprees in short, at an age when he ought to behave himself! _Nenni_, nenni! this sort of thing don't give me confidence in you. I'll go and look for a business agent who ain't up to such tricks!”
And the countryman rose and prepared to leave the room.
Chamoureau, who was very uncomfortable because he had taken off his boots and had not received his slippers, none the less ran after the client who was about to escape him, and seized his arm, saying:
”For heaven's sake, monsieur, don't judge by appearances; I am not a frequenter of b.a.l.l.s. Besides, here in Paris a man may amuse himself a little and still attend to his business; indeed, it often happens that you meet at a ball or at the theatre the very persons you want to see.--Madame Monin! sapristi! my slippers!”
”Tell me, then, where you hid them, monsieur.”
”Look under my bed.--Entrust your business to me, monsieur, and rest a.s.sured that I will look after it with all the zeal that I always display in behalf of my clients, who, I venture to say, have never had occasion thus far to do anything but congratulate themselves on having placed their interests in my hands.”
”_Ouiche!_ that's all very fine talk! but I believe what I see.--They told me that Monsieur Chamoureau was a widower, but that he still cried for his wife.”
”That's the truth, monsieur, the exact truth.--O Eleonore! why are you not here to defend your husband!”